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1、Unit 1That s what friends are for!P22 ConversationA Listen and practice.Chris: Do you have a date for the party yet?Kim: Actually, I don t Do you think you could help me find one?Chris: Hmm. What kind of guys do you like?Kim: Oh, I like guys who aren t too serious and who have a good sense of humor.

2、 You know . like you.Chris: OK. What else?Kim: Well, I d prefer someone I have something in common with- who I can talk toeasily.Chris: I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him?Kim: No, I don t think so.Chris: Let me arrange for you to meet him, and you can tell me what you

3、think. B Listen to Chris and Kim discussing Bob after Kim met him. How did Kim like him?Chris: So, what s the Verdict? What did you think of Bob?Kim: Well, I was worried at first especially when I saw that he wears not one but two earrings, I thought he might turn out to be one of those guys who are

4、 into heavy rock music and stuff like that. You know what I mean?Chris: But he s just a regular kind of guy, right?Kim: Yeah, we got along really well!Chris: I just knew you d like him.Kim: Yeah, I do, and he s really funny. He had me laughing hysterically during dinner. I think the people sitting n

5、ext to us in the restaurant thought we were crazy.Chris: So, are you two going to get together again?Kim: Definitely, in fact, we re going to a concert tomorrow night.Chris: That s great.P4Listening What are they like?B Listen to conversations about what the people above are like.Write down two adje

6、ctives for each person. How similar were your guesses?1. AndreaA: So, have you seen Andrea lately?B: Yeah, I see her pretty often. We work together at a cafe latt e .A: How s she doing, I ve been meaning to call her.B: Well, to be honest! I ve always thought she s a little difficult. But these days,

7、 I find her impossible.A: What do you mean?B: Oh, you know how she is. She has such strong ideas about everything. If you don agree with her she lets you know what she thinks of you.A: Yes, that s true. But that s why we love her, right?B: Yeah, I guess so. But she s changed a lot since she started

8、college.She talked about herself all the time and she always manages to mention how good she is at everything she does.A: Hmm. Maybe I won t call her after all.2. JamesA: Are you going to James party on Saturday?B: Of course, James always gives the best parties. And there are always lots of interest

9、ing new people to meet.A: That s true. I don t know where he manages to find them all.C: Well, you know what he lsike. He makes friends very easily. He really likes talking to people, and he loves inviting people over.A: Ur Ur, he invited me for dinner last Saturday, what a feast!B: Yeah, he s a gre

10、at cook too.A: After dinner I offered to help clean up, he told me not to worry about it. He saids nothing, no big deal.s a little strange.s hard to predict. Sometimes hehe d take care of it in the morning. He was like. ItB: Yup, that sounds like James.3. Mr. JohnsonA: Have you met the new apartment

11、 manager?B: Mr. Johnson? Hmm. Yeah, I met him last week. HeA: Yeah, he is. I m not sure I like him. He cheerful and talkative, and the next day he doesn t even say hello. I think he must have personal problems or something.t done it.B: I think you re rightA. nd have you noticed that half the time wh

12、en he says he s going to do something, he never actually does it? He told me three times he fix the light in my kitchen, and he still hasnUnit 2Career movesA listen and practice.Tracy: Good news! I ve found a summer job!Mark: That s great! Anything interesting?T: Yes, working at an amusement park. D

13、oesn t that sound fantastic?M: Sure, it does.T: So, have you found anything?M: Nothing yet, but I vgeot a couple of leads. One is working as an intern for a record company - mostly answering phones. Or I can get a landscaping job again.T: Being an intern sounds more interesting than landscaping. And

14、 it s probably nohard!M: Yeah, but a landscaper earns more money than an intern. And you get a great tan!B Listen to the rest of the conversation. What is Tracy going to do at the amusement park?M: So what will you be doing at the amusement park, exactly?T: Actually, I ll have two jobs. First, I ll

15、be working at a place called ChildrenThey have all kinds of interesting games and educational activities for young kids. I have to go to a training program for three days before I start to find out how everything works.M: Three days? Wow, the equipment must be pretty hig-htech!T: Oh, it is a lot of computers and interesting devices. It s just the kind of stUkids love.M: Well, it sounds like the perfect job for you. I know how much you live kids. So what s your other job?T: Well. I ll also be one of the people who walks around the park greeting people.M: D


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