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1、学习必备欢迎下载上海上外附中小升初历年测试题2009综合卷:1第一个获得菲尔兹奖的华人是谁? 华罗庚,陈景润,邱成桐2给几条线路,问上外到家的最短的路径所需时间51,52,53,54,553 简便计算:3.75*138+1.25*864 几何题,求阴影部分面积5.文房四宝中的湖笔的产地?6下面的漫画的作者?(画中文字部分都被裁剪掉了)7火鸡的原产地是中国什么地方?刘禹锡还是韩愈写过咏火鸡的诗?为什么中国人不喜欢吃而外国人喜欢吃火鸡?&诗圣、诗仙、诗鬼 各是谁?9.阅读下面一段文字:(根据回忆从网上找到,原来是位小学生的作品)小白兔很想知道太阳光是什么颜色的,所以他天天看太阳光是什么颜色的。小白

2、兔去问小鸟。小鸟热情地说:太阳照在树叶上,树叶绿油油的,太阳光是绿色的。他又去问小蜜蜂。 小蜜蜂边飞边说: 太阳照在花朵上, 花朵红艳艳的,太阳光是红色的。 他又去问小青蛙。小青蛙笑嘻嘻地说: 太阳照在稻穗上,稻穗金灿灿的,太阳光是黄色的。 小白兔想: 小鸟说太阳光是绿色的,小蜜蜂说太阳光是红色的,小青蛙说太阳光是黄色的他们说的都是自己喜爱的颜色。 那么,太阳光到底是什么颜色呢?”小白兔想啊想他整整想了三个晴天。第四天,下了一场倾盆大雨,雨过天晴,天边出现了一道美丽的彩虹。对!我去问彩虹,她住在天上,一定会知道。”小白兔跑去仰起头大声问,彩虹阿姨,您知道太阳光是什么颜色的吗?”彩虹亲切的说:

3、小白兔,你先数一数我身上的颜色有几样吧!”小白兔认真地数起来:红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。啊! 一共七种颜色。”彩虹阿姨说: 对啦!我身上的七种颜色就是太阳公公给的。”小白兔快活地说:我明白了。原来,太阳光是由七种颜色组成的。谢谢您,彩虹阿姨!说完,小白兔蹦蹦跳跳地回家了。他又一蹦一跳地到象伯伯家,跟象伯伯说:象伯伯,我终于知道为什么太阳光有很多学问了。”a. 有感情朗读b. 说出与红艳艳类似的带红的词语c. 小鸟/小蜜蜂/小青蛙 的行为可以用哪个成语来描述:盲人摸象, 叶公好龙,南辕北辙英语部分: 1快听快答:a. Can you tell me the way to Shanghai Mu

4、seum? If I can take the Metro, which line can I take?b. There are many ways to make an advertiseme nt, like in n ewspaper. Can you give 3 more examples?c. If you n eed 6 minu tes to boil an egg, how long do you n eed to boil 3 eggs?d. 一堆数字运算2模仿a. 单词b. 单词c. 句子3. 听力关于Computer的文章一段(根据回忆的关键词找到这段与听到的内容基本

5、相符)The computer is a mach ine that works very fast It can add nu mbers much faster tha n a pers on can, It can remember better tha n a pers on .It can do many other thin gs. At school a computer can do maths. It can help boys and girls read, write and spell. It can remember the n ames of all the stu

6、dents in the school. Computer can help people drive cars and fly planes. A spaceship needs many computers. Teleph ones and televisi ons use computers, too. Some computers, called fax machines, can send letters. The letters travel very fast. A computer can remember what is in a store. It knows all th

7、e prices. It tells you how much to pay. It gives you change. Computers can play games, too .A computer named Big Blue is very good at playing chess. It beat the best chess player in the world. Computers are changing the way we live. Many people think that in the future computers will be used in lots

8、 and lots of everyday life.a. Which of the following is the meaning of the text?Computer can make huma n life betterb. Which of 3 following is mentioned in the text?四个去掉一个 Spaceship needn t any computer.4. 阅读一篇有四段的文章大意:Dick is a doctor in USA, he w 填词-60 hours a week, he has to take care of 150 pati

9、ents a week He has his own TV show, he always sings a song and give some medicaladvises at the begi nning of the show. Then he sings some other son gs.Dick s favorite song is love song, he ha a CD of love song, which is wrote by himself. But his father didn t want him to be 填司 wen he was a Child, so

10、 he has to go to medical school. Dick says that medici ne and m 填词 both have bee n used to make people happier根据大意,搜到根据以下文字改编2002年江苏省中考阅读题B. The Singing DoctorNick Petrella is a doctor in Montreal. He works 60 hours a week. He takes care of 159 patients a week in the hospital and at his office. He s

11、 been a doctor for ten years.Dr. Petrella gives his patients good medical advice. But he doesn t just tell his patients what to do. He also sings to them on television! Dr. Petrella has his own TV show. The show is in Italian, English and French. The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives

12、 medical advice. He expla ins a medical problem or disease in simple Ian guage. After that, he sings ano ther song.Dr. Petrella produces and performs in his own show every week. The program is very popular with his patie nts and with people who enjoy his singing. His dream is to perform(表演)in LasBut

13、 whVegas. His favorite songs are love son gs, and he has a compact disk of love songs that he wrote. Dr. Petrella says,I always loved to sing. All my problems are gone whe n I sing.Petrella was young, his father didn bova rslingmrtdSo he went to medical school.s difficult to malSome people tell Dr.

14、Petrella he can help people more as a doctor. But Dr. Petrella says he helps people when he sings, too. I like to make people smile. Sometimes itsick person smile. Medicine and entertainment (娱乐)both try to do the same thing. They try tomake people feel good. ”a. 概括第3/4段的大意;b. 问题1. How many patients

15、 did Dick have to take care of in a week?2. What will Dick do at the begi nning of the show?3. 一个句子 He explains a medical problem or disease in simple Ianguage,应该插在文章 中那里?5. 漫画(主题似乎源于ET外星人电影)第一幅:一个人在花园里走,来了一只飞碟第二幅:从飞碟了走出一个奇怪的外星人第三幅:这个人给了外星人很多好吃的第四幅:大问号,根据漫画遍一段话提示词: stra nge man, land, spaceship, frien dly。2008综合部分:一、长城上的最重要的关一一山海关二、活化石是什么一一银杏三、念奴娇赤壁怀古中羽扇纶巾指的是谁 一一周瑜四、山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵 ”是(刘禹锡)的作品,他还有一首诗中有 一句 朱雀桥边野草花”,后面这句是(乌衣巷口夕阳斜),朱雀桥在六大古都之一的(南京)五、阅读1有感情朗读:文章写的是关于一只小蚂蚁在牛角中走路的故事,先是越走路越窄,后来 换了个方向后,路越走越宽,来到了()的大海边。2、阅读理解,在文中的括号内写出一个关于大海的成语(要结合文章内容)3、



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