山西专版《》2011高三英语一轮课时作业 新人教版选修7-1

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1、选修7 Unit1 课时作业(三十一)Living well好好生活.单项填空1The disability makes everyday life difficult and_society should treat_disabled with dignity and respect.Athe;theB/;theCa;aDthe;/2Look!Here comes the bus and I have to go now.Thank you for coming to see me off.Goodbye,and_! Acongratulations Bcheer upCall the be

2、st Dgo ahead3She got so angry that she ran after them.She was soon_,but she continued to run.Aout of sight Bout of breathCin sight Din breath4What he said about my grades_me.Im really angry with him.Adisturbed Binterrupted Cannoyed Dencouraged5(2009年北京海淀区模拟)The new policy will_the elders a lot that

3、people over 65 can take buses free of charge.Adiscount Bsupport Capprove Dbenefit6Im taking a driving license test next month._.AAll the time BAll the best CAll the way DAll the same7When they moved to Canada,the children_the change very well.Aadapted to Badopted to Cused to Dattempted to8Email,as w

4、ell as telephones,_an important part in daily communication.Ais playing Bhave played Care playing Dplay9I went along thinking of nothing_,only looking at things around me.Ain particular Bin harmony Cin doubt Din brief10_,I lost heart in English learning,but my teacher often said to me,“Keep on worki

5、ng hard;youll succeed_.”AAt a time;in time BAt a time;on timeCAt one time;in time DAt one time;on time11You will have an idea of what a hard life the working people_at that time after you read the book.Aenjoyed Bshared Cmanaged Dlived12Wouldnt you feel rather_if you rushed to the airport to meet you

6、r friends only to find that they had already been picked up by other people?Asatisfied Bhappy Cannoyed Dbored13We must make sure that public facilities in the newlybuilt buildings,like the restroom and the lift,are_to disabled visitors.Aimpressive Bindependent Cremarkable Daccessible14Well have a sp

7、orts meet for the next three days._,we wont have lessons for three days.AIn other words BOn the other handCFor one thing DAs a matter of fact15So many model League Members_the lead,we had no_winning victories one after another.Ataking;trouble Btake;difficultyCtook;troubles Dtaking;difficult.完形填空A lo

8、ving person lives in a loving world.A hostile (敌意的) person lives in a hostile world.Everyone you meet is your mirror.Mirrors have a very particular_1_.They reflect the image in front of them.Just as a_2_mirror works as the vehicle to reflection,_3_do all of the people in our lives.When we see someth

9、ing beautiful such as a flower garden,that garden_4_a reflection.When we love someone,its a(n)_5_of loving ourselves.We have often heard things like “I love how I am when Im with that person”That simply_6_into “Im able to love me when I love that other person”_7_,when we meet someone new,we feel as

10、though we “click”Sometimes its as if weve_8_each other for a long time.That feeling can come from_9_similarities.Just as the “mirror” or other people can be a positive reflection,it is more likely that well_10_it when it has a negative connotation (内涵)_11_,its easy to remember the times when we have

11、 met someone were not particularly_12_about.We may have some criticism (批评) in our mind about the_13_.This is especially true when we get to know someone with whom we would rather spend_14_time.Oftentimes,when we_15_qualities in other people,ironically (讽刺地),its usually the mirror thats_16_to us.At

12、times we meet someone_17_and feel distant,disconnected,or disgusted._18_we dont want to believe it,and its not easy or_19_to look further,it can be a great learning lesson to_20_what part of the person is being reflected in you.Its simply just another way to create more selfawareness.1.A.target Bsty

13、leCfunction Dcolor2A.medical BphysicalCchemical Dmental3A.so BthenCnor Dneither4A.focuses on Bapplies toCworks with Dserves as5A.reward BevaluationCreflection Dexample6A.grows BtranslatesCenters Dfalls7A.Obviously BStrangelyCFortunately DFrequently8A.known BsupportedCobserved Drecognized9A.creating BlackingCsharing Dcomparing10.A.ignore BkeepCtake Dnotice11A.In brief BIn additionCFor example DAs usual12A.crazy BanxiousCupset Dconcerned13A.time BmirrorCgarden Dperson14A.less Bamazing Cmore Dvaluable15A.appreciate BdislikeCdescribe Ddi


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