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1、2022研究生入学-英语二考试全真模拟卷(附答案带详解)1. 问答题:Longevity is one of humanitys great accomplishments.Yet it is seen as one of societys great headaches.As the world greys,growth,tax revenues and workforces will decline while spending on pensions and health care will increase.However,those extra years of life are p

2、redominantly healthy ones.Too many governments and firms fail to recognise this fact,instead lumping all the extra years in the damning category of 65 and over.This binary way of thinking,seeing retirement as a cliff edge over which workers and consumers suddenly tumble,bears little relation to the

3、real world.A more radical approach would start by acknowledging that,in the rich world at least,many of the old are still young.They want to work,but more flexibly.They want to spend money,too.In western Europe the over-60s will account for 59%of consumption growth in cities between now and 2030,say

4、s McKinsey,a consultancy.答案: 本题解析:长寿是人类伟大的成就之一。然而,它被视为令社会头疼的一大难题。随着世界人口逐渐老龄化,经济增长、税收以及劳动力将会衰退,而养老金和医疗保健支出将会增加。但是在寿命延长的那些年头中,人们绝大多数都是健康的。太多政府和公司都未能认识到这个事实,而是将多出来的这几年胡乱地并人“65岁及以上”这个诅咒性的年龄组别。这样的二元思维方式,将退休视为让劳动者和消费者突然跌落的悬崖边缘,与现实世界并不相称。一种更为激进的思考方式会首先承认,至少在富裕国家中,许多老年人仍然年轻。他们想工作,不过是以更灵活式工作。他们也想花钱。咨询公司麦肯锡称,

5、从现在起到2030年,西欧60岁以上人群将贡献59%的城市消费增长。2. 问答题:Will the Apple launch have an audience of thousands clapping and cheering?Must be a new iPhone or iWatch?The truth may sound dull,but it matters as much as any fancy new product.What Apples boss,Tim Cook,presented on June 2nd,at the companys annual conference

6、 for soft-ware developers in San Francisco,were upgraded operating systems,one for its Mac desktops and laptops and another for its mobile devices,plus a new programming language.These,combined with other moves to nurture the Appleecosystem,should make its offerings even more attractive to both deve

7、lopers and consumers-and even more formidable to its rivals.Apple has lon8 devoted to providing greater convenience and user experience.The new operating systems will do more than improve on the current versions when they are released in the autumn.They will allow devices to work together perfecdy.答

8、案: 本题解析:这次苹果发布会能让千万观众欢呼雀跃吗?肯定是一款新的iPhone或iWatch吧?虽然答案或许听来无趣,但它的重要性不亚于任何一款华丽的新产品。6月2号,在三藩市举行的年度软件开发者会议上,苹果总裁蒂姆库克展示了最新升级的操作系统,其中包括一套台式和笔记本电脑系统,一套移动设备系统,同时还有一套新的编程语言。与其他构建苹果“生态系统”的举措相结合,无论是站在开发者还是消费者的角度看,新一代操作系统都会使其产品变得更有吸引力,甚至会让竞争对手望尘莫及。长期以来,苹果致力于提供更好的便利性与用户体验。新一代操作系统将于秋季发布,这一系统将不仅仅是对当前系统的提升,还会使各种设备配合

9、得天衣无缝。3. 问答题:Think about driving a route thats very familiar.It could be your commute to work, a trip into town or the way home.Whichever it is, you know every twist and turn like the back of your hand.On these sorts of trips its easy to lose concentration on the driving and pay little attention to

10、the passing scenery.The consequence is that you perceive that the trip has taken less time than it actually has. This is the well-travelled road effect: People tend to underestimate the time it takes to travel a familiar route. The effect is caused by the way we allocate our attention.When we travel

11、 down a well-known route, because we dont have to concentrate much, time seems to flow more quickly.And afterwards, when we come to think back on it, we cant remember the journey well because we didnt pay much attention to it.So we assume it was shorter.答案: 本题解析:设想开车行驶一条你非常熟悉的路线。那可能是上班的,进城或回家的必经之路。无

12、论是哪条路,你都会对它的迂回曲折了如指掌。在这样的行驶中你很容易将精力集中在驾驶上而忽视路过的风景。结果,这就使得 你会认为行驶路程应该比它实际上需要的时间少。 这就是熟悉旅途效应:人们趋于低估熟悉路程的所需时间。 我们的注意力分配情况导致了这种效应。当我们在我们非常熟悉的道路上行驶时,由于不需要太集中精力认路,所以时间似乎过得很快。而且事后,当我们试图回忆这个旅程时也不怎么能记得清楚,因为我们确实没有关注太多。所以我们就想当然认为路程是短了一些。4. 问答题:Directions:Suppose your class is to holda charity sale for kids in

13、need of help.Write your classmates an email to inform them about the details,and encourage them to participate.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name;useLi Ming”instead.Do not write your address.答案: 本题解析:My dear classmates,May I have your attention,please?On th

14、e evening of January 4th,2013,namely,this Friday night,we will holda charity sale at the school auditorium in the purpose of helping the children who need help.Those kids who come from remote areas lack proper and fine education.Our assistance can improve theirlives and even may change their destini

15、es.Some stars,local industrial bosses and all the staff of our schoolwill attend the activity.I trust that everyone has a kind heart and believe that our help can really make a big difference.Thank youvery much for your kindness and I am looking forward seeing you on time.Yours sincerely,Li Ming5. 问

16、答题:You have just come back from the U.S.as member of a SinoAmerica cultural exchange program.Write a letter to your American colleague to 1)express your thanks for his/her warm reception,2)welcome him/her to visit China in due course.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name at



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