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1、2022年考博英语-湖南农业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题( )the first to use nuclear weapons.问题1选项A.At no time China will beB.Never China will beC.Will China never beD.At no time will China be【答案】D【解析】考查倒装。句意:中国在任何时候都不会率先使用核武器。当具有否定意义的词或词组位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装。因此答案选D。2. 单选题These continual( ) in temperature make it impossibl

2、e to decide what to wear.问题1选项A.transitionsB.transformationsC.exchangesD.fluctuations【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项transitions“过度,转变”;B选项transformations“转变,转换”C选项exchanges“交换,交易所”;D选项fluctuations“波动,变化”。句意:气温的变化让我们难以决定该穿什么。这里根据句意答案选D。A选项指从一种状态到另一种状态的转变过程,We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old sy

3、stem and the new one.(我们得确保新旧制度间的平稳过渡),本句指的是温度的变化没有提到从冷到热或者从热到冷这一对具有明显反义的词出现,所以不能选。B、C选项带入文中不符合题意。3. 单选题By the time he arrives in Beijing,( ) here for two days.问题1选项A.we had stayedB.we will have stayedC.we would have stayedD.We have stayed【答案】B【解析】考查时态。句意:在他到北京来的时候,我们将已经来了两天了。by the time“在时候”,这里引导的是

4、时间状语,应当遵循主将从现的原则。而从句在这里是一般现在时,所以主句要用一般将来时,所以答案选B。4. 单选题Tom Macaulay, being a diligent young man, never refuses to _ more work that his boss assigned to him.问题1选项A.take upB.take inC.take offD.take on【答案】D【解析】考查动词词组辨析。A选项take up“占据”;B选项take in“吸收,领会”;C选项take off“脱下,起飞”;D选项take on“承担,承受”。句意:Tom Macaula

5、y作为一名勤奋的年轻人,从来不拒绝()他老板派发给他的工作。派发的工作是要承担的,因而答案选D最为合适。5. 单选题John didnt want to risk( )wet as he had only one suit.问题1选项A.gettingB.to getC.being gotD.to be gotten【答案】A【解析】考查动词用法。约翰不想冒险()湿,因为他只有一件外套。关键risk后面接名词或者动词,不能接不定式,所以B、D选项排除。根据句意,语句中没有被动含义而且主句主语是人,所以不能选C,答案选A。6. 单选题It is quite natural that the na

6、tive people use the word order and sentence patterns without( ) choice.问题1选项A.awareB.carefulC.the bestD.conscious【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项aware“知道的,意识到的”;B选项careful“仔细的”;C选项the best“最好的”;D选项conscious“意识到的,清醒的”句意:当地人使用词序和句型是很自然的,没有()选择。结合选项这里填的词意应该是“意识到的”,排除B、C选项;conscious通常比较正式,强调内心的意识,而aware则是指通过信息,或者感觉

7、器官意识到的,这里根据语境是内心的意识,所以A选项排除,答案选D。7. 单选题We must look beyond and assumptions and try to discover what is missing.问题1选项A.justificationsB.illusionsC.manifestationsD.specifications【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项justifications“理由,辩护”;B选项illusions“幻觉,错觉”;C选项manifestations“显示,证明”;D选项specifications“规格,说明书”。句意:“我们必须透过()和

8、假设,然后努力发觉什么东西不见了”。这里和关键词assumptions对应的只有选项B。8. 单选题Effective prevention against physical harms has never been _ urgently needed, especially in schools.问题1选项A.moreB.asC.suchD.quite【答案】A【解析】考查比较用法。句意:有效预防人身伤害从来没有()迫切需要,特别是在学校。A选项more是比较副词,当一个句子没有出现对比对象时,可以用比较级来表示最高级。B选项as作副词的词义为“和一样”,放入句中不符合逻辑;C选项such“

9、如此的”后面一般接名词,这个地方如果想表达“如此的”意思时应该用so;D选项quite是程度副词“十分”,把D选项代入到句子中,整个句子将不符合逻辑,有效预防人身伤害从来没有十分迫切需要。因此答案选A。9. 单选题Mason regretted having spent so much time playing when he _ for the final.问题1选项A.should have studiedB.had studiedC.was to studyD.must study【答案】A【解析】考查情态动词用法。句子意思:梅森后悔在()期末作业的时候花了这么多时间玩耍。A选项,情态动

10、词+完成时表示的是“本而没有做”,比如would have done表示“将要做而没有做成”,should have done“本应该做但是没有做”,根据题干的语境来说正确答案选A;B是过去完成时,强调事情在过去已完成,如果在玩之前梅森已经复习了就不会后悔了,所以B不选;C选项是将来时的过去式,表示在过去的时间打算要做某事,带入句子中,梅森在打算复习期末考试的时候后悔花了很多时间玩耍,逻辑不通;D选项梅森在必须复习期末考试的时候后悔花了很多时间玩耍,虽然句意是对的,但是我们主句的时态是过去时但是D选项是现在时,所以D选项错误。10. 不定项选择题The idea has reigned for

11、 years that the aging brains neurons die off by as many as 100,000 a daytaking with them lifes cherished memories. But, in fact neuron-biologists such as Alan Peters of Boston University have shown in recent studies that, while brain cells may shrink in old age, they dont die off in large numbers.Wh

12、ats more, say neuroscientists, its primarily the brains “hardware”the billions of telephone-line-like connections and relay switches which act as processing equipmentthat is vulnerable to wearing out with age. The brains “software”the actual information that fills up the mind over a lifetimedoesnt n

13、ecessarily deteriorate. If anything, it can grow more sophisticated. So, just as running the latest software program on an old computer will take more time and may involve some trouble, one car still possess a first-rate intelligence while losing some cognitive speed later in life.When mental abilit

14、ies do pass their peak, memory isnt the first to go, Powell and others say. Its usually the brains capacity to make sense of spatial relationshipsmap-reading or finding your car at the mallwhich may begin to get difficult in your 40s.A decade later, the abstract reasoning required to make analogies

15、dips downward. Next to drop is “verbal memory after delay”remembering details of a story after having turned attention to other tasks. But some mental skills, such as the ability to concentrate or calculate math, seem to remain sturdy long into old age. And “procedural” memoryhow to play golf or ride a bikeis usual


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