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1、知名银行校招网申试题知名银行校招申试题和大家分享知名银行校招申试题,有需要的同学可以参考一下。美国银行XX校招申试题申试题 1、Howdo you think you will utilise your academic skills and experienee to add value to the bank?Please do not exceed 150 words in your an swer.申试题 2、What is the personal aehievement that you are most proud of? What did you learn from this

2、 experienee and how does it differentiate you from other?Please do not exceed 150 words in your an swer.申试题 3、Please use the space below to tell us any additional in formatio n that you would like to support your applicatio n Please do not exceed 150 words in your an swer.华侨银行XX校园招聘申试题申试题1、你在三年内希望从事

3、何种类型的工作 ?你期望自己在三年后达 到什么样的职业发展目标?为什么?申试题2、你是否能接受短期或长期派往不同城市工作的安排?对派遣目的地和派遣周期有何期望?申试题3、你是否已经收到其它公司的录用意向书?假如你也获得了华侨银行的录用意向书,你将作何选择?你做出选择的依据是什么?巴莱克银行XX校招申试题申试题 1、Which qualities& skills do you possess that makeyou suitedto the role to which you have applied?i possess strong an alytical skill and muni ca

4、tio n skill in teamwork, also well at problem solving and can work under-pressure. i develop strong knowledge in economics, investment an accounting that i can deliver them proficientlyto clients. i amalso numerical sensitive because of mymajorin finan ce.申试题 2、From the research that you have done o

5、n our industry, how does Barclays Capital differe ntiate itself from our petitors?Barclays has over 300 years history and it can survive crises and tran sform in each opport uni ty. Barclays Capital is defi nitely differe nt from other inv estme nt banks since they try to replicate simply what Barcl

6、ays Capital does whereas Barclays Capital is good at thinking on the side of clie nt.申试题 3、describe a recent development in the investment Banking industry.What implications might this development have for the divisionto which you have applied?The GFCdemonstrates once again the close connection in g

7、lobal markets that investors in China now paying greater attentionto oversea markets.Barclays Capital is the ideal choice in provid ing oversea inv estme nt products; by professi onal and around the clock service we can deliver various profitable opport un ities to clie nt.-强备课挥关虫龄三生的三三机的备合起案,做教以理的教三三::宰关:器:?个作公正、公本着评价=生负担 f -改上狠*。校赛紀迄褒三的Tif,本升芸兰亍弐.3写.“文并一:芯主匸三mm切活丁按二历HvS-s,认真完三丑三综情的去方三专识要到耳:为顾壬三文在科的教要体下多学的基学生学校输送合学习力能题於的出念三要础打提好科科究维丁.力并检验应用/册:二+混:运算:应:数的:;:瓷二 寸刍小的意括.数数:加:法.的平数范:和:亿数级乘法与读、写含间的三系的位数-二;讲划生“教-5!要后生进生的堂比较作,合“时-HIh:凳:.



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