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1、 牛津英语8B Unit 3 复习讲义 Name_一、词汇辨析1. succeed/ success/ successful/ successfullysucceed (v.) succeed in doing sth. success (n.) be a success = be successfulsuccessful (adj.) be successful in sth./doing sth. successfully (adv.) 1) He _ in getting a place at the art school.2) Whats the secret of your _?3)

2、 They didnt have much _ in life.4) Shenzhou was _ sent into space. 2. educate (v.) education(n.) 教育 educational (adj.) 教育的,教育性的Today all of us have got good _.I think we should watch more _ movies just as he did. (educate )3. know (v.) _(n.)He _a lot about it because he has rich _of history. ( know

3、)4. sleep/ sleepy / asleep /sleeping sleep (v./ n.)睡觉,睡眠 go to sleep sleeping bag 睡袋Would you please not make any noise while Dad_(sleep)?sleepy( adj.) 欲睡的,困倦的 be/feel sleepy 我感到非常困,因为昨夜没睡好。 I _ because I _ last night. asleep(adj.) 睡着的be/ fall asleep睡着了入睡 The girl _ for three hours.The boy was too _

4、 to keep his eyes _ in class.A. sleepy, open B. asleep , opened C. sleepy , open D. sleeping, openedHe wants to know how long she _ asleepA. has fallen B. had fallen C. has been D. had been5. correct/ incorrect/ correctly/ incorrectlyCongratulations! You have answered all the questions _.6. include/

5、 including include (v.) 包括 including (prep.) 包括Many people, _ children, like to watch Happy Camp.The United Kingdom _Northern Ireland and Wales.7. appear (v.) 出现,不用于被动语态 反义词:disappear 消失 名词:appearancePlastic bags polluted the air, the land and the water .And they will not _ for a long time.Everyone

6、was amazed at his _. We hadnt seen him for a long time.8. used to do sth 过去常常做某事 山脚下过去有一条小湖_你的奶奶过去常常临睡前做一些针线活,是吗?_be /get used to(doing)sth 习惯于(做)某事 现在马医生习惯于在飞机上给病人动手术_be used to do sth = be used for doing sth 被用来 . 电脑用来接受和传递信息._The family _ in a quiet village, but now they _ in the noisy city centr

7、e.A. used to live, are used to live B. used to live, are used to livingC. were used to live, are used to living D.were used to live, are used to live9. come out 出版、发行; 开花(不用于被动语态)韩寒的新书刚刚发行。Hanhans new book _花儿春天开放. Flowers _ _ in _.come down 掉下来,塌下来;(雨,雪等)落下 come from/in/into/on/true10. design . v .

8、n. 设计 designer( n .) 设计者。他设计了这座桥。_他是这座桥的设计者_11. regard (n.) 致意 . Please give my best r_ to your brother.(v. ) regardas 把看作 我们把我们的老师看作我们的朋友._.12. search for = look for寻找 search sth 检查、搜查某物警察正在抓小偷。_ 此刻,人们正在搜查森林,寻找那个迷路的孩子。_13. main (adj.) main meaning _mainly (adv );翻译: 这篇文章主要是关于什么?_14. Lucy is an 8-ye

9、ar-old girl. Lucy is 8 years old.十分钟的谈话 ten-minute talk=ten minutes talk一部一小时的纪录片 a _documentary去年他成功的横渡了这条长1500米的河。He swam_ the _ river _ last year.15. mind doing sth. mind one/ones doing sth.你介意我坐在这儿吗?Do you mind _?回答:No, not at all./ Of course not. /Certainly not. 或:Sorry, youd better not.二、语法点拨

10、被动语态 结构:be + V过去分词1. 一般现在时被动语态结构: am/is/are+done+by一般过去时被动语态结构: was/were+done+by 一般将来时被动语态结构: will/be going to +be done+by 含有情态动词的被动语态结构: 情态动词+be done+by 现在完成时被动语态结构: have/ has been + been done +by2. 注意点1) 双宾语的被动语态show ,pass, give sb.sth.=show, pass .give sth. to sb. buy, get, sing sb. sth.=buy, get

11、, sing sth. for sb. My uncle gave me a new dictionary yesterday I _ a new dictionary. / A new dictionary_ me yesterday. 2) 含使役动词与感官动词的被动语态make/let /see/hear/watch sb. do sth. =sb. be made/let /seen/heard/watched to do sth. We often hear the girl sing in the morningThe girl _ often _ _ sing in the mo

12、rning. 3) 短语动词的被动语态. 像look after, take care of, listen to这类动词固定搭配,不能拆分 The teacher should be listened to carefully.The old people should be taken good care of. The old must be spoken to politely.3. 将下列句子改成被动语态:1) Many people speak English all over the world.English _ _ all over the world.2) Well hold a birthday party this weekend.A birthday party _ _ _ this weekend.3) She told us an interesting story just now. We _ _ an interesting story just now.An interesting story _ _ _ _ just now.



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