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1、精品1. - What s the weather like today? 样?=How is the weather today?-It s sunny/cloudy/rainy下雨.2. Here is the weather report.3. - What s the temperature?-It sdegrees.气温是4. Maybe there will be a thunderstorm. 雷雨。There will be将会=There is going to bebe scared/afraid of (do ing) sth.今天的天气怎么今天晴天/多云/5. run

2、around6. play on the swing7. plan a field trip to.8. some. others.举行一次校级篮球比赛Less on 1 How the weather?这是天气预报。 气温是多少?.度可能将会有一场be scared to do sth.害怕去做某事6.What stra nge weather!多么奇怪的天气啊!7.Tell us the exact time告诉我们确切的时间Lesson 2It s Getting Warmer必背短语:1.n either . Nor.既不.也不either.or .或者.或者.not onl y. b

3、ut also.不但.而且.both.a nd.两者都害怕(做)某事5.O2.3.在某人去某地的路上 看到某人正在做某事 看到某人做了某事 迎春花on one s way to. see sb. doing sth.see sb. do sth.wi nter jasmi ne到处跑荡秋千计划一次去某地的郊游一些人其他人9. have a school basketball game/match10. plant trees 植树Tree Pla nting Day 植树节11. play games做游戏12. can t wait to do sth.等不及做某事 句型:1.1 n eed

4、 neither my heavy win ter coat nor my bootsnow.现在我既不需要厚重的冬衣也不需要靴子了。2. On my way to school this morning, I saw somewi nter jasmi neblossomi ng.今天早晨在我上学的路上,我看到许多迎春花开花了。3. The days are getting Ion ger and the sun risesearlier in the morni ng.白天变长了而且早上太阳升起的时间提前了。4. Children run around or play on the swi

5、ngs.孩子们到处跑或者荡秋千。5. My class is also planning a field trip to the coun tryside.我们班也正在计划一次去乡村的郊游。Less on 3The Sun is Rising4.-可编辑-精品在操场上谢谢你帮助我。因某事感谢某人1. one by one个接一个的2. all around 到处3. tran slate in to. 翻译成4. wake up醒来,叫醒5. go ahead 说吧,来吧Less on 4 The Spring City1. th ink of考虑,认为,想到2. Io ng for渴望,向往

6、3. around/all over the world全世界4. feel like+n.感觉像feel like doi ng sth. 想要做某事5. nearly/almost 几乎,差不多6. all year round 全年,一年至U头7. The average win ter temperature is 15C.冬天的平均气温是15度。8. plenty of. 许多,大量9. because of. 因为,由于10. hundreds of.数以百计的Less on 5 Babysitt ing on a Spring Day1. on/at the playground

7、2. Thank you for helping me.=Tha nk you for your help. Thank sb. for (do in g)sth.3. turn around 转身4. hold on抓住,抓紧,请稍等5. fall off=fall down (from).摔倒,摔落6. come down下来7. Let s play on the swings in stead. 让我们荡秋千 来代替。8. push sb.=give sb. a push推某人一下push harder 用力点推9. stop to do sth.停下来去做某事stop doi ng

8、sth.停止做某事stop sb. from dio ng sth.阻止某人做某事10. get on/off the swing上 / 下秋千11. play catch玩接球游戏12. lie on the gress 躺在草地上13. Shall we.?我们.好吗?14. up and down 上上下下15. come on 快点,加油16. think about 考虑17. all day=the whole day全天,整天18. hurt on eself伤到某人自己19. Debbie ate hers in about one minute.黛比一分钟之内吃完了她的食物。

9、20. take .home把带回家21. brush one s teeth 刷牙22. read sb. a story=read a story to sb.给某人讲故事23. not. any more 二no more不再Less on 6Stories about Spring1. on the grass在草地上2. not.until.直到才3. play outside/outdoors在户外玩4. play snow soccer二play snowball打雪仗5. fall in to.落入,陷入6. drive to.开车去7. talk to you soon希望快

10、点收到你的来信句型:1. It s a little wild.天气有点混乱。2. The temperature can be as low as -15C , but it canalso reach 15 C .气温可能低到-15 C,但是也可能达到 15 C.3. The temperature drops below zero on those snowy days.在那些下雪的日子里,气温会降到零度以下。4. We probably won t see any flowers until May or Jun e.直到五月份或六月份我们可能才会看见花。5. It is so muc

11、h fun to make syrup.制作糖浆是如此的有趣。Less on 7 Planting TreesRevisi on:1. plant trees植树Tree Pla nting Day植树节2. on a hillside在小山上3. make the hole a little bigger把洞挖的更大一些make sb./sth. +adj.使某人/某物处于某种状态4. put .inside.把放到内部5. By the way, there is another group of people downby the way顺便问一句,顺便说一下ano ther group

12、 of people另一组人6. be worried about.对感到担心的7. I really like this project.我真的很喜欢这个活动。I like this project very much.我非常喜欢这个活动。8. It s also a great way to learn about nature.(后置定语)它也是了解自然的一种好方法。9. It s fun and important to plant plants.( 主语)去种这些植物是有趣而又重要的。9. remember to do sth.记得去做某事10. in the bottom of t

13、he hole在坑的底部New Phrases:1. as a school project作为一个学校的课题2. dig a hole 挖一个坑dig-digg ing dig-dug-dug3. It must be large eno ughto hold the roots of theseedli ng.must be.它一定要足够大能容纳下幼苗的根部。宀曰疋疋en ough to do sth.足够 去做某事the roots of the seedli ng幼苗的根咅 B4. Put the seedling inside,cover the roots and fill the

14、 the hill.hole with dirt.把幼苗放进去,盖住根部,用泥土把坑填满。cover.with.用盖住be covered with.被覆盖fill.with.把用装满be filled with二be full of.装满,充满 5. These changes are serious.这些变化很严重。6. When there is a dust storm in spring, it gets windyand dirty everywhere.当春天有沙尘暴时,到处都多风而且很脏。7. A lot of rich lands in the northern area have turnedinto desert.北方地区许多富饶的土地都已经变成了沙漠。turn in to. 变成8. for sure二That s for sure. 确实如此Less on 8Why Are Pla nts Impor


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