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1、期末检测题(时间:90分钟;满分:120分)一、听力部分(每小题1分,满分20分)第一部分 听对话,回答问题本部分共有10个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。1. What are they talking about? A. They are talking about “yesterday”. B. They are talking about the weather. C. They are talking about the school.2. What kind of clothes does t

2、he girl like to wear? A. A blouse. B. A sweater. C. A skirt.3. Whats the population? A. Its about 266,548,000. B. Its about 256,458,000. C. Its about 266,458,000.4. Where are they talking? A. At school. B. In a library. C. At home.5. What does the sign tell people to do? A. It tells people not to st

3、op walking. B. It tells people to walk on. C. It tells people to stop walking.6. Where is Tom now? A. In hospital. B. At home. C. At school.7. What is the box like? A. Its small and light. B. Its big and heavy. C. Its big and light.8. Who will repair the bike? A. Li Ping. B. Li Ming. C. Mary.9. What

4、 does the boy mean? A. He hasnt read the story.B. He doesnt like the story at all. C. He knows something about the story.10. How does Toms father go to work? A. Toms father goes to work by car.B. Toms father goes to work on foot. C. Toms father goes to work by bike.第二部分 听短文,回答问题你将听到两篇短文,各听两遍。听每篇短文前,

5、你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。听第一篇短文,回答第1115小题。11. When did this story happen? A. One month after Christmas Day.B. Two days after Christmas Day. C. A few days before Christmas Day.12. What did the people do? A. They had a party. B. Everyone went home after the office closed. C. Nobody stayed

6、 in the office.13. Where did James live? A. Quite near. B. Far away. C. Next to the office.14. What did James do every few minutes? A. He looked at his watch.B. He ate and drank. C. He danced and sang songs.15. Did James friends want him to leave? A. Yes. B. Maybe. C. No.听第二篇短文,回答第1620小题。16. How old

7、 is Wang Mei? A. 12 years old. B. 13 years old. C. 14 years old.17. What is Wang Meis English name? A. Kitty. B. Alice. C. Andy.18. Where does Wang Mei live? A. In Shanghai. B. In Tianjin. C. In Beijing.19. Which subject does her cousin like? A. English. B. Chinese. C. Maths. 20. What team is her co

8、usin in? A. The basketball team. B. The volleyball team. C. The football team. 二、单项填空(每小题1分,满分15分)21. Although it was raining this morning, she got to school time. A. by B. from C. on D. at22. It was raining hard, they had to put off the football match. A. however B. and C. so D. but23. Sorry, Mrs W

9、ang. I have my homework at home. Thats OK. But dont forget to take it to school tomorrow. A. forgotten B. left C. put D. kept24. We are all our motherland. A. pride in B. pride of C. proud in D. proud of25. I think important to learn English well.A. this B. that C. it D. what 26. How do you like thi

10、s dress? Its beautiful, and it fits me well. _ I like it very much.A. Or B. So C. But D. Since27. I dont know a show. Can you tell me?A. how organize B. what organize C. what to organize D. how to organize28. go to the theatre together with me?Good idea.A. How about B. Why do you C. Why not D. What

11、about29. Simon lived in Beijing _the years 2002-2004 A. during B. between C. in D. at 30. Mr Brown told us an interesting story yesterday. It made all of us .A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing31. The teacher _the exam papers. A. gave up B. gave back C. gave in D. gave out32. _said that some foreigners will come to our school. A. They are B. This is C. That is D. It is33. Mr Wang would like me _my classmates a talk. A. give B. to give C. giving D. gives34. To help patients and save their lives _a doctors



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