研究生英语 前4单元练习答案

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1、研究生英语1-4单元练习答案(部分)Unit 1Comprehensionl. The essay mainly discusses the purpose of education. The college education at its best should move the student from competence to commitment.2. Part 2 (para. 3 to para. 14): The college graduate has civic obligations to fulfill” and “To fulfill this urgent obl

2、igation, the perspective needed is not only national, but global. Part 3 (para. 15 to para. 17): Education for what purpose? Competence towhat end?Part 4 (para. 18 to para. 23): The undergraduate experience at its best willmove the student from competence to commitment. But our abiding hope is with

3、determination and effort the undergraduate college can make a difference in the intellectual and personal lives of its graduates, in the social and civic responsibilities they are willing to assume, and ultimately in their world perspective.3. Because they are devoting their energies only to what se

4、ems most real to them. They dont know how to devote themselves to the society, to other people. They dont know where they should put their faith in this uncertain age.4. An uncertain age means a period of time which is changeable and in whichthe future is unknown. A hard-edged, competitive age means

5、 a period of timein which people or organizations try very hard to be more successful than others. (Open)5. Because they feel a serious conflict between giving or giving up for others (service) and trying to satisfy their own needs and desires.6. Because the author thinks man can pay attention to th

6、e society only when he is committed, and he can find his own values only when he surpasses himself. So the measurement of the willingness of graduates to be socially and civically engagedwill lead to the ideal undergraduate education which reflects itself in loyalties thattranscend self. Boyer impli

7、es that man can only find himself when he focuses onsomething beyond self. It is through being committed to others, society, etc. that true success is recognized and attained. A liberal education should result in aperson who acts humanely7. The authors answer to the first question is NO, but to the

8、second is YES. College graduates obviously have civic obligations to fulfill and it is urgent and necessary for American teaching to help narrow the dangerous and growing gap between public policy and public understanding.8. The citizens are the American public (non specialists). We can infer from t

9、he last two sentences in para. 3 that man specialists” in the government feel that the average citizen is not capable of making policy decisions because she or he doesnteven understand the terminology used in the debate on the issues. 9. They suggest that the very complexity of public life requires

10、more informationto be provided and more participation in critical thinking to be encouraged.10. It means the number of the people who understand public policy is decreasing. If we let the decline in public understanding go unchallenged, we will run therisk of making critical decisions not on the bas

11、is of what we know, but on thebasis of blind belief in one or another set of self-acknowledged experts whousually control policy with their limited perspective. To change the situation, we should find better ways to educate ourselves, ask hard questions and offer satisfactory answers.11. 1) We need

12、groups of well-informed, caring individuals.2) We need concerned people who are participants in inquiry3) We need a perspective which is both national and global. That is, todaysstudents must be informed about not only their own people and culture but also peoples and cultures different from theirs.

13、12. The last “need” is discussed most because the author thinks the world hasbecome more crowded, more interdependent, and more unstable. So todays students must be informed about people and cultures other than their own. The discussion covers six paragraphs (from para. 9 to para. 14). The problem w

14、ith many colleges is that they are used to function as isolated communities which have nothing to do with the society outside their walls. Those inside are satisfied to live in their own world. If the undergraduate college cannot help students see beyond themselves and better understand the interdep

15、endent nature of our world, each new generation will remain ignorant and the human capacity to live confidently and responsiblywill be dangerously diminished.13. According to the author, the problem with todays college education is thatwhat is teaching most successfully is competence only in meeting

16、 schedules, gathering information, responding well on tests and mastering the details of a specific field. Thestudents are only concerned about their credits and courses. If college education goes on tike this, the most deeply felt issues, the most haunting questions and the mostcreative moments are reduced to becoming less important. What a tragedy andwhat a great mistake it would be.14 1) Aspect


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