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1、7A下Unit1why not 何不?1.Why not stay here for another week? 1.何不在这里再待一周?such as 比如2.I have many hobbies such as fishing and2.我有很多爱好,不如钓鱼和游泳。 swimming.for example 例如3.Many boys in our class , for example ,3.我们班上很多男生,例如约翰和保罗,篮球打得John and Paul , are good at playing basketball . 很好。used to do sth. 过去常常做某事4

2、.He used to be lazy , but now he works hard.4.他以前很懒,但现在很努力。be used to do sth. 被用来做某事5.The horse was used to carry.5.这匹马被用来运东西。be used to (doing)sth. 习惯(做)某事6.Im used to living here.6.我习惯住在这里。be famous for 因而著名7.This town is famous for its beautiful7.这个城镇以其漂亮的建筑物而闻名。 buildings.8.China is famous for t

3、he Great Wall.8.中国以万里长城而闻名于世。be famous as 作为出名9.Qi Baishi is famous as a great painter.9.齐白石是个大画家,很有名。take part in. 参与10.Can I take part in the contest?10.我能参加比赛吗?11.These days , students take part in many11.如今,学生们课后参与了很多 different after class. 不同种类的活动。join sb. in (doing) sth. 参与到某人中间做某事12.He joined

4、 the army.12.他参军了。13.Everyone joined in the game.13.每个人都参加了游戏。14.Lets join them in the game.14.我们和他们一起做游戏吧。all kinds of 各种各样的15.There are all kinds of animals in 15.这座大动物园里有各种各样的动物。the big zoo.from place to place 到处;各处16.My father enjoys travelling from place16.我父亲喜欢到处旅行。 to place.get though 跨越17.Di

5、d you get through your examination?17.你通过考试了吗?18.I cant get through to her.18.我打不通她的电话。next to 挨着19.Our school in next to a park.19.我们学校旁边有个公园。after dark 黄昏后20.They went back after dark.20.他们在日落之后回去。21.She seldom goes out after dark.21.她天黑以后很少出门。millions of 很多22.Losses reached millions of US dollars

6、.22.损失达几百万元23.Millions of people are all one mind.23.万众一心。many thanks for. 为表示感谢24.Many thanks for your help.=24.非常感谢你的帮助。Many thanks for helping me.go abroad 出国25.Why will he go abroad?25.他为什么出国?26.He decides not to go abroad.26.他决定不出国。according to 依照;根据27.According to the newspaper , ten people27.

7、报上说有10人死于这场事故 died in the accident.28.According to my watch , it is 10 oclock.28.我的手表现在是10点正。the number of. 的数量29.The number of girl students in our29.我们学校的女生数量大约是900. school is 900.a number of. 许多的30.A number of girl students love singing30.很多女生喜欢唱歌和跳舞。 and dancing.Unit2give out 放出1.Those flowers g

8、ive out sweet smells.1.花儿散发出的香气。pass sth. to sb. 把某物传给某人2.Please pass this dictionary to Tom.=2.请把这本字典递给汤姆。Please pass Tom this dictionary.one another 相互3.Lily is my best friend. We often help3.莉莉是我的好朋友,我们经常互相帮助。one municate with. 与交流(沟通)4.Its necessary to communicate with your4.当你遇到问题是,与父母沟通是很有必要的。

9、parents when you have some problems.in danger 处于危险中5.The patient is in danger of death.5.那个病人有死亡的危险。6.Everyone finds himself in danger.6.人人自亡cut down 砍掉7.They cut down big trees and planted7.他们砍掉大树,种上一些树苗。 some young ones.How do you feel about.? 你对有何看法give sb. a hand 帮某人一个忙8.Give me a hand.8.帮帮我的忙吧。

10、9.Lets give them a hand.9.我们来帮他们一下吧。care about 关心10.We dont care about that matter.10.我们不关心那件事。11.Dont you care about anybody?11.你难道不关心那件事?make noise 吵闹12.Dont make any noise!12.别吵闹!without 没有13.He went out without a coat.13.他没穿大衣就出去了。14.I cant do it without your help.14.没有你的帮助,我不能做这件事。the answer to

11、. 的答案15.the key to the lock.15.这把锁的钥匙。16.the secretary to the boss.16.老板的秘书。17.Earth is in trouble.17.地球陷入困境。start out small 从小事做起18.You must start out small.18.你必须从小处开始做起。do ones best (to do sth.) 尽力(做某事)19.I want to be a scientist , so I must do19.我想当科学家,所以从现在起就得努力。 my best from now on.run out (of

12、 sth.) 用光20.They ran out of food.20.他们的食物吃完了。even if 即使21.Even if he is poor , he looks happy.21.即使他穷,他看上去很快乐。22.Even if she comes , it will be too late.22.就算她来,也晚了。Unit3belong to 属于1.These books belong to me.1.这些书是我的。2.I belong to myself.2.我不受别人支配。lead.to. 将带到3.Let me lead you to the seat.3.让我到您到座位

13、上吧。describe.to. 向描述4.The lady described what she saw to the4.女士向警察描述了她所看见的情形。 policeman.go off (警铃等)响起5.The firecracker didnt go off.5.爆竹没响。seconds later 一会儿6.Seconds later , the manager came.6.过了一会儿,经理来了。use.for(doing)sth. 用来(做)7.A lot of people use their noses for their jobs.7.很多人用鼻子来工作。8.They use

14、 these shoes for dancing.8.他们穿这些鞋子来跳舞。in fact 事实上9.But , in fact , theyre animals.9.但实际上,他们是动物。be useful for. 对有用10.This dictionary is useful for your study.10.这本字典对你的学习有用。all day 整11.It rained all day.11.整天下雨。as well 也12.I like driving as well.12.我也喜欢驾驶。13.She knows English as well.13.她也懂英语。because of 因为14.We didnt go out because of the heavy rain.14.因为下雨,我们没出去。15.We didnt go out because it rained heavily.15.因为下大雨,我们没出去。 Unit4a packet of 一盒1.He smokes a p


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