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1、Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?The Fourth Period (Section B 1a-1e)姓名: 日期: 教师寄语:I count you as one of my close friends. 我把你当做我最亲密的一个朋友。【预习导学】1、学习目标1) 了解有关风筝的相关知识。2) 听过听力训练进一步巩固和内化本单元的被动语态和有关制造原材料的词汇。3) 能够通过听说学习描述物品的材料和相关的物品文化。2、 自学任务 Task 1根据音标自学本课时的新单词,特别注意单词的词性、词义以及读音。单词词性词义单词词性词义internationalc

2、ompetitor Task 2 文化链接风筝Weifang 潍坊The city of Weifang is in Shandong Province. Weifang international kite festival is one of the most influential kite sports events. Weifang international kite festival is an annual international kite festival, generally falls on April 20 to 25 every year. Weifang kit

3、e festival has been a great attraction for a large number of Chinese and foreign experts and enthusiasts and tourists to watch and compete since it was firstly held in 1984. The advisable time for tourists arriving in weifang is prior to April 20.潍坊国际风筝节是风筝运动最有影响力的活动。 潍坊国际风筝节是一年一度的国际风筝盛会,一般定于每年4月20日

4、至25日在风筝都潍坊举行。1984年举办第一届潍坊风筝节以来,吸引着大批中外风筝专家和爱好者及游人前来观赏、竞技。旅游者以4月20日前抵达潍坊为宜。International kites events 国际风筝The international kite federation was established in 1989, with its headquarters located in weifang. The grand opening ceremony is held on April 20 wraditional folk song and dance performances an

5、d fireworks shows. On the second day is the international kite match and Chinese kite exquisite competition at FuYanShan or the beach of Bohai. The Chinese and foreign kites are eye-catching for tens of thousands of the viewers, because of its own unique modeling, colors. style and flying skills. Th

6、en the third day, the guests can visit Trinidad folk punters, especially the customs of Shijiazhuang according to their own interests and hobbies, which leaves extremely profound impression to the guests.在1989年第六届风筝会上成立了国际风筝联合会,其总部设在潍坊。四月二十日举行隆重的开幕式,大型民间传统歌舞表演,变幻多姿,焰火礼花,绚丽多彩。 二十一日于浮烟山或渤海滩举行国际风筝赛暨中国风

7、筝精美比赛。中外风筝,各以自己独特的造型,色彩和风格及放飞技巧吸引着数以万计的观赏者。二十二日起,客人根据自己的兴趣和爱好游览“千里民俗旅游线”,尤其石家庄的民俗风情,给客人留下极为深刻的印象。the hometown of kites 风筝故乡It is accepted in the world that China is the hometown of kites. The kite, also called Zhiyuan or ZhiYao has been 2000 years of history. The famous British scholar Joseph Needha

8、m scores kites as one of the important scientific inventions of the Chinese nation. A piece of instruction plate in National Air and Space Museum in Washington also strikingly reads: The earliest aircraft is Chinas kites and rockets世界上一致公认,中国是风筝的故乡。风筝又名纸鸢、纸鹞等,至今已有2000多年历史。英国著名学者李约瑟把风筝列为中华民族的重大科学发明之一

9、。美国华盛顿国家航空和空间博物馆中有一块说明牌上也醒目地写着:“最早的飞行器是中国的风筝和火箭。”Task 3 阅读课本p37,找出一下短语并标注。1) make kites制作风筝2) try to do sth. 尽力做某事3) find out 找出,查明4) think about 考虑5) go on a vacation 去度假6) know more about 了解更多关于7) learn to do 学习做8) fly a kite 放风筝9) the kite festival风筝节10) be held in sp. 在某地被举行 11) be famous for 因而

10、著名 12) be famous as 作为而著名 13) compete in sth. 在方面竞赛14) find out more about sth. 找出有关某事的更多信息15) people from all over the world 来自全世界的人16) be painted with colorful drawings 被涂上彩色的图画17) something as +adj.+as+sth. 像一样的事物Task 4 观察P37 1a中的图片,思考一下。1) What does a kite look like? 2) What is a kite used for?

11、3) What are kites made of? 4) What is the best time for flying a kite? 5) What kind of weather is good for flying a kite? 【课堂活动】Step 1 Free talkTalk about what you know about kites.Step 2 Speaking and listening practice.1) Before listeningRead the sentences in 1b, 1c and 1d. Make sure you have no pr

12、oblems in understanding them.2) While listeninga) Listen to the recording and finish 1b.b) Listen to the recording for the second time and finish 1c.c) Listen to the recording for a third time and fill in the blanks in 1d.d) Listen again and finish the listening material.Laura: Hey, Zheng Yun!Zheng

13、Yun: Hi, Laura.Laura: How was your _ .Zheng Yun: It was _! I went to Weifang in Shangdong.Laura: Thats the city _ _ kites, right?Zheng Yun: Yes. Theres an _ _ _ there every April. Thats why I went there.Laura: How interesting! What _ at the festival?Zheng Yun: People from all over the world _ in kit

14、e flying. There are also competitions for the best kites.Laura: Were the kites nice?Zheng Yun: They were beautiful. They were different things like silk or paper. Some were painted with colorful _.Laura: Sounds like you really enjoyed it. I never thought that something _ _ _ kite flying could be so exciting.Zheng Yun: Yes, it was really fun to see which kite could fly _ _.Lau


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