Education Fascination and Advantages of Movie Resouces in College English Teaching 电影资源的教育魅力及其在大学英语教学中促进作

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Education Fascination and Advantages of Movie Resouces in College English Teaching 电影资源的教育魅力及其在大学英语教学中促进作_第1页
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Education Fascination and Advantages of Movie Resouces in College English Teaching 电影资源的教育魅力及其在大学英语教学中促进作_第2页
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Education Fascination and Advantages of Movie Resouces in College English Teaching 电影资源的教育魅力及其在大学英语教学中促进作_第3页
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Education Fascination and Advantages of Movie Resouces in College English Teaching 电影资源的教育魅力及其在大学英语教学中促进作_第4页
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Education Fascination and Advantages of Movie Resouces in College English Teaching 电影资源的教育魅力及其在大学英语教学中促进作_第5页
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《Education Fascination and Advantages of Movie Resouces in College English Teaching 电影资源的教育魅力及其在大学英语教学中促进作》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Education Fascination and Advantages of Movie Resouces in College English Teaching 电影资源的教育魅力及其在大学英语教学中促进作(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、电影资源的教育魅力及其在大学英语教学中促进作Education Fascination and Advantages of Movie Resouces in College English Teaching摘要:时下非常流行的一种学习方法是看电影学英语。看英语电影学习的优点又多且能够在大学英语教学中起到促进作用。多年来,我国的英语教学状况一直不如人意,涌现出大量的“聋哑英语”现象。作为一名英语学习者,文章中阐述了电影的教学魅力并从“激发兴趣”、“营造语境”、“了解文化差异”等多方面阐述了看英语电影对大学生英语学习的促进作用,以及如何选择英语教学电影的问题。关键词: 电影 英语教学 兴趣 情景

2、Abstract:In Information age, Learning English while you are watching movies is the most popular ways of learning English. There are many advantages of using films in English teaching. And it can make a good effect on English teaching of college students.Our country is not better in teaching English

3、for so many years. A lot of students become the “ deaf and dumb” learner. The article is making a statement of the teaching fascination of the films. And analysis the good influences in learning English of the college students from various ways: stimulate interests, creat the true situation, know th

4、e different cultures and so on. Also analysis the choice of choosing a better movie for English teaching.Key words:film ,English teaching, interests,situationEnglish has become the world language for a long time. And learning English has become one of the most popular things all over the world. Espe

5、cially in China,after holding the The Olympic Games successfully,all the Chinese people got a great interest about learning English. As a kind of world language,English has been widely used in all kinds of the international fields. Having a good knowledge of English and knowing how to use it can mak

6、e one become more competitive in the world stage.There are a lot of ways for us to learn English. In the new information society, one has so many methods besides learning from teacher. How can one use the multimedia or Internet help him in learning English? As we know, most of students in China can

7、do the reading, understand the simple coversation, and know the basic grammar rules of English. But it is difficult for them talking to some English countries people. From these situations, we can know these students are lacking the logical organation of the English coversation. If one wants to lear

8、n the idiomatic English, the situation is very important. But how can we find the situations in a country which the first language is Chinese. A new kind of method is on the way.Learning English while your are seeing a English film has become very popular.It also has become one of the effect ways of

9、 English teaching in college and gained a lot of attentions of many English researchers.It has a lot of advantages and good effects on using English films in the colleges English teaching. Firstly, it can stimulate the students interests in learning English. There is no doubt that students like seei

10、ng films. A psychological research found that students are pleased to accept the image and appreciate the video frequency. Also “interest is the best teacher.” Albert Einstein said. Films can improve the students interests of learning and have the unique education effect. If the teacher let the stud

11、ents see the films with some background information, the films can motivate the students passion of English learning. Also the films can make the class lively. Students are possiblely to talk the clues or situations of the film if they think it is interseting,or they can understand the film.Secondly

12、, the films can creat the true situation of English countries peoples lives. Nowadays, in many colleges English teaching class, the teachers always let the students practising the coversations as the model again and again. It is can not improve the students communication abilities. “The most obiviou

13、s function of the video is combine the image with the sound to creat the communication situation, including the speakers age, sex, social state and the facial expression or gestures when he is speaking. All of this can make a directly and dynamic presentation of the difference features in language u

14、sing.” .Pro.JackLonergan,a famous expert in oral interpretation and English teaching in Westminister University said in his book Video in Langauge Teaching. The film is a reflection of peoples lives,so it is can make the students understand how to use the language directly.Thirdly, the teacher can c

15、ombine teachering with pleasure,the students can combine the theory with the practice.The films are very entertaining. As a kind of media with the sound, image, it could avoid feeling boring in English teaching and improve the students interests. And every film has it theme and content.In different

16、theme and situation, the students can learn how to present different sentences of English.They will know when to use this sentences, how to use this sentences, where to use this sentences,and so on. Also the English films can attract the students attention in English teaching. Creating the language situations for the students and make a presentation of what the students have learned in their class thro


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