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1、 北京版英语小学六年级上册第二单元测试姓名: 班级: 学校: 成绩: 听力部分40%一、 听写单词。12% 二、 看图判断正误8% 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( ) 7.( ) 8.( )三、 听短文填写信息。10%Monday9.water the Tuesday10. The glassWednesday11.polish her Thursday12. windowsFriday13. The violin四、听对话,填上空白部分。10%A. What(14) to your leg?B. I hurt myself.I(15) (16) my bi

2、ke.A. How(17) that(18) ? B. I (19) late for school and I(20) too fast.A.No wonder!You must(20) (21) .Now let me see your (22) . 笔试部分60%五、替换句子。6%(23)When did you go to bed? I went to bed at 11:30. (24)What happened to your leg? I fell off my bike. (25)What did he say? He said I should stop eating cho

3、colate and cakes. 六、 写出过去式。10%(26) Hopehopedlive dance decideusepracticearrivelikecloselovename七、单项选择5%( )27.I usually to school at 8 oclock. A.go B.goes C.went( )28.Does he often to make the bed? A.do B.has C.have( )29.My father up at six oclock. A.get B.gets C.got( )30.What happened to your ? A.le

4、g B.legs C.long( )31.Did you very fast? A.ride B.rode C.read八、小故事14% Nightingale songstress inclination to undoubtedly because of “sing to me,dearest ,”said a to the silent One beautiful spring evening. “Alas!”said the nightingale.“The froges make so much noise,that I have no sing.Do you not hear th

5、em?”“ I hear them,”replied the shepherd,“but it is Your silence.”九、阅读15% On Sunday morning, Mr Baker takes Mike and Joan to a plane. He opens the door of the plane and lets the children in. Soon the plane begins to up. Joan looks out of the window, “Oh, were like birds in the sky!” She says. She loo

6、ks at the houses, but they are like toy houses. Mike looks out of the window, too. He sees some buses. They look like toy buses. The people on the ground look very, very small, too. Then the plane comes down and down, and stops on the ground. Mike and Joan are very happy.1. Mr Baker takes Mike and J

7、oan to a plane because theyre going to school. ( )2. The children see some birds in the sky.( )3. The children can see some people on the ground.( )4. Mike doesnt look out of the window.( )5. They are very happy.( )十、习作10% 请你介绍一下自己,比如说:叫什么、几岁、在哪上学几年级、好朋友是谁、最喜欢的运动、最喜欢的科目 introduce yourself 安贞里学区六年级英语



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