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1、2022年考博英语-西安建筑科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题What you have done is( )the doctors orders.问题1选项A.attached toB.resistant toC.responsible toD.contrary to【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项be attached to“喜爱;附属于;B选项be resistant to“抵抗的;对有反抗作用的”;C选项be responsible to“对负责”;D选项be contrary to“相反;与相反”。句意:你所做的事情违反了医生的嘱咐。根据句中“the doct

2、ors orders医生的嘱咐”可知“违反”符合语境,因此D选项正确。2. 单选题British Foreign Secretary Francis Pym has cancelled a visit to Riyadh. Reports from London said the Foreign Office played down suggestion of a diplomatic ( ) and said only that the dates of Secretary Pyms trip were not convenient in Riyadh.问题1选项A.raftB.raffle

3、C.riftD.riffle【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项raft“筏;救生艇”;B选项raffle“废物,垃圾;抽彩出售”;C选项rift“裂痕;不和”;D选项riffle“浅滩;急流,涟漪”。句意:英国外交大臣弗朗西斯皮姆已取消了去利雅得的访问。来自英国的报道称外交部淡化了一种外交裂痕的暗示,且还称只有外交大臣弗朗西斯皮姆出行的日期在利雅得是不方便的,因此C选项正确。3. 单选题Henry was the only one who knew how to cook because he had _in the kitchen when he was a boy.问题1选项A.hel

4、ped aboutB.helped outC.helped withD.helped up【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项“helped about”意为“就帮忙”;B选项“helped out”意为“帮助摆脱困难;帮忙”;C选项“helped with”意为“帮某人做;在某方面帮助”;D选项“helped up”意为“把(某人)扶起来,帮助(某人)往上搬东西”。句意:亨利是唯一会做饭的人,因为他小时候在厨房里帮过忙。由题干可知,Henry was the only one who knew how to cook(亨利是唯一会做饭的人),所以可以推测出亨利小时候在厨房帮过忙。因此B选项

5、符合题意。4. 不定项选择题Researchers disagree on whether the “use it or lose it” philosophy holds for cognitive aging, but there is one evidence that keeping mentally active can slow age-related declines. At Pennsylvania State University, Sherry Willis and her husband, K. Warner Schaie, have studied 5000 peopl

6、e, some since 1956. People lucky enough to avoid chronic diseases may also fare better in intellectual function, they find, perhaps because chronic diseases can restrict lifestyle and reduce mental stimulation. Similarly, those lucky enough to be relatively affluent also fare better, perhaps because

7、 money can buy intellectually stimulating things like travel.Education helps too. Researchers say because it instills the conviction that you can always learn something new. The Schaie-Willis team also has some other observations. Being in a stable marriage with a stimulating spouse, they say, helps

8、 maintain intellectual vigor.Flexibility counts too. People who stay mentally vibrant are often those who do not insist that “they must do things today as they did before” Schaie says. In neuropsychological terms, the ability to see problems in new ways often yields higher scores on tests of mental

9、function. And people satisfied with life also stay more mentally fit, he says.If you find your mental skills sagging, consider working on specific deficits. When Willis gave 5-hours tutorials on inductive reasoning or spatial skills to about 200 people whose skills had declined in the previous 14 ye

10、ars, 40 percent regained lost abilities. That advantage held up seven years late when they were retested.Other ways to stay sharp, Schaie says, are doing jigsaw puzzles to hone visuo-spatial skills, working crossword puzzles for verbal skills, and playing bridge for memory and simply matching wits a

11、t home with players on TV game shows.Finally, remember this. Even though you may lose some mental skills with normal aging, you also gain in one key area: wisdom. The growth of wisdom continues throughout the 40s, 50s and even 60s.1. In the passage, the author mainly discusses ( ).2. The word “it” i

12、n the saying “use it or lose it” (paragraph 1) refers to ( ).3. According to the researchers, which of the following factors affects cognitive aging?4. From this passage we may safely infer that ( ) might help prevent mental declines.5. According to the author, all of the following can truly be said

13、 about wisdom EXCEPT that ( ).问题1选项A.the role of mental stimulation in preventing mental agingB.gradual loss of mental skills with normal agingC.the relationship between mental function and spatial skillsD.effective ways to keep intellectual vigor问题2选项A.brain powerB.cognitive developmentC.mental sim

14、ulatingD.intellectual function问题3选项A.EducationB.Chronic illnessC.Standard of livingD.All of the above问题4选项A.physical exercisesB.social interconnectionsC.rigid daily routinesD.a healthy diet问题5选项A.wisdom may be thought of as a special form of abilities and knowledge completely developed with life exp

15、erienceB.wisdom may still grow even when the process of mental aging startedC.wisdom is superior in importance to mental skills such inductive reasoning and spatial skillsD.wisdom makes up an important part of brain power【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。由题干定位到文章第一段中“there is one evidence that keeping mentally active can slow age-related declines有证据表明,保持思维活跃可以减缓与年龄有关的衰退”,可知A项与原文相符。A项“智力的刺激在防止智力老化方面的作用”;B项“随着年龄的增长心智能力逐渐丧失”,与原文不符;C项“智力功能和空间技能之间的关系”,与原文不符;D项“保持智力活力的有效方式”


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