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1、 基于JSP的校园网站的设计与实现Design and implementation of Campus website Based on the JSP基于JSP的校园网站的设计与实现摘 要基于JSP的校园网站的设计与实现在信息时代飞速发展的今天,无论是企业还是学校,信息化建设都成为一个必不可少的模块。校园网站作为学校高度信息化的平台,主要用于达到学校面向大众的宣传效应以及日常校园管理中新闻的及时发布。因此,一个好的校园网站在提高校园日常管理效率的同时,达到良好的宣传效应。而怎样利用一项新的技术构建校园网站,加速学校信息化的进程,提高学校及教师的工作效率,增强教育资源的管理,从而提升学校的知

2、名度成为我们亟待解决的一个问题。本校园网站课题在对各个组织相关理论进行分析的基础上,采用了目前应用比较普遍的B/S架构,在JSP技术和MySQL数据库管理技术的基础上进行设计和实现,能够很好地帮助学校解决教学资源管理的许多难题。在设计与开发过程中,我们采用JSP结合CSS以及JavaScript设计语言,利用MyEclipse,以MySql Server为数据库,Tomcat为web服务器进行开发,网站为B/S架构,开发过程中遵循三层架构模式,较低了系统的复杂性,提高了系统的可扩展性。我们将系统分为前台页面展示和后台管理两大模块,将使用对象划分为五中用户角色并赋予不同级别的权限。设计过程遵循B


4、,增强学校资源的利用率,加强学校管理效率,同时提升了学校的知名度。最终,达到了研究目的并实现系统的设计意义。关键词:校园网站,设计与实现,JSPIAbstractAbstractDesign and implementation of Campus website based on the JSPWith the rapid development of information technology today, no matter in companies or schools, informationization has already become an indispensable m

5、odule. As a highly informative platform, campus website mainly used to giving full play to the wonderful propagating effect and release news in daily campus management. Therefore, a good campus website can improve the efficiency of the campus daily management and achieve good publicity effect at the

6、 same time. And how to use a new technology to build the campus website, so we can accelerate the process of school information, enhances the working efficiency, strengthen management of education resources, and finally improve visibility of school becomes a problem that we need to be solved.This to

7、pic of campus websites is on the basis of the analysis of related theories, adopted the current popular B/S structure, and design and implementation based on JSP technology and MySQL database management technology, so it can effectively help schools to solve many problems of teaching resource manage

8、ment.In this design of the campus website, we use JSP, and combined with CSS, JavaScript, and develop by Myeclipse. And we use MySql Server as the database and Tomcat as a web Server for this development. Our website adopts B/S architecture, and the process of development follows the three-tier arch

9、itecture model, so we have low system complexity, and we can improve the scalability of the system.Our system can be divided into front page that to show the content and background page used to manage the website. And we divided user category into five user roles and give the different levels of per

10、missions to them. To ensure the scalability of the system, and reduce the complexity of the system, the design process following B/S three layer architecture. In addition, in the development process, we use JavaScript for dynamic picture display, use JspSmartUpload to realize uploads and downloads,

11、and we implement editor in background module with Ckeditor, and also implement interception of illegal landing. Finally, we use CSS and HTML with elaborate design, so we not only realize the basic functions, but also try our best to let our interface design has reasonable and comfortable page layout

12、, pure and fresh colors, and contracted fashion. The website reflect the journalism and improve the look of a website, let a person find everything new and fresh.This website design realization process based on the in-depth research of campus website requirements. Therefore, the system will cover al

13、l of the basic functions. In comply with the requirements, and at the same time to achieve the reasonable layout and convenient operating interface. So we can improve the efficiency of publicity and campus management. So we can promote the schools to adapt to the development of modern technology, st

14、rengthen utilization of school resource, improve the efficiencies of school management, and improve school visibility at the same time. Ultimately achieve the research purpose and realize the meaning of system design.Keywords:Campus Website, Design and Implementation, JSP目 录目 录第1章绪 论11.1 研究背景及意义11.2

15、 国内外发展现状11.3 本文研究内容及论文组织结构2第2章相关技术32.1 开发环境简介32.1.1 开发工具 MyEclipse32.1.2 数据库MySql Server 5.632.1.3 服务器Tomcat 7.042.2 开发语言介绍42.2.1 JSP42.2.2 CSS62.2.3 JS62.3过滤器技术72.4插件应用技术82.4.1 jspSmartUpload82.4.2 Ckeditor92.4.3 JQuery92.5 本章小结10第3章系统可行性研究及需求分析113.1 系统可行性研究113.2 需求分析123.3 本章小结13第4章系统设计144.1 框架设计144.2 数据库设计154.2.1 E-R模型154.2.2 数据库表的逻辑结构设计154.3 模块设计174.3.1 图片展示部分174.3.2 身份验证及登陆认证184.3.3 要闻发布194.3.4 上传下载设计204.3.5 学校基本信息204.3.6 权限设计204.4 本章小结21第5章系统的实现及测试225.1 系统实现环境225.2 环境配置225.2.1 Myeclipse中Tomcat的配置235.2.2 Myeclipse中Mysql的配置235.3 关键技术的实现245.3.1 表单的基本操作245.3.2 数据库的



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