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1、 目录第1章 绪论11.1选题背景11.2研究意义21.3国内外相关研究现状31.4本文研究内容6第2章汽车企业创新能力影响因素的研究72.1汽车企业创新能力概念的界定72.1.1创新的概念72.1.2企业创新能力的概念72.2汽车企业创新能力的内容及涵义82.2.1企业创新能力的组成82.2.2企业创新能力的特征92.3汽车企业创新能力的影响因素102.3.1内部影响因素102.3.2外部影响因素13第3章 汽车企业创新能力评价指标体系的构建163.1汽车企业创新能力评价指标体系的设计原则163.2汽车企业创新能力评价指标的设计和选取173.2.1企业技术创新能力评价指标173.2.2企业管





6、先进的技术,大量的资金,管理的要素和其他的一些要素,但是在企业的研发投入上和核心技术上我国的汽车企业同国际知名的汽车企业仍有很大的差距。因此,我们系统的阐述了汽车企业为了提升汽车企业的自主创新能力的办法,从提升汽车行业的技术创新能力出发,提高企业整体实力。关键词:汽车企业,创新能力,评价指标体系,模糊综合评价法ABSTRACTRecent years have shown a tremendous growth of vehicle sales all around the world for example, today China being the largest vehicle mar

7、ket in the world. Simultaneously, many new local players have emerged. While many still use conventional technologies, the urge is huge to leapfrog technology as well as entering global markets meeting global standards and customer requirements. This requires the capability to self-innovate. There i

8、s no denying that most companies need to go a long way to cultivate their self-innovation ability. Because of this, we performed the research on the automotive innovation capability. The paper adopts analytical way combing theoretical analysis with demonstrative study, combining quantitative identif

9、ication with qualitative analysis. We engage in the research about the concept of the automotive innovation capability, the connotation of the innovation capability, the establishment of the index system, the evaluation method of the innovation capability. Finally, this paper uses Fuzzy Comprehensiv

10、e Evaluation to evaluate the innovation capability of DongFeng automobile company and ChangAn automobile company. Based on the results of evaluation, the paper put forward the reason of the innovation shortage and suggestion to promote the ability of innovation. In the first chapter, we studied from

11、 3 aspects: the research background, meaning of the research, domestic and aboard relevant innovation theories. As the automotive is increasingly competitive, core competence plays a pivotal role in today society. Therefore, how to achieve the core competence becomes the top research issue to all th

12、e auto companies. Take our country as an example, even though China has achieved the target of the worlds first automobile production and sales power, most of our local companies still stay at the low end of the industrial chain and the sales of our own brand just occupies a small proportion of the

13、total sales. It is only through innovation can we further narrow the technological gap of automotive power and promote the core competence of our own brand. This indicates that auto companies should pay more attention to the innovation activities if they want their companies have a better future. In

14、 the second chapter, through the analysis of the concept of innovation, the concept of innovation capability, we summarized the concept of automotive innovation capability. Then, according to the scholars views, we divided the innovation into three sections, namely, technological innovation, managem

15、ent innovation, system innovation. With the actual situation in the automotive industry, we concluded the effect factors and characteristics of the automotive innovation capability. In the third chapter, we engaged on the construction of the index system. As we know, the ability of innovation is aff

16、ected by many factors. Therefore, we selected the main factors according to the scholars views and the design principles of the index system. In the forth chapter, this chapter evaluated the innovation capability of DongFeng automobile company and ChangAn automobile company objectively by using the index system we have built and Fuzzy evaluati


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