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1、服务指南Service directory便捷设施Convenient Facilities电子钥匙卡请妥善保管您的电子钥匙卡。离开房间时,请带上您的钥匙卡并确保将房门锁好。一旦 发现钥匙卡遗失,请立即与总台联系,我们将重新为您制作一张要是卡。离店结账时,请将钥匙卡交还总台,谢谢。Electronic key cardPlease take care of your electronic key card. When you leave your room, please bring along your electronic key card with you and ensure the

2、room door is properly closed and locked. If you find your electronic key card missing, please contact the Front Desk immediately and we will programme a new electronic key card for you.Upon check out, kindly return your electronic key card to the Front Desk, Thank you.客房保险柜与保险箱酒店对存放在客房内的物品的遗失或损坏概不负责

3、。我们建议宾客使用放在衣柜里的保 险箱存放贵重物品。同时,酒店在位于大堂的总台也提供免费使用的保险箱。如需协助,请 与位于大堂的值班经理联系。Safe Deposit BoxesThe hotel does not accept any liability for the loss of or damage to any articles left inside the guestrooms. Guests are strongly recommended to make use of the safe inside the wardrobe of the guestroom to safe-

4、keep your valuables. Safe deposit boxes are also available, free of change Front Desk at the Lobby. For further assistance, please contact our Assistant Manager at the Lobby.互联网每间客房都配有互联网接口,让您免费享受网上冲浪乐趣。如需协助,请与客房中心联 系。INTERNETAll of our guest s rooms have Internet access. For further assistance, kin

5、dly contact our Housekeeping Center.国际/国内电话服务关于国际/国内直拨电话,请参阅电话指南。如需更多协助,请与总机接线员联系。IDD/DDD ServiceFor both international and domestic direct dialed calls, please refer to the telephone directory. For further assistance, kindly contact our telephone operators.电视在每间客房都可24小时收看卫星电视节目。节目单内容涉及新闻、体育和娱乐等方面,

6、语言包括汉语、英语等多种语言。详情请参阅电视节目单。如需协助,请与客房中心联系。TelevisionEach guestroom is equipped with a 24-hour, multilingual satellite television programmes, offering news, sports and entertainment, languages including Chinese, English and so on. Please refer to the television Program or contact our Housekeeping Cente

7、r for assistance.空调每间客房都装有独立的空调温度控制器,操作简单,您可以用它调节房间的温度。如需 协助,请与客房中心联系。Air ConditioningEach guestroom is equipped with individual air conditioning control. To adjust your room temperature, simply use the thermostat control located in your room. Please contact our Housekeeping Center if you require an

8、y assistance.电源酒店所有客房的电压为220V(50赫兹)。如需协助,请与客房中心联系。ElectricityThe electricity supply to all guestrooms in this Hotel is 220 volts (50Hz). For further assistance, kindly contact our Housekeeping Center.接线板客房内的电压为220V(50赫兹)。为了您的安全和方便,酒店还备有多用插座。如果需要, 请与客房中心联系。AdaptorsThe voltage in your room is 220V/50H

9、z. For your safety and convenience, electrical multi-plug adaptors are available from Housekeeping Center.报纸如需当日报纸,请与客房中心联系。NewspapersFor daily newspapers, kindly contact our Housekeeping Center.市区地图为了您出行方便,酒店专门为您准备了一份成都地图放在您房间的文件夹上。City MapTo help you get around in the city, a map of Chengdu is pla

10、ced inside the correspondence box in your room.浴袍为了让您入住期间更加舒适,酒店专门为您准备了两件设计精美的浴袍(放在衣柜里)。 如需购买,请与客房中心联系。BathrobesTwo attractively designed bathrobes are placed in your wardrobe for your comfort and personal use during your stay. If you wish to purchase one, kindly contact our Housekeeping Center.熨斗和熨

11、衣板请联系客房中心,服务人员将把这些物品送到您的房间。Iron & Ironing BoardKindly contact the Housekeeping Center to have these sent to your room.客房小酒吧为了您的方便,每间客房都备有装有食品和酒水的小酒吧。里面放置的物品每天都要进 行检查和补充。凡打开包装的物品都将被作为已出售物品处理并须按照客房内的小酒吧价格 表所标注的价格支付费用。费用将直接挂入您的客房账户。如需补充物品,请与客房中心联 系。Mini BarA fully stocked mini bar is placed in each roo

12、m for your convenience and will be checked and replaced daily. And opened item will be considered sold and charged accordingly to prices stated in the mini bar voucher placed inside the room. The charges will be posted on to your room bill daily. For replqcements, kindly contact our Housekeeping Cen

13、ter.非吸烟客房如果您需要非吸烟客房,请与总台联系。总台员工将乐意为您效劳。Non-Smoking RoomShould you require a non-smoking room or suite, our Front Desk will be pleased to arrange one for you.雨伞如果需要,请与位于大堂的礼宾部联系。UmbrellaUmbrellas are available at our Concierge Desk at the Lobby.轮椅如果需要,请与位于大堂的礼宾部联系。WheelchairA wheelchair is available

14、at our Concierge Desk at the Lobby.为您服务At Your Service大堂副理(值班经理)大堂副理(值班经理)24小时当值,如您有任何疑问或需要帮助,请与大堂副理(值 班经理)联系。Assistant Manager (Duty Manager)Our Assistant Manager (Duty Manager) is on duty 24 hours. Should you have any questions or require assistances, please contact our Assistant Manager.总台位于大堂,专门

15、帮您解决有关客房或预订等问题。总台服务员可为您兑换外币并帮助您 处理有关离店结账事务。如果您想要再次入住本酒店,总台员工将会非常乐意为您预订。Front DeskThe Front Desk, located at the Lobby, can you with any questions that you may have concerning your room or reservations. Theyexchange your foreign currencyand assist you with your check-out. If you plan to return to the

16、 hotel or onward to *, our staff will be most pleased to make your reservation for you.信用卡本酒店接受下列信用卡:国际信用卡:万事达卡、维萨卡、大来卡、运通卡和JCB。国内信用卡:长城卡、牡丹卡、龙卡、太平洋卡、金穗卡和一卡通等银联卡。Credit CardsThe following credit/change cards are accepted by the Hotel: International Cards: Master, Visa, Diners Club, American Express and JCB. Domestic Cards:



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