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1、化工专业英语 李文玲 Unit 1.Industrial Chemical 1.Translate the following into Chinese (1)commodity chemicals 日用化学品 (2)Specialty chemicals 专用化学品 (3)Fine chemicals 精细化学品 (4)Raw material 原材料 (5)Sodium chlride 氯化钠 (6)Unit operation 单元操作 (7)Flow sheet 流程图 (8) Chemical processes 化工操作 (9)Size reduction 2.Translate

2、the following into English (1)氢氧化钠 sodium hydroxide (2)硫酸 sulfuric acid (3)有机合成 organic synthesis (4)表面活性剂 surface active agent (5)离子交换 ion exchange (6)热传递 heat transfer (7)工艺流程图 process flow chart (8)副产物 by-product 3.Translate the following sentences into Chinese (1) we define industrial chemistry

3、as the branch of chemistry which applies physical and chemical procedures towards the transformation of natural raw materials and their derivatives to products that are of benefit to humanity. 我们定义工业化学是化学的一个分支,它是用物理或者化学的方法把天然原材料或它们的衍生物转变为对人类有用的产品。 (2) the chemical industry can also be classified acc

4、ording to the type of main raw materials used and or type of principal products made. 化学行业也可以根据所使用的原材料类型和主要产品的类型分类。 (3) every industrial process is designed to produce a desired product from a variety of starting raw materials using energy through succession of treatment steps integrated in rational

5、 fashion. 每个化工过程都是利用能源将各种原材料通过连续生产方式生产所需要的产品。 (4) a chemical process is therefore any single processing unit or combination of processing units used for the conversion of raw materials through any combination of chemical and physical treatment changes into finished products . 化学工艺就是任何处理单元或处理单元的组合,用于

6、原料的转化,通过任何化学组合和物理处理变成成品。 (5) a flow diagram is a road map of the process , which gives a great deal of information in a small space. 流程图是在一个小空间里给出大量信息的过程路线图。 Unit2 Chemical Engineers Function 1.Translate the following into Chinese (1)R&D (2)Nanotechnology 纳米技术 (3)Micro-reaction 微反应 (4)End-of pipe tr

7、eatment (5)Macromolecule 大分子 (6)Bio-engineering 生物工程 (7)Pharmaceuticals 药品 (8)Lab-on-a-chip 实验室 2.Translate the following sentences into Chinese it is the job of a chemical engineer to develop and optimize chemical a physical processes in the transformation of raw materials to produces . the efficie

8、ncy and effectiveness of chemical processes will remain the heart of the chemical engineering profession.化学工程师的工作就是发展和优化化学和物理过程,将原材料转化为产品。化学工艺的核心就是保持化学工程专业的效率和效益。 to assure product quality and process safety , modern instrumentation and automation technologies including multimedia interface artifici

9、al intelligence and virtual reality will be increasingly adopted.为了确保产品的质量和工艺安全,现代化的仪表和自动化技术包括多媒体界面、人工智能和模拟现实,将越来越被接受。 managing a plant , and running a business in general and a chemical business in particular will in the future be quite different due to the advent of electronic commerce and global

10、supply chain technologies.由于电子商务和全球供应链的出现,管理一个工厂和经营一个企业,特别是化工企业,将来会完全不同。 it is also noteworthy that only with globalization can a company fully utilize its advantage in technology , and in natural and human resources around the world.值得注意的是只有技术全球化以及应用全球自然资源和人力资源,是一个公司技术的优势。 within the field of chemi

11、cal engineering , there is a constant pressure to strike balance between specialization and generalization , between between chemical engineering science and process system engineering .在化学工程领域内,压力打破了专业化和一般化的平衡、分析和合成的平衡、科学和过程的平衡。 a new education program will have to bolster the communication skills,

12、 professional culture and leadership qualities of future chemical engineers in this era of globalization.在全球化的时代,一个新的教育大纲将必须是,激励未来化学工程师提高交流技巧、专业知识和领导才能。 Unit3 Industrial Inorganic Chemical 1.Translate the following into Chinese (1)chlor-alkali 氯碱 (2)End-product 终端产品 (3)Sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫 (4)Sodium

13、carbonate 碳酸钠 (5)Soda ash 苏打灰 (6)Diammonium hydrogen phosphate 磷酸氢二铵 (7)Dyestuff 染料 (8)Silicon tetrafluoride 四氟化硅 2.Translate the following into English (1)盐酸 hydrochloric acid (2)无机化学品 inorganic chemicals (3)硝酸 nitric acid (4)氢氧化钙 calcium hydroxide (5)磷酸 phosphoric acid (6)硅胶 silica gel (7)煤气厂 gas

14、plant (8)水处理 Water treatment 3.Translate the following sentences into Chinese industrial inorganic chemistry includes subdivisions of the chemical industry that manufacture inorganic products on a large scale such as the heavy inorganics (chlor-alkalis,sulfuric acid,sulfates)and fertilizers (potassi

15、um, nitrogen , and phosphorus products ) as well as segments of fine chemicals that are used to produce high purity inorganics on a much smaller scale. 工业无机化学是工业化学的一个分支,它包括大量生产的化学品及肥料,还有一部分是用来制造少量高纯度的精细化学品。 the closer to the raw material , the larger the scale of operations;such heavy inorganic chemicals are usually manufactured by continuous processes. 生产的材料越接近原材料,生产规模越大,如大量无机化学品,是通过连续生产的方式制造的。 the Solvay process had enormous advantages over the Leb



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