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1、教师寄语:I feel strongly that I can make it. 我坚信我一定能成功。 班级: _ 英语八年级上Unit9导学案(1) 姓名 _Can you come to my party? Section A (1a1c) 学习小组:_教师(学生)记载课型:_ 总第_ 课时 执行时间:_ _ 主备人:周彩英 【学习目标】1. 熟悉掌握重点单词: prepare, exam, flu.2. 掌握重点短语:prepare for , have the flu.3. 熟记重点句型: - Can you come to? - Sure, Id love to. / Sorry,

2、I cant. I have to/must.【学习过程】一、预习导学我做主1. 自主预习教材P65的新单词,完成下列英汉互译。1)准备考试 2)去看医生 3)给我的父母帮忙 4)跟朋友见面 _ _ 5)得流感 _ _ 6)来我的派对 导学提示: 1.prepare v.使做好准备;把准备好。 prepare for = make preparations for/ get ready for 为做准备 prepare to do = get ready to do/make preparations to do准备去做. prepare sb. for 使某人为而做准备 be prepare

3、d for/to do = be ready for/to do2.exam 构成的常见短语:hold an exam举行考试 take/have an exam参加考试 pass the exam通过考试 fail an exam考试不合格 mid-term exam期中考试 final exam期末考试 entrance exam入学考试 college entrance exam高考辨析exam与test exam“考试”,通常指综合测试对一门课程的掌握程度的大、中考试。 test“测试”,通常指较有针对性地对某方面能力或某部分知识的考查,一般随堂进行。测一测: Kay did very

4、 well in the entrance _ _. There is going to be an oral _ _ this afternoon.教师(学生)记载3.flu n.流行性感冒;流感 flu常见短语:get the flu得了流感 have the flu在患流感 give sb. the flu把流感传给某人 与其他病症的区别:常见生病表达有:have a cold患/得感冒 have a fever发烧 have a headache头痛注意:flu前用the而不用a flu不可数 flu前加the表示大家都知道的正在流行的流感。二、自主学习我能行1. 预习并完成学案中的短

5、语。之后,根据教材P65中的图,完成1a。2. 听录音,完成p65中的1b,将姓名写在相对应的图边。三、合作探究同进步按照教材P65中1c的要求,与同伴练习对话,然后与同伴仿照句型编新对话,比比哪组同学练得最好。四、课堂检测我真棒1. 单项选择。( )(1)Betty, lets go camping_ Sunday morning? Sounds great! A. on B. in C. at( ) (2) - Can you go out to play soccer with us? - _.But I should finish my homework first. A. Yes,

6、I do. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Yes. Id love to.( )(3)-How are you, Alice? You dont look well. - Im afraid I have _. A. a flu B. the flu C. some flu2. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(1) We are _ _(为做准备) a birthday party.(2) The rain is very heavy so we _ _ (不得不)stay at home.(3) Kay, would you like to come and _

7、(见)my friends?五总结与反思 我更棒 教师寄语:The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答就是行动。 班级_英语八年级上Unit9导学案(2) 姓名_Can you come to my party? Section A (2a-2d) 学习小组_教师(学生)记载课型:_ 总第_课时 执行时间:_ _ 主备人:周彩英【学习目标】1. 重点单词:available, until, hang, catch.2. 重点短语: not until, hang out, another time,too much.3. 重点句型:(1) - Can you go

8、 to the movies on Saturday? -Im sorry. Im available. (2) I have an exam on Monday so I must prepare for it. (3) Oh, but Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.【学习过程】一、 预习导学-我做主1. 自主预习本单元P66,完成下列英汉互译.(1)其他时间;别的时间 _ (2)available _ (3)直到才 _ (4)catch _ (5)闲逛;常去某处 _ _ (6)太多作业_ 2导学提示:available 口诀记忆:availab

9、le很害羞,修饰名词是常事,通常躲在名词后。词性中文释义备 注例 句形容词有空的(free)不用于名词前Will she be available today? 今天她有空吗?可获得的常用于名词后This is the only roomAvailable.这是唯一可用的房间。3Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.导学提示:until的用法。词性中文释义例句备注介词(表示动作、状态继续到)为止eg. I waited until three oclock. 我一直等到三点。动词为可延续性(用于否定句)到为止;直到才eg. The noise didnt

10、stop until nidnight. 噪音到深夜才停。动词为短暂性连词(表动作、状态继续)直到(另一个动作或状态出现)eg. He lived with his parents until he got married.他与父母住在一起直到结婚。主句动词为延续性(用于否定句)直到才;不到不eg. The children wont come home until its dark. 不到天黑孩子们不会回家。教师(学生)记载主句动词为短暂性4. catch v. 及时赶上;接住;抓住。 (1) 过去式caught ,过去分词 caught。 (2)catch 听清楚。eg. Pardon?

11、I didnt catch what you said.抱歉(请再说一次),我没听清你说的话。(3)常用短语:catch a cold 得感冒 catch the bus 赶公交catch fire 着火 catch ones breath 喘口气 catch up with 赶上二、 自主学习-我能行1听对话两遍,完成的2a和2b的练习。 2. 根据听力内容完成2C。3. 学习对话,熟读、熟背该对话。(2d)三、 合作探究同进步 以小组为单位,仿照2d对话进行对话练习,并表演展示。四、 课堂检测-我真棒1. 句型转换。 They can go to the tennis game with

12、me.(改为一般疑问句) _ they _ to the tennis game with me? I have to wash my clothes this evening.(改为否定句) I _ _ to wash your clothes this evening. Mike is going to the movies on Monday afternoon.(对画线部分提问) _ _ Mike _ _ _ on Monday afternoon. My uncle is free on weekends.(改为同义句) My uncle _ _ on weekends. Were planning to have a party tomorrow evening. (对画线部分提问) _ _ you planning to have a party?practice, invite, finish, refuse, accept2.从方框内选择适当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。 Jane _ her homework before ten oclock yesterday evening. He _ to answer my questions, so


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