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1、课 题8A Unit7 Seasons Reading(1)复备人复备时间教 学目 标知识目标1.读懂四季小诗2.了解四季的变化。能力目标复习和拓展有关四季气候和特征的词汇。情感目标了解一年四季的特点,激发学生对大自然的喜爱之情。教学重点读懂四季小诗,了解四季的变化。教学难点复习和拓展有关四季气候和特征的词汇。教具准备录音机、小黑板课 前 预 习(见作业纸)教师复备内容教 师 教 学 过 程学 生 活 动教师复备内容Steps 1.revision Ask: Whats your favourite seasons? Why?Step 2.PresentationTeach: among fl

2、owers,shower,temperaturerise, harvest crops,as,be full of ,forget to grow, fly far awayStep 3.Practice1.listen to the poem and finish part B2.Check the answers.2.use some sentences to describe four seasons.3.Let the Ss remember the characters of the four seasons.Step 4.Presentaion1.Ss read the poem

3、and answer some questions.Winter: What can we see in the winter? Can trees and flowers grow in winter? Why do the birds fly far away?Spring: What can we do in spring? What do bees and butterflies do in spring?Summer: What can we do in summer? Where can we often play in summer?Autumn: Where can we se

4、e piles of autumn leaves? 教 师 教 学 过 程Discuss and answer .listen to the poem and finish part B2.describe four seasons.read the poem and answer some questions.学 生 活 动 What are the farmers busy doing in autumn?2.Ss read the poem again and find the rhyming words.3.Read again,and then discusss and find t

5、he sentences in which the writer uses personification.(1)Winter: Trees and flowers forgot to grows.(2)Spring: Bees and butterflies play among flowers. They hide from the April shows.Step5.Practice1.finish partB1.check the answers.2.finish partB2.check the answers.3.finish partB3.check the answers.4.

6、Ss read after the tape, and then divide Ss into four groups .Each group will read one of the season.Step6.homework1. read the poem, recite the words and sentences.2. Do some exercises.ead the poem again and find the rhyming words.iscusss and find the sentences in which the writer uses personification.Finish PartB1 , B2 and B3.板书设计作业布置(见作业纸)教学反思


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