The Cultural Root of Differences between Chinese and Western Education

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《The Cultural Root of Differences between Chinese and Western Education》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Cultural Root of Differences between Chinese and Western Education(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Cultural Root of Differences between Chinese and Western EducationAbstractAs we know the differences between Chinese cultures and western cultures are quite obvious. This caused Chinese Education System and Western Education System have their own advantages and disadvantages. Chinese emphasizes

2、foundational knowledge whereas Western thinks highly of creativeness. If we can research the differences between Chinese and Western education from the point of culture and join two systems together, there is going be more Chinese performers on the 21st century stage.Key Words: Cultural root; Chines

3、e education; Western Education摘 要 众所周知知道我国文化和西方文化的差异十分明显,这引起中西方教育体系和教育体系有其自身的优势和缺点。中国强调基础知识而西方器重创造性。如果我们能研究从文化的角度对中西教育的差异并取长补短,将对中国人才的培养产生积极的影响。关键词:文化根源;中国教育;西方教育1 IntroductionIn recent years, with the arrival of an international wave of education reform, we also heard many calls for reform, called

4、Chinas education needs reform, and so on. However, how Chinas education reform is the right to be able to with international standards, adapt to the international trend of education reform? This is a worthy people to ponder the question. Over the years, the traditional culture, our education from th

5、e educational purpose of the education system to the educational philosophy, educational content and the West have a lot of difference. Adapt to the trend of internationalization of education, how should we abandon? These are all worth exploring. To resolve this problem, we need depth, mining, the c

6、oncept of Western culture in education on the specific performance and hold the source of their differences.1.1 Research BackgroundOnce I read an article - move, the Chinese children are Tigers, this happen in Silicon Valley ,not far from the Happy-Tun, A lot of Chinese people living here. Chinese c

7、hildren living in Happiness Tun have a large proportion in school. Due to the influence of traditional culture, Chinese children study hard seriously, all can take high test scores, particularly the entire outstanding academic achievement is in this primary schools. Here, the Chinese and the America

8、n people is also very good. But one day, American couples with children to say goodbye to the neighbors who are Chinese ,that they have to move, making Chinese neighbor surprised.American couple then made the explanation, in this school ,one too good place depressed children and seriously affected h

9、is mental health. Over time, the childs self-confidence will be greatly dampened, and thus maybe lead to pessimism or even the consequences of low self-esteem, hardly got fantasy and innovation. In Westerns eyes, this child is destroyed. In our Chinese peoples view, deliberately let the children awa

10、y from the atmosphere of intense competition in schools, it is very strange. Read the article, my heart has had a great shock, the differences between Western education and culture is evident.1.2 Motivations and ObjectivesThe analysis of the cultural roots of differences between Chinese and Western

11、education can bring us more inspiration about the function of culture and let us realizethat the different countries has different education system. There is no good or bad, there is good and bad. Its necessary to draw the strong points of others to offset ones own weakness. 2 The causes of differen

12、ces-cultureChinese and Western cultures to be discussed here, refers to the Confucian culture as the representative of the Chinese traditional culture and to American culture as the representative of modern Western culture. The reason to take the Chinese traditional Confucian culture and modern West

13、ern culture is that I personally believe that China have not established a new culture system, the so-called Chinese culture, just traditional culture and Western culture mixed together, Have not formed their own system and taken off the original Confucian culture system.With the progress of science

14、 and technology, human transport、 communication means more and more developed, in the wave of global economic integration, driven by information technology, the world is getting smaller, global village has become a Kinds of realistic portrayal ,history has never been a time, as it is today, making t

15、he different exchanges and cooperation between countries so deep and close.However, in such exchanges and cooperation , the friction and disputes between countries are becoming more frequent, which were both political and institutional, economic interests sake, but more than that was caused because

16、of cultural similarities and differences Understanding of differences, so we need find some differences between Chinese traditional culture and modern Western culture.2.1 The background of the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western culturesAs the representative of the Chinese culture, and East Asia, Southeast Asia, influenced by the culture of Confucianism and Buddhism, Tracing the source can


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