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4、翻译策略。笔者认为,中国纪录片的主要目的是向西方观众介绍中国文化,因此在翻译文化负载词保留中华文化特色的同时,要满足西方的理解要求和受众感受,根据目标语读者对中华文化的理解程度对译文作出适当的调整。同时译文还要考虑到字幕的篇幅限制和转瞬即逝的特点。因此笔者认为直译、意译、和注释三种翻译策略适于文明之旅之类的富含文化负载词的纪录片的翻译。语言转换只是思想传播的基础,文化传递才是重中之重。关键词:功能对等;字幕翻译;文化负载词;翻译策略AbstractAs a medium that integrates audio-visual input, documentaries have outstan

5、ding advantages in cross-cultural communication. Documentaries play a vital role in promoting cultural exchanges between different nationalities and different cultures, because they have authenticity, depth, and the attributes of ideology, culture, and ethnicity. Since the beginning of the new centu

6、ry, more and more imported documentaries have been shown in TV channels or on the internet. And Chinese documentaries are far from being content with “bringing in”, and they are increasingly focusing on “going out.” However, in the process domestic documentaries face many difficulties, such as how t

7、o expand the market, how to compete with the same type of media, and how to face the conflict of cultural values between different countries. Therefore, the translation of documentaries is a top priority. Undoubtedly, some translations have made inappropriate rendering of the original, some fail to

8、represent cultural elements in the original work, or create the equivalent response from the target audience so as to end in failure in terms of cultural communication. Therefore, how to ensure the language acceptability of overseas audience, while at the same time showing the original Chinese chara

9、cteristics, has become the top priority for documentary translators. The Journey of Civilization column is a high-end cultural interview program specially intended for foreign viewers by the Chinese International Channel (CCTV4). The documentary offers a large number of Chinese idioms, allusions. Re

10、searching on their translation can not only spread Chinese culture, but also enable more foreign audiences to understand the essence of Chinese culture. The translation of culture-loaded terms is a difficult topic in interpreting Chinese culture, which deserves our attention. Whats more, subtitle tr

11、anslation is unique in that it is restricted by screen and picture frames. In 1964, Eugene Nida proposed a functional equivalence theory, which is different from the traditional translation theory. For the first time, functional equivalence theory proposed that “ receptors response” should be given

12、priority to, which also suggests that translation should achieve “closest natural equivalence”. Nida proposed that there are two types of equivalence in translation: formal equivalence and functional equivalence; formal equivalence is text-oriented, and functional equivalence is targeted at the targ

13、et language reader. Nida believes that a good translations should make the target language reader and the primitive readers produce the same or similar effects. Nidas functional equivalence theory provides a new perspective on translation theory and practice. According to Nidas cultural classificati

14、on, this article divides the culture-loaded terms in Journey of Civilization into five categories, namely ecological culture-loaded terms, such as geographical names; material cultural-loaded terms, such as tools and equipment; social and cultural-loaded terms, such as personal titles; religious and

15、 culture-loaded terms, such as religious figures; language and culture-loaded terms, such as idiom numbers. From the perspective of functional equivalence, this article studies the culture-loaded terms in the subtitles of Journey of Civilization and discusses the translation strategies adopted by th

16、e translators of Journey of Civilization . The main purpose of Chinese documentaries is to introduce Chinese culture to Western audience. Therefore, when translating culture-loaded terms, it is necessary to maintain Chinese characteristics while meeting Western understanding requirements. At the same time, appropriate adjustments were made based on the target language readers understanding of


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