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1、四年级下学期英语质量调查试题(时间:60分钟)一、Read and choose (将单词的代码填在相应图片的括号里) A. teachers office B. playground C. library D. garden E. canteen go to the ( ) go to the ( ) go to the ( ) go to the ( ) go to the ( )二、Read and match(读一读,连一连)1.Do you have a canteen? A. Its on the first floor.2. Where is the library? B. Fo

2、rty-five.3. How many students are there in your class? C. Yes, we do.4. Lets go there. D. OK.5. How old are you? E. Im ten.三、Think and choose(认真想一想,选出正确答案)A. English class B. lunch C .breakfast D. P.E. class E. time( )1.What _ is it? ( )2.Its twelve oclock. . Its time for _.( )3.Its seven oclock. .

3、Its time for _.( )4.Its nine oclock. . Its time for _.( )5.Its three oclock. . Its time for _.四、Read and choose(选出与给出的图片同属一类的单词)( )1. A. board B. dinner C. canteen ( )2. A. gym B. football C. chair( )3. A. time B. seven C. school( )4. A. shorts B. red C. yellow( )5. A. colour B. shirt C. white五、Look

4、, read and choose(看图片,读句子,选答语)A: Whats the weather like ?B: ByeC: Whats the matter?D : HiE: What are you doing?John: Hello.Amy: _, John._John: I am doing my homework.Amy: _John: Its rainy. How about Beijing?Amy: Oh, no! My pictures!John:_.Amy: Its windy now .I have to close the window! Bye!John: _ !

5、六、Watch and write(仔细观察,写出正确单词)七、Read and choose(读一读,选择)( )1.Lets go to the _, have some chicken. A.TV room B. canteen C. art room( )2. Mom, can I wear my _ today? Yes, you can. Its very hot. A.T-shirt B. jacket C. sweater( )3.-How much is this pretty dress? -_ A. It is 78 yuan. B. They are 78 yuan.

6、C. Great !( )4.Look at the pants. They are 10 yuan. They are _. A. cheap B. pretty C. expensive( )5.-Can I help you? -_.A. Yes. How much is it? B. Its pretty C. You are welcome!( )6.What are they?A. They are goat. B. They are sheep. C. Its a lamb.( )7.Are they hens? A .Yes , they are . B .No , they

7、are. C .Yes , it is.( )8.How many cows are there?A.I have one hundred. B .They are twenty. C .Twenty .( )9.What do you see in the picture?A.I see five cats. B.I see three dog. C .Thirty .( )10.How many _do you have? A :potato B: potatos C: potatoes八、Put the words in order(连词成句)1. for Its dinner time

8、 (.).2. five Its oclock (.)3. time What it is (?04. go home Lets (.) 5. ducks they are (?)九、Read and judge(读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示)Zoom: Its warm today.Zip: Lets go to the farm.Zoom: Great!认真对待哟!Zip: Wow! This farm is so big.Zoom: What are these?Zip: They are cucumbers.Zoom: I like cucumbers. They are f

9、resh.Zip: Are these horses?Zoom: No, they arent. They are donkeys. Zip: I dont like donkeys. I like horses.Zoom: Look! Those are horses.Zip: Lets play with them.Zoom: OK. ( ) 1. Its hot today. ( ) 2. Zoom likes cucumbers. ( ) 3. Zip likes donkeys. ( ) 4.The farm is very big. ( ) 5. Zoom likes to go

10、to the farm.十、Write a report(写天气预报)Good morning !Heres the weather report in China. It is windy in Beijing. 四年级下学期英语质量调查试题一、Read and choose (将单词的代码填在相应图片的括号里,10分,每小题2分)答案:1-5 CADBE二、Read and match(连一连10分,每小题2分)答案:1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.E 三、Think and choose(认真想一想,选出正确答案10分,每小题2分)答案:1.F 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.E D 四

11、、Read and choose(选出与给出的图片同属一类的单词,10分,每小题2分)答案:1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 五、Look, read and choose(看图片,读句子,选答语,10分,每小题2分)答案:1-5 D E A C B六、Watch and write(观察,写出正确单词,10分,每小题1分,)答案:sunny rainy cloudy snowy windy pig computer dog dress fan七、Read and choose(读一读,选择,10分,每小题1分)答案:1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C八、Put the words in order(连词成句,10分,每小题2分,)答案:1.Its time for dinner.2.Its five oclock.3.What time is it?4.Lets go home.5.Are they ducks?九、Read and judge(读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示,10分,每小题2分)答案:1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T十、Write a report(写报告10分,) 答案:(略) / 文档可自由编辑打印


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