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1、北京语言大学22春汉语写作离线作业二及答案参考1. Maggie Banes looked _26_at her watchas she had done every few minutes for the lastMaggie Banes looked _26_at her watchas she had done every few minutes for the last three hours. _27_ it was nearly eight oclock. Where on earth is Jill? she thought.It isnt like her to be so l

2、ate._28_,she picked up the plate of sandwiches shed made for tea and went to the kitchen. _29_the door opened and Jill walked into the house. She looked tired. What a relief! Are you OK? said Maggie loudly. Yes, Im fine, Auntie,replied Jill. Im so sorry Im late, but something strange happened on the

3、 way here._30_,Jill explained that, in her hurry to get through the woods, she had tripped and knocked herself unconscious. When she woke up, she realised she was lost. I walked around for ages until I found the right path. Then I ran alt the way here.A. ReluctantlyB. Just thenC. anxiouslyD. To her

4、aunts amazementE. She was dismayed to see that参考答案:26.C27.E28.A29.B30.D2. 解说词的特点有哪些( )A.附着性B.拓展性C.审美性D.分合性解说词有分有合,合中有分,分中有合,节段分明参考答案:ABD3. There are several applications called Web browsers that make it easy to access theWoThere are several applications called Web browsers that make it easy to acces

5、s theWorld Wide Web, two of the most popular being Netscape Navigator and Microsoft sInternet Explorer.参考答案有一些叫做网络浏览器的应用软件,使用它能够很容易的访问万维网,其中两个较流行的是Netscape Navigato和 Microsofts nInternet Explorer.4. 内容的完整表达,是保证段意单一的必要条件。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B5. 举例说明,用具体例子来说明事物特点、本质及其规律。所用例子必须有代表性、典型性,能体现事物的本质特征及说明的需求。( )

6、A.错误B.正确参考答案:B6. Achievement tests are typically administered at (the) _ of a course orAchievement tests are typically administered at (the) _ of a course or aprogram.A. beginningB. middleC. endD. anytime参考答案C7. 归纳法(名词解释)参考答案:是指人们以一系列经验事物或知识素材为依据,寻找出其服从的基本规律或共同规律,并假设同类事物中的其他事物也服从这些规律,从而将这些规律作为预测同类事物

7、的其他事物的基本原理一种认知方法。8. I was a teacher but I want to be a doctor now. _ A) So is my friend B) So do my frienI was a teacher but I want to be a doctor now. _A) So is my friendB) So do my friendC) So was my friendD) So it is with my friendD表示后者与前者情况一样,但前者中谓语动词多种形式,后者不能确定谓语动词形式,只能用so it is with.9. 广告、说明书、

8、介绍信、游览须知、内容简介及操作规程等属于日常说明文。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B10. 教案的编写过程,是个知识更新的过程。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B11. English is seen as a threat in countries where the national identity is needed.English is seen as a threat in countries where the national identity is needed.参考答案:T12. 文体在写作中具有一般的地位。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A13. 1 like the

9、 new restaurant,_ Polly. A. so is B. also did C. so does1 like the new restaurant,_ Polly.A. so isB. also didC. so does参考答案C14. ( )是最高的语言艺术,被称为“精致的讲话”。A.散文B.叙事式C.诗歌D.戏剧参考答案:C15. We now have_fast ways of traveling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller.AWe now have_fast ways of traveling tha

10、t this big ocean seems to have grown smaller.AsoBsuchCso aDsuch a正确答案:B16. ( )在题材上基本不受限制。A.小说B.说C.散文D.诗歌参考答案:C17. Poor food contributed_her illness and her illness had a strong impact_her characPoor food contributed_her illness and her illness had a strong impact_her character.Ato; forBfor; onCto; o

11、nDwith ; at正确答案:C18. _,all the people in the country should be responsible for present crisis.A.In a_,all the people in the country should be responsible for present crisis.A.In a certain extentB.To a certain extentC.For a certain extentD .At a certain extent正确答案:B解析:固定搭配:To a certain extent :在一定程度上

12、19. 邀请类文书的格式一般由标题、称呼、正文、结尾语、落款五部分组成。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A20. 计划的构成包括( )。A.标题B.描写式抒怀C.计划的内容D.制订计划的单位或个人的署名及制订时间参考答案:ABCD21. The core lexicon of basic English is ( ).A. made up of French wordsB. from Latin and GrThe core lexicon of basic English is ( ).A. made up of French wordsB. from Latin and GreekC. d

13、erived from CelticD. of Germanic origin参考答案:D22. 教学论文的“文献性”要求论文作者要用辩证唯物主义的科学的思想、精神和方法对论题进行实事求是的科学论证,得出符合教育教学规律的科学结论。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A23. 真实性指新闻报道与所反映的客观事实的一致程度,这是新闻的本源和生命,是新闻最重要的特征。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B24. Can you express _ in English? Ayourself Byou Cyours Dyours&39;Can you express _ in English?Ayourse

14、lfByouCyours DyoursA25. 没有创新性的文章不成其为科研论文,“创造性”是教学论文的价值所在。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B26. 调查报告的作用主要有( )。A.如实地反映社会情况B.安排开头、层次和结尾C.及时地反映社会问题D.为报刊提供新闻材料参考答案:ABCD27. 不是构思主要特征的是( )。A.唯一性B.断要断得有理续要续得自然C.艰苦性D.复杂性参考答案:A28. We think that your suggestion is_.AacceptableBto acceptCacceptingDacceptedWe think that your suggestion is_.AacceptableBto acceptCacceptingDaccepted正确答案:A29. 人物消息是以通讯的形式报道新闻人物的活动与



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