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1、英語教學活動設計1.遊戲名稱:猜數字How Old Are You2. 適用年級:四年級以上2. 適用人數:沒有限制3. 遊戲流程: a. 分兩隊,先言明歲數的範圍,如 1100 歲。b.各對自行約定好各對的年齡,不要讓對手知道。c.甲隊先問乙, How old are you? Are you 35 years old?,假設乙隊設定的年齡是 16, 就回答 : No, Im younger than that.若乙隊設定的年齡是46, 就回答 : No, Im older.然後輪到乙隊猜。d. 藉著範圍逐步縮小,最先正確猜出對方年齡者贏。4. 準備器材:無5. 注意事項:a: 1. 2 個

2、人玩也可以。b: 鼓勵多會話,只要能表達,不限用固定句型。孩子常有爆料脫口秀,Are youkidding? Why do you look so old? You look older than my grandma! Ijust cant believe it !c: 除了年齡,也可猜Howtallare you? How many coinsdo you have ? Areyou staying on the 16th floor?How much does this cost ?多提供不同的問題,在練習中學會句型應用。科目:英語教學活動設計遊戲教學遊戲名稱: FAX MESSAGE(

3、打電報傳密碼)適用年級:不限(依學生的學習進度及程度而定)適用人數:不限(依人數多寡分組,但每組最多不超過人。) G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G62RuleRule RuleorRuleRuleRule Group orDouble CheckTaipei teacher colleague homeworkAge: 46 yearsMembers: 23Instruments : CardsPretext :The game uses a set of picture or word cards in which there are always matching pairs.Proces

4、s :1. The cards are placed face down on a table.2. Players take turns in turning over two cards and naming them.3. If the two cards are a pair, the player can remove them from the table, if not the player turns them face down in the original position.4. The winner is the player who picks up the most

5、 matching pairs.Conclusion :The game is good for practising vocabulary, simple reading tasks and spatial awareness.遊戲名稱 :BINGO適用年級 : 各年級過程 :1. 每生各發一張小紙片 .2. 格數約 16 格. 如表一3. 可依教學進度填入各主題 , 如低年級可填入字母 AZ.4. 讓小朋友輪流抽字卡 , 如有抽中字母連成一直線 .該生即喊 BINGO.5. 有人喊 BINGO,遊戲即結束 .準備器材 : 全班每生一張小紙片 .注意事項 : 小朋友畫線 , 可教學生將紙片對

6、折 , 再對折 .表一 :1. 遊戲名稱:漢堡拳2. 適用年級:低中年級3. 適用人數:皆可4. 遊戲流程:1. 漢堡( Hamburger ) 左右手上下開掌2.薯條( French Fires)左右手張開食指和中指,擺在雙肩上3. 可樂( Cola ) 雙手握拳疊放在上下,右手大拇指向上表示吸管B.口訣( HamburgerHamburgerCola )類似五官拳。甲、不可以和出題者一樣,可以比Hamburger 或 French Fires一樣者要退出。,C. 可以用在課餘遊戲,或是掌控秩序上。5. 準備器材:雙手6. 注意事項:手勢要熟練,口令要清楚9196322 黃文亭9196334

7、 王文觀英語教學活動設計(遊戲教學)一、遊戲名稱:春天花開二、適用年級:低年級三、適用人數:一個班級(約35 人左右)四、遊戲流程:(一)小朋友會說數字110;可以拿周遭的物品來練習英文數數。(二)帶小朋友至一個空間較大的教室裡,大家手牽手圍成一個圓圈,老師站在圓圈中間。(三)老師說:春天花開!;小朋友問:開什麼花?(不一定是春天,也可以改成夏天、秋天或是冬天)(四)老師答:杜鵑花開!;小朋友問:開幾朵?(不一定是杜鵑花,可以根據季節變化,改變其他的花名。)(五)當老師答:開 5 朵!(或是其他數字)時,所有小朋友就要趕緊和他人湊成五位 (或是其他數字) 圍成小圓圈蹲下來將手舉到頭上做出開花狀

8、。(沒有找到伴的同學請他們學一種動物的叫聲)(六)老師走到其中一組的前面請他們站起來,再請那一組的小朋友用英文數數看他們這一組總共有幾人?其他組別則聽聽看他們有沒有數錯。(最好讓每一組的同學都能輪到)(七)再回到(一)的步驟重新玩;小朋友可以從這個寓教於樂的遊戲中學到數數;也可以讓小朋友知道當季節有變化時,所開的花朵就會不一樣。五、準備器材:數字卡、花朵圖片、哨子及可以作為數數的實物。六、注意事項:(一)教室空間要大一點,這樣小朋友在玩的時候才不會碰撞到桌椅而受傷。(二)要注意安全,不要讓小朋友互相推擠。(三)要讓所有的小朋友都能融入遊戲教學中,讓每位小朋友都有參與感。Game name :

9、Say 6 thingsGrade : Grade 5 & 6Numbers of Ss : 30 35 SsTeaching aids : A ball or a handkerchief etc.Goals : 1.Helping Ss to communicate and interact fluently and happily by guided speaking .Step of the game :1. All the Ss make a circle .2.A volunteer iswanted tothecenterofthe circleas a ”ghost ”.3.T

10、he ghost closes his eyes and the others pass the ball(orhandkerchief ) in turn .4.Anyone getting the ball(or handkerchief)must stop as soon asthe ghost claps hishands . The one gettingthe ball ( or handkerchief) must notpassout his ball(or handkerchief ) untiltheghost says a letter pointing tohim .A

11、nd the one gettingthe ball ( or handkerchief) isrequiredtosay 6 words initializedwith the lettersnamed by the ghost before the ball( or handkerchief) is passedback to himself .5.The one gettingthe ball (or handkerchief)is requiredto exchangethe positionwith the ghost once he fails to complete the ta

12、sk .Notice : 1. The game is qualified to be used as a warm-up or wrap-up activity to quiet the Ssdown .2.The ball (or handkerchief )maybe passed over more than 2 circles when thenumbers of Ss are not that many .3.The activityis designed to help Ss memorize the vocabularies.For example ,name6 partsof the body , 6 sectionsof the world , 6animals ,6 fruits , 6 foodsand so on .4. It would be better for the teacher to stand in the circle of the circle .5. Let the child be well prepared in advance .



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