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1、北京理工大学毕业设计(论文) 弹簧吊耳工艺规程及加工30两孔夹具设计学 生:xxxx学 号:xxxxx专 业:xxxx班 级:xxxx 指导教师:xxx 北京理工大学机械工程学院二O一四年六月毕业设计(论文)任务书设计(论文)题目: 弹簧吊耳工艺规程及加工30 两孔夹具设计 系: xxx 专业: xx 班级: xx 学号: xxx 学生: xxx 指导教师: xxxxx 接受任务时间 2014.03.03 系主任 (签名) 院长 (签名)1毕业设计(论文)的主要内容及基本要求1. 零件图一张, 毛坯图一张 . 夹具装配图一份, 夹具零件图一套 . 机械加工工艺卡一套, 主要工序工序卡二份 .

2、设计说明书一份。2原始数据零件图一张, 生产纲领10000件3指定查阅的主要参考文献及说明1. 机械制造工艺手册 .机械零件设计手册 .夹具设计手册4. 机械制造技术基础课程设计指导书4. 进度安排设计(论文)各阶段名称起 止 日 期1零件功能, 结构, 尺寸, 精度要求分析等2014.03.03-3.182机械加工工艺设计2014.03.19-04.083工序设计2014.04.09-04.224夹具设计2014.04.23-05.225说明书编制2014.05.23-05.28摘要本次设计的是弹簧吊耳的加工工艺以及加工30两孔的夹具的设计,弹簧吊耳一般分为前后吊耳两种,前吊耳是用于固定钢板


4、件的主要加工表面是平面及孔。由加工工艺原则可知,保证平面的加工精度要比保证孔的加工精度容易。所以本设计遵循先面后孔的原则。并将孔与平面的加工明确划分成粗加工和精加工阶段以保证加工精度。基准选择以后钢板弹簧吊耳大外圆端面作为粗基准,以后钢板弹簧吊耳大外圆端面与两个工艺孔作为精基准。主要加工工序安排是先以后钢板弹簧吊耳大外圆端面互为基准加工出端面,再以端面定位加工出工艺孔。在后续工序中除个别工序外均用端面和工艺孔定位加工其他孔与平面。整个加工过程均选用组合机床。关键词:工艺设计、基准选择、切削用量、夹具设计、定位基准、定位误差。ABSTRCTWhat this design around is t

5、he spring shackle processing craft as well as the processing 30liang hole jigs design, the spring shackle divides into the shackle two kinds generally, the first shackle is uses in the fixed steel plate and the rear axle of car localization, can only rotate, cannot move, needs frequently the repleni

6、shment butter or the replacement gum cover, the latter shackle may move backward or extend, after generally big freight vehicle, the shackle is fixed, is only the steel plate extends. The car is moves the shackle, the steel plate and the shackle also moves, leading role after the carrying capacity,

7、enables its steel plate to obtain extends, the extension, can have the normal cushioning effect. Limit spring position, and along with spring vertical motion, but around movement. The jig design aims at 30liang the hole unit clamp, considered the components quantity is quite big, belongs to the larg

8、e scale production, therefore the efficiency is very important, therefore this design has discarded the former old way, uses the technical quite advanced air operated achievement clamping force origin. Components not high specification, therefore uses one to sell the localization, coordinates jigs a

9、bout simultaneously to clamp then may satisfy the request. The design of the plate after spring lug parts of the processing order of the processes and some special fixture design. Spring plate after hanging parts of the main plane of the surface and pore. By the principle known Processing , the plan

10、e guarantee precision machining holes than guarantee the machining precision easy. So the design follows the surface after the first hole principle. Plane with holes and the processing clearly divided into roughing and finishing stages of processing to ensure accuracy. After selecting base plate spr

11、ing lug large cylindrical face as a rough benchmark, After the leaf spring lug large cylindrical end with two holes as a precision technology benchmarks. main processes arrangements after the first spring plate lug large cylindrical face each other benchmarks machined face, End position to further p

12、rocessing out of holes. In addition to the follow-up processes are individual processes with end-positioning technology and other processing Kong and plane. The entire process of processing machine combinations were selected.Key word: Craft, datum, cutting specifications, localization datum, positio

13、n error目 录中文摘要.ABSTRCT.第1章 零件的分析11.1 零件的作用11.2 零件的工艺分析11.2.1长度为76mm的左右两个端面21.2.2左右两个吊耳的四个表面21.2.3以中心线为要求左右吊耳都要加工出一个4mm的缺口2第2章 工艺规程设计32.1 确定毛坯的制造形式32.2 基准的选择32.2.1粗基准的选择42.2.2精基准的选择42.3 制定工艺路线42.3.1工艺路线方案一:42.3.2工艺路线方案二:52.3.3工艺路线方案的比较与最终工艺路线方案如下:62.4 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定72.5 确立切削用量及基本工时82.5.1工序一 粗铣76mm的左右两个端面82.5.2工序二 钻,扩,铰37mm孔,倒角1.5102.5.3工序三 粗铣孔的内侧面122.5.4工序四 粗铣孔的外侧面132.5.5工序五 钻,扩,铰mm孔142.5.6工序六 钻,扩孔162.5.7工序七 粗铣宽度为4的开口槽182.6时间定额计算及生产安排192.7 本章小结22第3章 专用夹具设计233.1加工工艺孔夹具设计233.2定位方案的分析和定位基准的选择233.3定位误差分析233.4



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