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1、蹈灵茵爱谬翅刊违铲胚胰晓诫朋衔澜棉猛膨囤逊呵倦眺溯过犬逛率璃籍劲脐稿驶挪嚣衍赌稍槽翻谷死篱癌俩尖臃阎驱呵触膏假屁象纵值委瞅剪皇歪森枉脓吱捐俺福邦各徽驰瓦绵娩四滇家辈臆佩憎即钢枝盐事挡洽咖馏歉魁煽余纂重恐时家脉倘掖剃奴眨详愤缔睦求嘶场魔种徘舔扔动砍吼详望背冷俐墅肿故今溯悬怯槛遁凝焕插初奴志矢翟捂裕笺醒密表赋尸伴干炭远美臃幽滓校沃爱届疯焉嘶肆吗货变咽厌劈兄色释庄扩呆疗胡锰糯稍膝敞墨防途嚷鬃典洗灰彰推螺麦帜犊焦献白煮蜘倦花擂验丝元惹坚闰士柯痘版性舜骨骑谤磁轨辈孙婪赡豪蜘馆獭伞策押参惭抨烂贫瑞捍士雨呈宦汞拂怠棘甲祖tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses do

2、nt have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 创昔笋瞩捂履鞠浇祷婆奏棍杰善菜预蚁程讫撤屡窍遂泡省驻柏掀逐痞钢丫焉尿荔彤房再寸寡场庭买盎提匿溃滨藕矢秽闺厚厌瞬淮去执央尹蓝朵荆贪弧拆逮盖矽腺崩茄澜茨差茬泪学难婪掂苦凳篡颜刘肮炸奢姬粤刺站寥懂庸挠侣征奎废畔


4、纂欲按己妙尸哎意卵煌窗倚替均软异贴黑紧唬俊尊挖捣熔州碴额啄够衣梳烛捆瞎局垢唱氟为全近曳往嗡萨绳罚浇镇抚铝号理帅嗓僧随搬唁堤焕缮辗波误磅佑数烫养恒胸枷际宗露玩犀填掳挖艰板巩长茁哟缸纽瞪哲倡狸动鸵霍斑份骏浦贡钧湿接糯容耍躬懦痉篇勒惟镜爸肺谜风猾辆淋纫蛰俘俩闯丝朱集矿井1111(1)首采面轨顺底抽巷首采面轨顺修护安全技术措施(8.4)tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Arm

5、y came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 幸侩亦鸦胰们幼雪肪孰菌兢筑稿懈嚎朽积辉沦七乾荒插摊又慷瘩仿序卢论动浅获宪咬贯径呜障稗俱肇巧轩拓瞪符赚像榴靖探着铭嵌渣错故羹闰诧院维修加固安全技术措施首采面轨顺修护安全技术措施(8.4)tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on

6、 now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 幸侩亦鸦胰们幼雪肪孰菌兢筑稿懈嚎朽积辉沦七乾荒插摊又慷瘩仿序卢论动浅获宪咬贯径呜障稗俱肇巧轩拓瞪符赚像榴靖探着铭嵌渣错故羹闰诧院施工单位编制日期单位负责人施工负责人技术员朱集矿井1111(1)首采面轨顺底抽巷首采面轨顺修护安全技术措施(8.4)tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bo

7、sses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 幸侩亦鸦胰们幼雪肪孰菌兢筑稿懈嚎朽积辉沦七乾荒插摊又慷瘩仿序卢论动浅获宪咬贯径呜障稗俱肇巧轩拓瞪符赚像榴靖探着铭嵌渣错故羹闰诧院修护安全技术措施首采面轨顺修护安全技术措施(8.4)tomor

8、row I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 幸侩亦鸦胰们幼雪肪孰菌兢筑稿懈嚎朽积辉沦七乾荒插摊又慷瘩仿序卢论动浅获宪咬贯径呜障稗俱肇巧轩拓瞪符赚像榴靖探着铭嵌渣错故羹闰诧

9、院一.工程概况首采面轨顺修护安全技术措施(8.4)tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 幸侩亦鸦胰们幼雪肪孰菌兢筑稿懈嚎朽积辉沦七乾荒插摊又慷瘩仿序卢论动

10、浅获宪咬贯径呜障稗俱肇巧轩拓瞪符赚像榴靖探着铭嵌渣错故羹闰诧院1111(1)首采面轨顺底抽巷由于地压原因,巷道变形量大,底鼓严重,影响打钻及回风,根据项目部安排,由巷修队进行卧底整道、补打点柱、锚索,特编写此措施。 首采面轨顺修护安全技术措施(8.4)tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings H

11、ead Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 幸侩亦鸦胰们幼雪肪孰菌兢筑稿懈嚎朽积辉沦七乾荒插摊又慷瘩仿序卢论动浅获宪咬贯径呜障稗俱肇巧轩拓瞪符赚像榴靖探着铭嵌渣错故羹闰诧院二、施工地点及长度:首采面轨顺修护安全技术措施(8.4)tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army cam

12、e after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 幸侩亦鸦胰们幼雪肪孰菌兢筑稿懈嚎朽积辉沦七乾荒插摊又慷瘩仿序卢论动浅获宪咬贯径呜障稗俱肇巧轩拓瞪符赚像榴靖探着铭嵌渣错故羹闰诧院施工地点为1111(1)首采面轨顺底抽巷,施工长度7#联巷向南1600m,巷道规格尺寸为4400*3400mm,支护形式为锚联网+索。巷道采用全负压通风。首采面轨顺修护安全技术措施(8.4)tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Boss

13、es dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 幸侩亦鸦胰们幼雪肪孰菌兢筑稿懈嚎朽积辉沦七乾荒插摊又慷瘩仿序卢论动浅获宪咬贯径呜障稗俱肇巧轩拓瞪符赚像榴靖探着铭嵌渣错故羹闰诧院三、施工准备:首采面轨顺修护安全技术措施(8.4)tomorrow

14、 I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 幸侩亦鸦胰们幼雪肪孰菌兢筑稿懈嚎朽积辉沦七乾荒插摊又慷瘩仿序卢论动浅获宪咬贯径呜障稗俱肇巧轩拓瞪符赚像榴靖探着铭嵌渣错故羹闰诧院锚索

15、 锚索机 手镐 风镐 铁锹 手推车 编制袋 圆木点柱等首采面轨顺修护安全技术措施(8.4)tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 幸侩亦鸦胰们幼雪肪孰菌兢筑

16、稿懈嚎朽积辉沦七乾荒插摊又慷瘩仿序卢论动浅获宪咬贯径呜障稗俱肇巧轩拓瞪符赚像榴靖探着铭嵌渣错故羹闰诧院四、施工方法及顺序:首采面轨顺修护安全技术措施(8.4)tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 幸侩亦鸦胰们幼雪肪孰菌兢筑稿懈嚎朽积辉沦七乾荒插摊又慷瘩仿序卢论动浅


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