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1、2022年考博英语-西南大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题It was the biggest scientific grudge match since the space race. The Genome Wars had everything two groups with appealing-leaders ready to fight in a scientific dead heat pushing the limits of technology and rhetoric as they battled to become the first to read

2、 every last one of the 3 billion DNA “letters” in the human body. The scientific importance of the work is unquestionable.The completed DNA sequence is expected to give scientists unprecedented insights into the workings of the human body, revolutionizing medicine and biology. But the race itself, b

3、etween the governments Human Genome Project and Rockville, Md., biotechnology company Cel era Genomics, was at least partly symbolic, the public/private conflict played out in a generic lab.Now the race is over. After years of public attacks and several failed attempts at reconciliation, the two sid

4、es are taking a step toward a period of calm. HGP head Francis Collins (and Ari Patrinos of the Department of Energy, an important ally on the government side) and Craig Venter, the founder of Cel era, agreed to hold a joint press conference in Washington this Monday to declare that the race was ove

5、r (sort of), that both sides had won (kind of) and that The hostilities were resolved (for the time being).No one is exactly sure how things will be different now. Neither side will be turning off its sequencing machines any time soonthe finish lines” each has crossed are largely arbitrary points, f

6、irst drafts rather than the definitive version. And while the joint -announcement brings file former Genome Warriors closer together than theyre been in years, insiders say that future agreements are more likely to take the form of coordination, rather-than outright collaboration.The conflict blew u

7、p, this February when Britains Welcome Trust an HGP participant released a confidential letter to Cetera outlining the HGPs complaints. Venter called the move “a lowlife thing to do.” But by spring, there were the first signs of a thaw. “The attacks and nastiness are bad for science and our investor

8、s, Venter told Newsweek in March, “and fighting back is probably not helpful. At a cancer meeting earlier this month, Venter and Collins praised each others approaches, and expressed hope that all of the scientists involved in sequencing the human genome would be able to share the credit. By late la

9、st week, that hope was becoming a reality as details for Mondays joint announcement were hammered out. Scientists in both camps welcomed an end to the hostilities. If this ends the horse race, science wins. With their difference behind them, or at least set aside, the scientists should now be able t

10、o get down to the interesting stuff: figuring how to make use of all that data.1.The recent Genome Wars were symbolic of ( ).2.The tone-of the author in reporting the joint press conference this Monday is( ).3.It is implied in the third paragraph that( ).4.The word thaw (Line 3, Paragraph 4) most pr

11、obably means( ).5.The critical issue facing the scientists is to( ).问题1选项A.the enthusiasm in scientific researchB.the significance of the space raceC.the public versus private conflictD.the prospect of the completion of DNA sequence问题2选项A.astonishedB.enthusiasticC.disappointedD.objective问题3选项A.the f

12、inish lines refers to completion of DNA research.B.former Genome Warriors will never fight again.C.the former warriors are now collaboratorsD.both sides will still work on independently问题4选项A.aggravation of tensionB.improvement in relationC.intensification in attacksD.ending of coordination问题5选项A.ap

13、ply the newly-found knowledge to the benefit of mankindB.end their horse race for the success of scienceC.get down to their genome researchD.set their differences aside【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.根据文章第一段最后一句But the race itself, between the governments Human Genome Project and Rockville, Md.,

14、biotechnology company Cel era Genomics, was at least partly symbolic, the public/private conflict played out in a generic lab可知选项C符合题意。2.文章第二段最后对周一记者招待会进行了报道。根据 declare that the race was over (sort of), that both sides had won (kind of) and that The hostilities were resolved (for the time being)可知作者

15、对该会议的报道客观,引用会议双方的申明。所以选项D符合题意。3.文章倒数第二段提到尽管共同宣言使得以前的基因勇士们比几年前更加亲密,内部人员未来达成的共识可能更多采取协调的形式,而不是直接的合作(And while the joint -announcement brings file former Genome Warriors closer together than theyre been in years, insiders say that future agreements are more likely to take the form of coordination, rather-than outright collaboration)。选项D “双方会继续独立工作”与这个说法切合,因此符合题意。4.文章倒数第一段一开始提到战争爆发(blew up),第三句But by spring, there were the first signs of a thaw, “but”转折指出第一次有“thaw”的迹象,接着又提到赛来拉公司创始人认为对抗不好,可以推断出双方关系得到改善,thaw 有“解冻”的意思,选项B符合题意。5.文章最后一句提到把矛盾抛诸脑后,或者至少应该放在一边,科学家们应该能够好好研究这个有趣的问题了,即怎么利用这些数据(With t


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