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1、复合句(定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句)定语从句考点一 关系代词引导的定语从句1. whose是一个表示所属关系的词,在定语从句中作定语,of which可以代替whose指物, 词序一般是名词 of which 或 of which 名词。 of whom 可以代替 whose 指人,词序是名词 of whom 。2. which , that 所代替的先行词是表示事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。先行词既有人又有物时,关系代词用that; which 代指前面整个句子内容。3. who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是表示人的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾 考点二

2、介词提前了的定语从句1. 与定语从句中的动词构成搭配。2. 与定语从句所修饰的先行词构成搭配。3. of which/whom 表示所属关系。 (表所属关系也可用 whose) 考点三 关系副词引导的定语从句1. 关系副词在定语从句中作状语,when指时间,where指地点,why指原因,在定语从句 中分别作时间状语、地点状语和原因状语。2. 先行词是时间名词或地点名词时,如果在从句中不作状语,则不能用when 或 where 引 导定语从句,而要用 which/that 。考点四 先行词为point, situation, case等的定语从句point, situation, case,

3、activity 等,从表面上看它们不是表地点的,但却表示类似地点的意 义,因此它们作先行词时,如果引导词在从句中作状语,那么这个引导词要用where;如果不作状语,则用关系代词 that/which 。名词性从句考点一 主语从句主语从句在主句中作主语,位于主句谓语动词之前,但多数情况下由it 作形式主语,而把真正的主语放在句子的后面, 其句型结构为: Itbe n./adj.that/whether/why/when 从句。 考点二 同位语从句1. 同位语从句常放在 fact, news, idea, truth, hope, problem , information , belief,

4、thought, doubt 等名词的后面,是对前面的名词作进一步的解释,说明前面名词的具体含义。2. 同位语从句与定语从句的区别: 同位语从句是对前面名词的内容作进一步的解释、 说明, 引导词只起引导作用, 不在句中作 任何成分, 一般不可省略。定语从句是对前面名词进行修饰、 限制,引导词在句中作一定的 句子成分。考点三 表语从句 表语从句在句中作表语,位于主句的系动词之后。引导表语从句的连词有that, whether, asif;疑问代词有 who, what, which ;疑问副词 where, why, when, how 等。考点四 疑问词+ ever与no matte叶疑问词的

5、区别的意思,但是用法有区别: “疑问n omatter+疑问词只能用来引导状“疑问词 ever ”与“ no matter 疑问词 ”虽然都有 “无论词+ ever 既可以引导名词性从句也可引导状语从句,而 语从句。状语从句考点一 时间状语从句1表示时间的状语从句可以由when, whenever, as, while , before, until, ever since , assoon as等词弓丨导。【温馨提示】 when 可表原因,意为 “既然 ”。How can you expect to learn anything when you never listen? 既然你什么也听不

6、下去你怎么期望学东西呢?2as soon as, immediately , directly , instantly, the moment, the minute, the instant, no sooner.than., hardly/scarcely.when.和 once(就 )这些从属连词引导的从句都表示从句的动作一发生,主句的动作随即就发生,常译为一就”。从句中用一般时态代替将来时态。3. no sooner.than和hardly.when引导的从句表示 刚就”。主句中的动词一般用过去完成时,从句用过去时。若把no sooner, hardly提到句首,主句须倒装。考点二 条

7、件状语从句1通常由if, unless如果不,除非,as(so)long as只要,in case结果,万一等连词引导。2.由 on con diti on (that) ; provided(that); providi ng(that)(假若;倘使);suppos in g(that)等弓丨导 的条件状语从句。考点三 地点状语从句1. 通常由连词 where 和 wherever 引导,从句可位于主句之前,也可位于主句之后。2. 地点状语从句在句首时常兼有抽象条件意味。Where theres a will ,theres a way. 有志者事竟成。考点四 让步状语从句1. 由altho

8、ugh, though, as引导的状语从句 although和though同义,用法基本相同。前者较 正式,多置于句首;后者较通俗、口语化。【温馨提示】as引导的让步状语从句多用于书面语,语序要倒装。Child as he is, he knows a lot.尽管他是个孩子,但是他知道得很多。2. even if, even though 表示“即使,纵然 ”,有退一步设想的意味,多用于书面语中。3. whether(.or)引导让步状语从句,提供两个或两个以上的假设。4. 由疑问词+ ever引导让步状语从句。考点五 原因状语从句原因状语从句常用 because, si nee, as,

9、 for 引导,还可用 now that (既然),con sideri ng that.(考 虑到),not that.but that(不是因为而是因为)等引导。考点六 结果状语从句结果状语从句由 so that, so.that, such that, such.that 等词引导。复合句专项练习1. The school shop, customers are mainly studen,tsis closed for the holidays.A. which B. whose C. whenD. where2. The old town has narrow streets and

10、 small houses are built close to each other.A. theyB. whereC. what D. that3. Julie was good at German, French and Russian, all of she spoke fluently.A. whoB. whomC. which D. that4. Mother bought many tomatoes from the market two days ago, some havegone bad due to the bad weather.A. of thoseB. from w

11、hichC. of whichD. in which5. As a teacher, I seldom give my students so difficult a problem they cannotwork out.A. that B. ifC. in order thatD. as6. It is still under discussion _ the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.A. whether B. whenC. whichD. where7. She is very dear

12、to us. We have been prepared to do it takes to save her life.A. whichever B. however C. whateverD. whoever8. Being angry is OK, but knowing how to tell someone made you angry isimportant.A. that B. which C. whyD. what9. In recent years, there has been a heated argument about it is necessaryfor child

13、ren to learn English from an early age.A. whetherB. ifC. what D. that10. The whole family were worried about Jane because no one was aware shehad gone.A. that whereB. of the place whichC. of whatD. of where11. He had no sooner finished his speech the students started cheering.A. sinceB. asC. whenD.

14、than12. As is reported, it is 100 years Qinghua University was founded.A. whenB. beforeC. after D. since13. No matter how , it is not necessarily lifeless.A. a desert may be dryB. dry a desert may beC. may a desert be dryD. dry may a desert be14. Having checked everything, he sat down to do his home

15、work, he hearda lightening strike the electricity pole in the backyard.A. for B. when C. or D. but15. If you are traveling the customs are really foreign to your own, please doas the Romans do.A. in which B. what C. when D. where16. - Could you please cut the price a little?- Er . you buy more than ten.A. even if B. so long as C. in case D. as soon as17. It was foolish of you to take a taxi _ you could easily walk there in five minutes. A. thoughB. as long asC. so



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