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1、吉林省长春市实验中学高二英语选修六Unit 5 Period 2导学案【学习目标】I通过本单元教学使学生了解火山爆发,地震,台风,洪水,海啸等自然现象,认识到自然的伟大力量。II会用所学词汇描述在经历自然灾害时的感受,思考人类应对自然灾害的态度和方法,提高自我保护意识。【自主学习】I速读课文,回答下面的问题1. Wher e is Moun t Kilauea?2. Why is the lava that flows on Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actualeruption?3. What caused the writers bedro

2、om to become as bright as day even though itwas night?4. Whydid the scientists have to get close to the volcano after it began erupting?e edge of the crate r?5. Why was it difficult for the writer to walk towards th6. What does the writer mean by usingenough to have a much closer look at it.lucky in

3、 the sente nce, I was lucky” ?7. Why do esnt the writer mind the occasional danger of his job?8. What does t he writer find impressive about volcanoes even after studying them for many yea rs?II精读课文,回答下列问题1. Why is a volcanologist s job important?2. What made the author realize that an eruption occu

4、rred?3. what did the scientists do after theeruption?【问题探究】Read the text more carefully and answer the following questions.of the passage, what kind of questions would you1. Havi ng learned a little about the work of a volcanologist, do you think it is an occupation you would enjoy? Give your reasons.2. If you could meet the writer ask?Analyze the reading passage1. Read the text and analyze how many parts the text can be divided into and what the purpose of each part is.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4 Part 5#


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