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1、第四讲:一般过去时一、定义:表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。1.表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态: e.g. He was twelve last year. She was at work.2.表过去经常或反复发生的动作: e.g. She often came to help us in those days. Mrs. Peter always carried an umbrella.二、 常与一般过去时连用的词:1. 时间状语 ago(two hours ago(一段时间+ago) yesterday(morning,afternoon

2、,evening) the day before yesterday last week,last(year,night,month) 具体时间(如Jan.fourth) just now at the age of 10(过去时间段) one day long ago once upon a time this morning(afternoon, evening) long long ago(很久以前) the other day(前几天) at the moment三、 一般过去时的构成1、 系动词be的一般过去时 构成:主语 + be(was, were) + 其他 主语是”I” 时

3、- was 主语为单数时 - was 主语为复数及 you时 - were 否定句的构成: 主语 + be + not + 其他 was not = wasnt were not = werent【活学活用】填入适当的be动词。1、 Kitty_an English girl.2._ (be) it cold in your city yesterday?3、I_not from Taizhou.4. It _ (be) hot yesterday and most children _ (be) outside.5、She_tall.6. How many people _ (be) the

4、re in your class last term?7. There _ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening.8. I_(be) tired yesterday. 9.I _ at school just now.10.He _ at the camp last week.11.We _ students two years ago.12.They _ on the farm a moment ago.13.Yang Ling _ eleven years old last year.14.There _ an apple on the

5、 plate yesterday.15.There _ some milk in the fridge on Sunday.2、 情态动词的一般过去时 构成:主语 + 情态动词 + 动词原形+其他 She had to do her homework yesterday. 注意:情态动词后的动词一定要用原形,而且只能是情态动词的过去式。 They should(应该) be right. 否定句的构成:主语 + 情态动词 + not + 动词原形 + 其他 could not = couldnt must not = mustnt would not = wouldnt should not

6、= shouldnt might not = might not had not to = hadnt to【活学活用】填入适当的词。1. She_(could not) speak English last year.2. You_(must not) open the door last night.3. They_(should not) be right at that moment.4. She said she_(would not) go to Japan.3、 行为动词的一般现在时 构成:主语 + 行为动词 + 其他 These boys liked playing footb

7、all. The girl read English every morning in 1998. 加ed方法: 1直接加ed:work worked looklooked2以不发音e结尾的单词,直接加d:live lived hopehoped useused3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加ed:study studied carrycarried worryworried 26个字母中 除A E I O U五个元音字母外,其余21个都是辅音字母4.以元音字母+y结尾的,直接加ed:enjoy enjoyed playplayed5. 以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后的辅音字母+ed:st

8、op stopped planplanned不规则变化的动词过去式:have-had are-were get-got say-said feel-felt do/does-did is-was go-wentdrink-drank eat-ate bring-brought think-thought buy-bought catch- caught teach - taught sit-sat wear-wore cut-cut sweep-swept sleep-slept become-became【活学活用】一、写出下例单词的过去式isam_ fly_ plant_ are _ dr

9、ink_play_ go_ make _ does_ dance_worry_ ask _ taste_ eat_ draw_put _ throw_ kick_ pass_ do _二、完成句子1. Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month.2.Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning.3.I _ (call) Mike this morning.4.I listened but _ (hear) nothing.5.Tom _ (begin) to learn Chinese last year.6.Last

10、week we _ (pick) many apples on the farm. 7.What _ (make) him cry (哭) just now?8.Last year the teacher _ (tell) us that the earth moves around the sun.9.Eli _ to Japan last week. ( move)10. He ate some bread and _ (drink) some milk.4. 否定句的构成: 主语 + 助动词(did)+not +行为动词原形 + 其他 These boys didnt(did not)

11、like playing football. The girl didnt (did not)read English every morning last year. 注意:didnt之后动词一定要用原形【活学活用】一、将下面句子改成否定句1. I had a word with Julia this morning. _2. Li Ming studied English this morning. _3. There was an apple on the table last night. _4. I got up very early this morning. _5. The police stopped me on my way home last night. _6. They gave the concert last night. _二、按照要求改写句子1. Mike _(not go) to bed until 12 oclock last night. So she _ (get ) up late.2. He _ (not find ) his key last night.3. Her mother _ (not give) the girl any present one her birthday.4. Last week, I



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