7A unit 4教案设计

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《7A unit 4教案设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《7A unit 4教案设计(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、word初一年级英语学科教案总 课 题Unit4 My day总课时7第 1 课时课 题ic strip & Wele to the unit课型New教学目标知识目标Make Ss grasp the new words and phrases: wake up, seldom, go out, have fun, have lessons, activity, never, be late for, start, quarter, past能力目标Enable Ss to talk about their daily activities and their school life情感目标

2、Cultivate Ss ability of arranging their daily life and their love forschool life 教学重点Talk about their daily activities in English.教学难点Talk about their daily activities in English.课前预习Preview the new words.教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动复备Step1 Check Step2PresentationStep3Practice Check answers of learning pa

3、per.T: What time do you get up/ have breakfast/ go to school/ have lessons/ go home every day?Show some pictures of clock.Ask: What time is it?Its oclock.Its time for .Its time to do .Write the sentence on the blackboard.Make up a dialogue like model: What time do you.every day? How long does it tak

4、e? What about you?Finish PartA on 43.Check their answers.Talk freely with the teacher.Work in pairs.Step 4PresentationStep5PracticeStep6PresentationStep7PracticeStep8Consolidation Step10HomeworkShow the four pictures of ic strip.Do you remember our friend Eddie? Does he go to school? What does he do

5、 every day? Lets listen to the tape and answer the two questions.Ask Ss to read the dialogue after the tape.Then ask them to read it in roles and ask some of them to act it out.Millie is telling her aunt about her school life. Listen to their conversation and do some T/F questions. Millie goes to sc

6、hool at 8:00. (F) They start lessons at a quarter past eight. (T) Millie enjoys school life very much. (T)Ask Ss to make up a dialogue like the model.Consolidate what they have learnt in class.Finish the exercises in the workbook.Remember useful expressions.Listen to the tape and answer questions.Re

7、ad and role play.Listen and answer.Work in pairs and act it out.Do exercises and check one by one.Do homework.教学反思总 课 题Unit4 My day总课时7第 2 课时课 题Reading1课型New教学目标知识目标Vocabulary: chat, first, each, other, practice, wishPhrases: in the morning/afternoon/evening, each other, have a good time, best wishe

8、s能力目标To enable students to get the general idea of Millies .情感目标To pare with Millies school life and love their own schools and school life.教学重点Master the way of describing the school life.教学难点Master the way of describing the school life.课前预习Preview the new words.教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动复备Step1Revisio

9、n Step2PresentationStep3ReadingStep4Have aninterview Step5Consolidation Step6Homework1. Revise words and expressions on Page 42-43 and have a dictation.2. Check learning paper.The teacher introduce own daily activities.From MondayTo Friday. Im never late for school. In the morning I usually clean my

10、 office first. After school, I like to do after-school activities with my students. SometimesI chat with them. They tell me lots of interesting things.All of us have a good time at our school.What about you, boys and girls?Pre-reading:Go through the quickly and finish part B1 on page 45.While-readin

11、g:Read the carefully and do some T/F questions on page 45.Read the after the tapesentence by sentence and then fill in the blanks of B3.Post-reading:Talk about Millies activities in the school:o morning exercisesHave lessonsChat with friendsPlay in the play groundGo to the libraryRead books in the R

12、eading ClubPlay volleyballLet one of the students act the role of Millie. The other students can ask any question about her school. Eg: How many clubs do you have in your school? How do you go to school every day? Where do you have lunch?Do some exercises to consolidate what they have learned in thi

13、s class.Finish some exercises in the workbook.Try to retell the passage.Have a dictation.Learn new words and phrases.Read it fast and find out the answer.Read and finish some tasks.Work in groups and then show out.Practice in English.Do exercises.Do homework.教学反思总 课 题Unit4 My day总课时7第 3课时课 题Reading2课型New教学目标知识目标To enable students to master some important words&expressions.能力目标To enable students to recite the whole text.情感目标Cultivate Ss love for their school life教学重点To master the usage of language points.教学难点To master the usage of language points.


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