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1、 四年级英语期中模拟试卷听力部分30分一、 听录音,选出与你所听内容是不同类的单词(听两遍)5分( )1、A. teacher B. father C. driver D. cook ( ) 2. A. she B. you C. my D. he ( ) 3. A. sister B. father C. farmer D. brother ( ) 4. A. dog B. bike C. car D. plane ( ) 5. A. egg B. orange C. pear D. peach 二、 听录音,选出正确的译文。(听两遍)10分 1. ( ) A. 你是一名医生吗? B. 你是

2、一名老师吗? 2( ) A. 我不是一名学生 B. 我是一名学生 3( )A. 他是你爸爸吗? B. 他是你哥哥吗? 4( )A. 那个男的是谁? B. 那个女的是谁? 5( )A. 我是一名大眼睛的男孩。B. 我是一名大眼睛的女孩。 6( )A. 那长头发的女孩子是我姐姐.B. 那长头发的女子是我阿姨。 7( )A. 他的工作是什么? B. 她的工作是什么? 8( )A. 她们是护士吗? B. 她是护士吗? 9( )A. 她眼睛大吗? B. 他眼睛大吗? 10( )A.你多大了? B.他多大了?三、听问句找答句(听两遍) 10分1 ( ) A Hes my brother. B Shes m

3、y sister. C Theyre my friends.2 ( ) A Yes, Im a doctor. B Im a doctor. C Yes, youre a doctor.3( ) A Yes, he is. B Yes, she is. C Shes a policeman.4( ) A Its two. B Two kilos, please. C Two yuan, please.5 ( ) A The one with a big nose. B Shes Yang Ling. C Yes, she is. 6.( ) A. Hes fine. B. Hes my bro

4、ther. C. Hes ten. 7.( ) A. Theyre grapes. B. Its a grape. C. There are some grapes. 8.( ) A Yes,he is B Hes a worker C Hes forty9.( ) A. Its nineteen yuan. B. Its over there. C. Three kilos. 10.( ) A. Thank you. B. All right . C. Thats all right .四听录音,填入所缺单词。(听三遍)5分I am English . name is Lucy . I am

5、 . I am a . The in the is my father . He is a . The woman short is my . 笔试部分70分 一、组成单词并翻译10分1. a ,w , i , r, t,e ,s ,s_( ) 2. p, l , o , c ,e ,i , a, m, n _ ( )3. a, r, g , e, p _ ( ) 4. d, c, t,o ,r ,o _ ( )5. r, f, e, i ,d ,n _ ( )二、翻译词组10分1. 大约六十 _ 2. 哪一个_3. 爬树 _ 4. 长着大眼睛的男孩_5. 穿着白色短裙的那一个 _ 6. be

6、 late for the party _7. 他们的职业 _ 8. 多大_9. 下来 _ 10. 一名新学生_三.选择题15分1 ( )-Is he your father? -_. A Yes, she is. B Yes, I am. C No, hes my teacher.2 ( ) Whos the girl _the red skirt? A in B with C on3 ( ) -What are these? -_pears. A Its B Theyre C Their4 ( ) Lets hurry. Were late_ the party. A to B for C

7、 at5 ( ) What do you want to be? -_. A No, I dont want to . B I want to be a policeman. C Sorry, I dont know. D I want to be policeman.6 ( ) What are _jobs? A his B they C their D we7 ( ) Welcome _our school. A to B for C in 8 ( ) - Whos the girl _? - Shes Helen. A with a big eye B in long hair C wi

8、th a small mouth9 ( )How old _ your uncle and aunt? A are B is C am10 ( ) , are you a student? No, Im not. A. Excuse me B. Hello C. Yes .11 ( ) Whats that the tree ? A cat .A. in B. on C. at12 ( ) the girl in the red dress? Shes my sister ?A. Who B. Whos C. Whose13 ( ) cap is this ? Its my brothers

9、.A. Who B. Whos C. Whose14 ( ) Which boy is his brother ? The one a big nose .A. have B. with C. on .15. ( )The boy _ a big nose is new here. A. with B. in C.on 四 .根据情景,选择正确的句子。( 10分)( )1.问别人多大时, 可以说:A. Good morning B. How are you ? C. How old are you ?( )2.问别人的工作时,可以说:A. Whats your job ? B. What wo

10、uld you like ? C .Who are you?( )3.睡觉前跟别人说:A. Good evening B. Good night C. Good bye( )4. 对来访的客人表示欢迎,可以说: A. Welcome in my home. B. Welcome to my home C. Welcome at my home( )5.想对别人说:“见到你很高兴”时,可以说:A. Whats your name? B. How old are you ? C. Nice to see you( ) 6 当你向别人问问题时,你说:A How are you? B Im sorry

11、. C Excuse me.( ) 7 你想问别人那个女人是不是你奶奶时,你说:A Is that woman your grandmother? B Is that man your grandfather?C Is this woman your grandmother?( )8 当你问远方的是什么时,你说:A Whats that over there? B Whats this? C Whatre those? ( )9 当你想问树上的那个女孩是谁时,你说:A Whos the girl on the tree? B Whats the girl in the tree?C Whos the girl in the tree?( ) 10汤姆要买桃子, 他会说: A. Id like some peaches. B. Sorry, are they peaches? C. I like some peaches.七、根据中文意思完成句子。(15%)1. 她是干什么工作的?她是一名警察。_ _ job ? _ a _



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