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1、剑桥少儿英语预备级知识点总结目 录剑桥少儿英语预备级下知识点汇总1Unit 1 School is fun.1Unit 2 Classroom Olympics2Unit 3 You and I2Unit 4 They are my friends.2Unit 5 I like dogs.3Unit 6 Do you like oranges?4Unit 7 Whats Bobby doing?4Unit 8 Whats in the pizza?5Unit 9 Dress for Childrens Day5Unit 10 What are they doing? 6Unit 11 Wher

2、e are you going?6Unit 12 A song of opposites7Unit 13 The big man and the little people7Unit 14 Hello! This is my friend, Linda.8Unit 15 Hes got three sticks.8Unit 16 Game time9剑桥少儿英语预备级上册知识点总结9一、问候用语:9二、 告别用语:10三、感谢: Thank you ! Thanks 谢谢!10四、书中句型:10整理为word格式五、单词分类总结:121. 颜色:122. 水果:133. 地点:134. 衣物:

3、135. 动物:136. 交通工具:137. 文具:148. 食物:149. 物品:1410.表示方向和位置的词:1411. 数词:14剑桥少儿英语预备级下知识点汇总 Unit 1 School is fun. 重点词汇: 【默写】包bag,,书book,钢笔pen 【认读】铅笔pencil,文具盒pencil-case,橡皮eraser,尺ruler,黑板blackboard 【复习】操场playground,游泳池swimming pool,教室classroom,花园garden 重点句型: 你能看见什么?What can you see? 我能看见一本大书。I can see a bi

4、g book. 这是我们的游泳池。This is our swimming pool. 整理为word格式 School is fun,school is fun,Drawing,singing and we are Number One. School is fun,school is fun,Reading,writing and we are Number One. Dancing,running,jumping and swimming.Dancing,running,jumping and swimming. We are Number One,We are Number One.

5、Unit 2 Classroom Olympics 重点词汇: 【默写】一one,二two,三three 【认读】单脚跳hop,跳jump,碰touch,接住catch,数count,踢kick,停stop,bounce拍 【复习】一one,二two,三three,四four,五five,六six,七seven,八eight Draw a picture,Bounce the ball. Hop to the blackboard. Touch the table and count the numbers. Run to the window. Unit 3 You and I 重点词汇:

6、【默写】我I,你you,他he, 【认读】她she,它it,我们we,他们they 重点句型: 你和我 you and I 他和她 he and she 我们和你们 we and you 它和他们 it and they You and I.You and I.You can draw and I can write. He and she.He and she.He can dance and she can read. We and you.We and you.We can skate and you can paint.整理为word格式 It and they . It and th

7、ey .It can talk and they can play. Unit 4 They are my friends. 重点词汇: 【默写】我是I am,他是he is,她是she is 【认读】他们是they are,我们是we are,尼克Nick,帕特Pat,汤姆Tom,看电视watch TV,来come,玩play 重点句型: 你好,我是尼克。Hello, Im Nick. 她是帕特。Shes Pat. 她是我的朋友。She is my friend. 他是汤姆。Hes Tom. 他是我的朋友。He is my friend. 我们都是朋友。We are all friends.

8、 他们都是朋友。They are all friends. Welcome!Come and watch TV or you can play with toys. This is Nick. Hes my friend. This is May. Shes my friend. This is Tom. Hes my friend. This is Linda. Shes my friend Nick,May,Tom,Linda,they are all my friends. Unit 5 I like dogs. 重点词汇: 【默写】猫cat,狗dog,鸭duck, 【认读】兔rabbi

9、t,鼠mouse,鹦鹉parrot,蜘蛛spider 【复习】乌龟turtle,蛇snake 重点句型: 你喜欢什么动物?What animal do you like? 我喜欢狗。I like dogs. 我喜欢猫。I like cats. 我喜欢鸭子。I like ducks. 整理为word格式 我喜欢乌龟。I like turtles. 我喜欢兔子。I like rabbits. Tell me please.What animals do you like? I like dogs. I like dogs. I like parrots .I like parrots. I lik

10、e rabbits. I like rabbits. I like cats. I like cats. Unit 6 Do you like oranges? 重点词汇: 【默写】苹果apple,香蕉banana,桔子orange 【认读】桃子peach,梨pear 【复习】菠萝pineapple,柠檬lemon,芒果mango 重点句型: 你喜欢桔子吗?Do you like oranges? 是的,我喜欢。Yes, I do. 你喜欢菠萝吗?Do you like pineapples? 不,我不喜欢。No, I dont. Unit 7 Whats Bobby doing? 重点词汇:

11、 【默写】卧室bedroom,浴室bathroom, 【认读】客厅living room,厨房kitchen,餐厅dining room,洗wash,吃eat,睡sleep,玩play,看watch,做do 重点句型: 波比正在做什么?Whats Bobby doing? 他正在洗澡。Hes taking a bath. 现在几点?What time is it? 现在8点。Its 8 pm. 你可以看见一个浴室。You can see a bathroom. 这是我的卧室。This is my bedroom. This is Bobbys house.You can see a bathr

12、oom,a living room,a kitchen, a dining-room and two bedrooms. 整理为word格式 This is my bedroom. bedroom ,bedroom. I sleep in the bedroom, bedroom. This is my bathroom. bathroom ,bathroom. I wash in the bathroom ,bathroom. This is our dining-room. dining-room , dining-room. I eat in the dining-room , dini

13、ng-room. This is our living-room. living-room , living-room. I play in the living -room , living room. Unit 8 Whats in the pizza? 重点词汇: 【默写】豆子bean,土豆potato,番茄tomato 【认读】胡萝卜carrot,豌豆pea,洋葱onion,香肠sausage 重点句型: 匹萨里有什么?Whats in the pizza? 我喜欢吃有一些洋葱的匹萨。I like to eat a pizza with some onions. Carrots are

14、 orange,Apples are green. Bananas are yellow.Peaches are pink. Tomatoes are red.Coconuts are brown. Grapes are purple and onions are white. Unit 9 Dress for Childrens Day 重点词汇: 【默写】礼帽hat,鸭舌帽cap,衬衫shirt 【认读】眼镜glasses,T恤衫T-shirt,长裙dress,夹克衫jacket,背心vest,短裙skirt,裤子trousers,短裤shorts,牛仔裤jeans,袜子socks,鞋子shoes,儿童节Childrens Day,穿wear,蓝色blue,粉色pink 重点句型: 今天是儿童节。Its Childrens Day.


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