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1、2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 翻译题Color-blind people have problems that people who perceive color never think about. One very real problem is that of traffic signs and signals. Those that are red-green color blind have trouble seeing stop signs found on shady streets because they may not notic

2、e them against the leaves. In addition, they have trouble identifying signal lights and must memorize the position of the lights to know which signal is being given. Perhaps less of a problem is that of dressing. Those who are fashion-conscious avoid brightly colored wardrobes so that they will not

3、wear clashing colors. Perhaps the greatest handicap of color-blind persons is evident when they select occupations. For example, they cannot work as interior decorators, commercial photographers, painters, airline or ship pilots, or railroad engineers.【答案】答:色盲群体可能遭遇一些能够正常感知颜色群体从未想过的问题。一个非常现实的问题是交通标志

4、和信号灯。那些红绿色盲的人很难看到在树荫底下的停车标志,因为他们可能不会注意到绿叶下面的停车标志。此外,因为他们在识别信号灯方面有困难,所以他们必须记住信号灯的位置才能知道发出的是哪个信号。或许还有一个没有那么严重的问题,那就是着装。追求时尚的色盲群体会避免色彩鲜艳的衣柜,这样他们就不会穿颜色不协调的衣服。也许在选择职业时,色盲群体所面临的最不利的因素会更加明显。例如,他们不能从事室内装潢师、商业摄影师、画家、航空或船舶驾驶员或铁路工程师的工作。2. 单选题Every year, as the price of goods rises, the inflation refuses to(1)e

5、ven from the high educational institutions.In the US, according to a 2005 survey by the College Board,(2)at state universities rose by an average of 7.1 percent annually, after a year when inflation grew much less. At private schools it was up 5.9 percent. The survey which(3)more than 3,000 colleges

6、 and universities did not provide clear reasons for the continued increases. It did say that the price of goods and services at universities have risen rapidly. Some of the fastest growth has been in employee health(4), and professional salaries.Living expenses on campus have also(5). At the univers

7、ity of Southern California student dining hall, a buffet meal cost $5.50 in 2004. But now its $9. The US government often provides (6)assistance to students lunch in primary and high schools, but these favorable policies usually dont(7)universities.Some students said the food on campus is sometimes

8、even more expensive than that at restaurants(8)campus. To compensate the rise in tuition and living expenses, the federal and state governments(9)universities and private sources have provided(10)for students. Of all the full time undergraduates about 62 percent have a grant covering 30-50 percent o

9、f their tuition, according to the College Board.问题1选项A.stay awayB.stand outC.step downD.set off问题2选项A.faresB.paymentC.chargesD.tuition问题3选项A.attendedB.coveredC.includedD.composed问题4选项A.welfaresB.advantagesC.benefitsD.goods问题5选项A.rolled upB.gone upC.sat upD.taken up问题6选项A.managementB.economicC.policy

10、D.financial问题7选项A.apply toB.suit forC.adjust toD.gear for问题8选项A.inB.toC.offD.over问题9选项A.as well asB.the same asC.as far asD.such as问题10选项A.graspsB.grainsC.groundsD.grants【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B第6题:D第7题:A第8题:C第9题:A第10题:D【解析】第1题:考查词组辨析。A项stay away“远离”,B项stand out“站出来,坚持到底”,C项step down“走下,逐步减低”,D

11、项set off“出发,动身”。根据句子Every year, as the price of goods rises, the inflation refuses to( )even from the high educational institutions中的from可知,stay away from固定用法,表示“远离”。句意:每年,随着商品价格的上涨,通货膨胀甚至对高等教育机构也产生了影响。故该题选A。第2题:考查名词辨析和上下文语义。A项fares“票价,车费”,B项payment“支付,付款”,C项charges“费用”,D项tuition“学费”。根据空格后的at state

12、universities rose by an average of 7.1 percent annually(在州立大学,平均每年增长7.1%)可知,空格处表示“学费”。句意:根据美国大学理事会(College Board)2005年的一项调查,美国州立大学的学费平均每年上涨7.1%,而过去一年的通货膨胀幅度要小得多。故该题选D。第3题:考查动词辨析。A项attend“参加”,B项cover“覆盖,包括,涉及”,C项include“包括”,D项compose“构成,写作”。根据句子The survey which( )more than 3,000 colleges and universi

13、ties did not provide clear reasons for the continued increases可知,空格处填入“包括,覆盖”,所以A、D项排除;而include指把某事物包括进另一些大的事物,很明显这里表示的不是包括进来,所以只有B项符合。句意:这项涵盖了3000多所高校的调查并没有给出持续增长的明确原因。故该题选B。第4题:考查名词辨析和上下文语义。A项welfare“福利”,B项advantage“优点”,C项benefit“利益,好处”,D项good“好处,善行”。根据句子Some of the fastest growth has been in empl

14、oyee health( ), and professional salaries可知,professional salaries和employee health( )都是in的宾语,所以推测空格部分表示为“员工健康福利”。句意:增长最快的是员工健康福利和岗位薪水。故该题选C。第5题:考查词组辨析和上下文语义。A项roll up“卷起,出现”,B项go up“增长,上升”,C项sit up“熬夜,端坐”,D项take up“拿起,开始从事”。上文提到因为通货膨胀的影响,学校的各种费用都有所上涨,根据句子Living expenses on campus have also( )可知,空格也是表

15、示“上升,上涨”。句意:学校的生活费用也增长了。故该题选B。第6题:考查词义辨析。A项management“管理”,B项economic“经济的,经济上的”,C项policy“政策,方针”,D项financial“金融的,财政的”。根据句子The US government often provides( )assistance to students lunch in primary and high schools可知,空格部分应该表示“学生的午餐资助”。句意:美国政府经常为中小学生提供午餐资助。故该题选D。第7题:考查词组辨析。A项apply to“适用于”,B项suit for“适合做”,C项adjust to“调节,调整以适应”,D项gear for“装备”。上文提到“美国政府经常为中小学生提供午餐资助”,下文接着说到but these favorable policies usually dont( )universities可知,这一句表达的是“但是这些优惠政策通常没有提供给大学”。所以该题选A符合句意。



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