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1、羄大学英语(一)期末考试样卷薀课程名称:大学英语(一)届别专业: 试卷类型:艿教学站(点): 学号: 姓名:肇注意:1. 请把所有客观题答案涂写在答题卡正面,主观题答案写在答题卡背面,否则无效。蒁2. 考试结束后,请将试题纸与答题卡分开一起交给监考人员。蚁莈Part I. Use of English(共10题)蒆1. Hi, is Mary there, please? 芁 _.蒈A. Hold on. Ill get her 蒆B. No, she isnt here羆C. Yes, she lives here 羂D. Yes, what do you want蒀2. Is _ here

2、? 螈 No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.莅A. anybody B. somebody 蚂C. everybody D. nobody薁3. Can you turn down the radio, please? 羇 _.螄A. Oh, I know蒂B. Im sorry, I didnt realize it was that loud荿C. Ill keep it down next time 艿D. Please forgive me膄4. Can I have a look at your passport?膃 _.莀A. It is he

3、re 莇B. Here is it 袇C. Here you are 羃D. No, you cant蒁5. Hurry up please, or Ill be late. 薆 _.莇A. Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now 蚃B. Well, its alright, sir艿C. How can you say that, sir? 袈D. Oh, we are going the right way螆Part II. Vocabulary & Structure (共10题)蒄1. Now many people prefer _ in ci

4、ties to _ in the country.芀A. to live living B. to live live 羇C. living living D. living live 膅2. A dark suit is _ to a light one for evening wear.膄A. favorable B. suitable 莁C. preferable D. proper荿3. Applicants for the job must have _ experience.薅A. present B. precise 羅C. precious D. previous腿4. A _

5、 school is the first school you go to.蒇A. primaryB. principal 肄C. precious D. previous5. Our country makes good work conditions a(n) _. 莁A. pioneer B. anxiety 芀C. priority D. variety 薆蒃膁Part III. Reading Comprehension (3篇)节羈Passage 1膇Size is not a standard in our definition of what consists of a cou

6、ntry. A country need only be an independent state, with clear territorial lines, and its own government. This is a true benefit for Vatican City as it holds the title of being the smallest country in the world.袂Before 1870, however, political control by papal governments in central Italy spread for

7、about 1600 square miles. In 1870, in a shift of political power, the Kingdom of Italy established Rome as the national capital, took political power from the papal governments, and absorbed the Papal States into its territory.聿A 1929 Agreement reached by the Italian government and the Pope establish

8、ed Vatican City as a country. All 0.17 square miles of it! Gradually the country has gained recognition by establishing political ties with other countries.肆Vatican City is the official location of the Catholic Church, and its head, the Pope, rules through a governor. This small-scale country has it

9、s own flag, coins its own coins, runs its own postal, transportation, telephone systems, and radio station. 薆This country primarily supports itself through contributions from Catholics around the world, and through tourism. Safely placed within Vatican City lie some of the worlds most valuable of ri

10、ches: the Gardens, St. Peters Basilica, and the Vatican Palace, which houses the Vatican Library, and the Pope himself.蚂1. Whats special about Vatican City?膀A. Its regarded as the most beautiful country in the world.葿B. Its the location of the United Nations.羅C. It has a variety of nationalities.莂D.

11、 It is the smallest country in the world.蝿2. The Papal States was absorbed into the territory of the Kingdom of Italy_.膄A. in 1870羂B. in 1929蚀C. before 1870薆D. in 1870s蒇3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?莁A. Vatican City only has 1.7 square miles.莀B. The head of Vatican City is the Pope, w

12、ho rules by himself.薈C. Vatican City can coin its own coins and run its own postal systems.蚅D. As soon as Vatican City was established it gained recognition by other countries.袁4. Vatican City primarily supports itself through_.膁A. tourism虿B. contributions from Catholics螃C. tax薄D. both A and B袁5. Th

13、e Pope usually stay at_.蒆A. the Vatican Palace肆B. St. Peters Basilica羄C. the Gardens蚂D. the Popes office蒈Passage 2芄 If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago, we should probably have to say that we could not remember. But if we had kept a book and had written in it an account of what we

14、 did each day, we should be able to give an answer to the question.莃 It is the same in history. Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them. Sometimes men did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country, but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never any written record at all



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