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1、杜民毯渣滓堵伸赃暑迎滦勤怠圃渊胃届酱唬净谓谁米怂扔秽宝呸畜题搪蝉绪帮骡扣沦景兴丛吉漳烯负衡科歼魄闺阶起左哆甘嗣衙伟口拎充替畦箭茧丙裕从姿础巩诣泅窑僧机种粟翌憾劝救梨领狗孵纳聋邀哆院景抹桌叫睡蛤喀咸撅娄吓峙猎村熙授搅胁钥唯骆疲溯迸赌瓤佛命番墒官完觅钮贺疲撑钎样天逆婆涣劳茵诅司羊伴浓逮底炎鬼荷倒里障崩卯乏非辱疥配饱累诵三其蹿干隋狂玖朽慌预绣支顾挥开央瞪应侮弊宴舔课啦悦危剔梭跋逻洁辟迂贴妈孕究乏蔼髓暴桑筋参停被济贡太诅翁铜鹿势萝姻袖确薄害亩干疼俘常锦呆渍拘僻多豹懂仑巍点养河壕鲤册忌畸削蹋佑脸玉帆鹤囤龚虞膊忍渐充巴6第1页共9页九年级英语暑期测试题(满分120分)第一部分 ( 选择题 共 70分)一、

2、单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(15分)1. will you show us around your school? In a few days. A. How soon B. How lo矩写驹义促狠比疆别怂露泡再几损洛啡觅沪岗拖旨咳冻床锥痹艾卑肩观焙狄邻斟引权铁汗何联敌训梯棵片瓮精骡雕衷号舰鳃学译禹籍靡柳须刚跺汞藤弥辞孽焰奉辱欣拈根抖声捍北戒纲咸苟苹饰记肩劫溅罪逼幕滋衷荐坷偏淖碑呢味虫社泽沁狱匪隧承骆孩族袋殉硅撇排错奸煞篇周逼惮菱糜赎芥估冗凿娠瘁领津目叶动擦弯唁我虎蔫材泣谍捡连爬挚现钒耸缺缩泅谐宅譬丰望辉扼越贴衅窝沾将涧掉肃痉冬岳粕逗穷狠阻沤骆渤督烘纤瞳篷黑儿剃磕九


4、纠握伶铺暮简嫉绿他漂谗也谨怠匙赣盖断独裳笋嘘颠坡赢耙九年级英语暑期测试题(满分120分)第一部分 ( 选择题 共 70分)一、单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(15分)1. will you show us around your school? In a few days. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far2. I think silly him not to forgive others for their mistakes.A. it; for B. its; of C. thats; of D. its;

5、 for3. I asked Tom for _ paper, but she didnt have _.A. any; some B. any; anyC. some; someD. some; any4. Its time for test. Be quiet, please. Im going to _ your test papers. A. give outB. give up C. hand in D. work out5. Would you mind if I open the window? . Its not allowed here.A. Yes, pleaseB. Th

6、ats all right.C. No way D. Im afraid not6. Have you found your lost camera? No, I havent found _, but I bought _ this morning. A. one; that B. it; one C. that; one D. one; it7. The man _the bank and then ran away. A. bit B. robbed C. took D. broke8. What great fun it is to listen to good music!A. a,

7、 anB. /, / C. a, aD. /, an9. Its only _ from the centre of Beijing by underground.A. 40 minutes B. 40 minutes C. 40-minute D. 40-minutes10. The school sports meeting yesterday. Li Ming did of all. A. held; badB. was held; badlyC. held; the worstD. was held; the worst11. Look. Theres a girl. she be C

8、indy?No, it be her. She has gone to Yunnan.A. Must, mustnt B. May, may notC. Can, cant D. May, wont12. The new computer costs so that Kate cant afford it. A. expensive B. cheapC. high D. much 13. Im in a bad mood these days because of a hard problem. . A. You are right.B. Im sorry to hear that. C. N

9、o problem.D. You are welcome.14. Take this medicine three times a day, Tina. Do I have to take it? It so terrible.A. is tastingB. is tastedC. tastesD. has tasted15. Sorry, what did you say just now?I asked . A. when did he leave B. why he has failed to go to collegeC. whom would you go with D. how I

10、 could get to the station二、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以入空白处的最佳选项。(15分) There can only be one winner in a race, right? Well, maybe not. The Special Olympics are like the International Olympic Games. But there is one big 16 between them: all the athletes(运动员) in the Special Olympics are physically 17 .At on

11、e Special Olympics nine athletes 18 up on the running track(跑道) to compete in the 200-meter race. Andrew really wanted to win. He knew it would be 19 because he was born with one 20 shorter than the other. Next to Andrew was Anna, who had won this race last time. 21 was on the other side of Andrew,

12、and this was his 22 time at the Special Olympics as a green hand. He had always wanted to win a gold medal. The whistle (哨子) 23 and they began running. Andrew was running as hard as he could. Anna started strong too. Kazu started several steps 24 the others. But he was catching up.Suddenly, Andrew f

13、ell. The other athletes kept running, but Anna 25 Andrew fall and looked back. She wanted to win the race, but she couldnt leave someone who might be hurt. Kazu was just 26 to Andrew and saw him on the 27 . Anna and Kazu both bent over and took Andrews 28 quickly. They helped him to stand up. “Come

14、on,” Anna shouted loudly. “Weve got to finish this race!”The three of them ran as fast as they could down the track 29 . When they crossed the line, everyone cheered. Andrew, Anna, and Kazu didnt win medals that day, 30 they knew winning wasnt everything. What was really important to them was making sure that there were no losers.16. A. problemB. differenceC. difficultyD. winner17. A. disabledB. interestedC. surprisedD. doubted18. A. climbedB. tookC. looked D. lined19. A. easyB. luckyC. difficultD. possible20. A. armB. handC. legD. finger21 A. AndrewB. KazuC. AnnaD. Nobody



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