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1、教育辅导讲义学生姓名: 年级: 七年级 第 5 课时 辅导科目: 英语 教师:课前检查作业完成情况:优 良 中 差 建议: 课 题Unit1 My names Gina.授课时间2013.10.19备课时间: 2013.10.17教案审核(签章)教学目标重点、难点Be动词的应用区分 人称代词 物主代词的区分考点及考试要求电话号码及人名的询问 人称代词 物主代词的用法教学内容一、 本节课基本知识点 重点短语及其缩写1.name is(缩写)2.his (反义词)3.she(反义词)4.yes(反义词)5.Ms.(后跟什么词)6.phone (同义词)7.one(序数词)8.number(缩写)9

2、.he(复数)10.too(同音词) / 11.China(中国人)12.her(主格代词)13.his name(复数)14.last name(同义词组)15.Her names Alice.(同义句)二、 基本知识点逐点精讲 1. 介绍自己:My names / Im 2. 询问姓名:Whats your name? Alan. / My names Alan. / Im Alan. Whats = names = Im = 更为礼貌地询问别人姓名的表达方式:May I know your name, please? / May I ask your name, please? / Co

3、uld you tell me your name?句子分析 Nice to meet you. nice:adj.(1)好的,美好的,令人愉快的 eg:Its a nice day. Nice to meet you. (2)漂亮的 eg:Thats a nice bag. I want it. (3)友好的,好心的 eg:My English teacher is nice. I like her very much.4. How do you do? 5. Mr. mist(r) 先生:一般用于男子姓氏或职务前,不管年龄大小,辈分长幼,职务高低,结婚与否 eg:Mr. Brown Mr.

4、 HeadmasterMiss mis 小姐,女士(年轻未婚女子) eg:the Miss Greens / the Misses Green(格林家的小姐们)Miss还可以单独用于对一般年轻女性的尊称,包括学生对女教师的称呼 eg:Good morning,Miss! Mrs. misiz 太太,夫人(用于已婚妇女姓氏前)Ms. miz 女士,指婚姻状况不明或没必要说出其婚姻状况的女士句子分析6. Is he Jack? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. His names Mike. 7. Are you Helen? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.

5、Im Gina. 8. Whats your family /last name?first name / given name: last name / family name: full name: (1)first adj. 第一的 eg :My name is Cherry. This is my first class. n. 第一 e.g.: You are so clever. You are the first in our class. 反义词:last adj. 最后的(2)family: There are three families in the room.famil

6、y 作为一个整体时,谓语动词用单数形式。 My family is a big one.family 作为家庭成员,指代个体时,谓语动词用复数形式。 All his family are very tall. (3)英语中姓名的顺序是:名字姓氏My name is Jenny Brown. Brown is my last name. Jenny is my first name. 汉语中姓名的顺序是:姓氏名字 My name is Zhang Lan. Zhang is my last name. Lan is my first name. 练习:9. 问电话号码: Whats your /

7、 his / her telephone / phone number? Its . 电话号码的读法:用基数词按顺序一一读出。 eg:2503-889110. telephone n. 电话,电话机 telephone number vt. 打电话 telephone sb.I know your telephone number. I can telephone you. 11. answer(1)n. 答案,回答 You are so clever. Your answer is right. (2)vt. 回答 Look at the picture and answer the que

8、stion.Answer the telephone, please. OK, Im coming. 12. be动词的用法:一般现在时be动词的形式:is / am / are,意为“是”。 I用am, you用are. eg:I am 14, how old are you? is连着他he /她she /它it eg:He / She is a student. What color is it? 单数is, 复数are. eg:The key is yellow. He and I are students. 注:be 动词在某些名词、代词和极少数副词之后可用缩略形式。 I am my

9、 name is what is is not are not they are不能缩写的情况:this is, am not, those are, these are在一般疑问句的简略答语中,作肯定回答时,代词不能与 am, is, are缩写。 Is this a bus? Yes, it is.13. ID card14. Three and five is eight. Whats nine and seven? 15. 代词: 人称代词 物主代词人称代词:表示“我,你,他,我们,你们,他们”等的词,人称代词有人称、数和格之分。单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称y

10、ouyouyouyou第他hehimtheythem三人称她sheher它itit物主代词:表示与后面名词的物主关系的代词,物主代词可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单数复数单数复数形容词性物主代词myouryouryourhisheritstheir名词性物主代词mineoursyoursyourshishersitstheirs三、 课堂练习一、按顺序把09写出来。 _二、翻译下列短语。1.你的名字_ 2.我的被子_3.他的夹克_ 4.她的钢笔_5.名字_ 6.姓氏_7.电话号码_ 8.身份证_三、选择填空。( ) 1. This _ is in Cl

11、ass Three. Her name is Kim. A. boy B. girl C. Gina D. card( ) 2. Whats _ name ? Gina. A. her B. his C. you D. its( ) 3. _ phone number is 213-7058. A. My B. Im C. You D. It( ) 4. Look at this boy. Whats _ name ? A. your B. her C. it D. his( ) 5. He is Mike Miller. Mike is his _ name. A. last B. first C. family D. middle( ) 6. In China (中国 ), the first name is the _ name. A. given B. full C. family D. middle( ) 7. I _ Tom. What _ your name? A. am, am B. am, is C. is, is D. is, am( ) 8. Last name means _. A. first name B. gi



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