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1、译林版小学英语三年级下册教案Unit1 In class 单元内容简析: 本单元主要内容是介绍自己的家人,上一个单元已经学习了This is 介绍自己的朋友,本单元运用此句型介绍自己的家人,另外还学习家庭成员单词,要求学生能熟练掌握。教师可事先安排学生自带家庭照,运用情景教学,熟练的介绍自己的家人。教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读句子open your booksthe door . Stand up sit down come in ,please .Im sorry .2.能听懂、会说、会读单词 in class ,stand up , Mr, sit down, please ,sorr

2、y, Come in, blackboard ,rubber , dont, listen, parrot.3.会诵读歌谣 Open the window.4.能听懂、会说、发音准确字母b在单词中的发音。教学重点:1.句型 :open your booksthe door . Stand up sit down come in ,please .Im sorry .2.词汇:in class ,stand up , Mr , sit down, please ,sorry, Come in, open, the, door.3.语音:字母b在单词中的发音。教学难点:1.句型:open your

3、 booksthe door .Stand up sit down come in ,please 的正确读法和在情境下的正确读音。.2.词汇:open, close的用法教学准备: 单词卡片, 课件教法与学法: 情景教学法,游戏教学法,合作探究法课时安排:共四课时第一课时:Story time单词第二课时:Story time课文第三课时:Fun time,Sound time,Rhyme time第四课时:Cartoon time Checkout time Ticking time第一课时教学内容Storytime 单词教学目标能正确读单词及短语a door, a window, a b

4、lackboard, stand up, sit down, open, close.教学重难点 a door, a window, a blackboard, stand up, sit down, open, close单词的认读。教学方法直观教学教学准备单词卡片教学过程A:Free talkT:Good morningS:B. 1.look at this picture. Its a door.学生读 a door. 开火车读教师扩展读Open the door.并演示Open,生跟读Open the door.2.出示生词卡片 a window跟读,开火车读,多种形式学习a wind

5、ow,师扩展读close the window,反复读close the window.3.出示close,open演示意思小结。Close the door close the windowOpen the door open the window4.出示生词 a blackboard,师反复说look at the blackboard.演示让学生理解blackboard,学习单词blackboard,反复朗读。5.三名同学代表a door,a window,a blackboard.到黑板做游戏,喊到a door,代表door的同学站立,依次做游戏。6.学习短语stand up, sit

6、 down.朗读并反复操练,做游戏巩固单词。C.巩固已学单词,展示所有词汇1.集体朗读。2.开火车读。3.个别朗读。D小结本课内容布置作业抄写生词3+3板书设计Unit1 In classa door, open, a window, close. a blackboard, stand up, sit down, 第二课时教学内容Story time 课文教学目标1.正确使用祈使句2.正确使用日常用语Im sorry. Come in教学重难点正确使用句型 Please open Please close教学方法情境教学法教学准备PPT教学过程A:Free talkT:Good mornin

7、gS:T:Good morningS:B. Review1.出示生词卡片复习上节课内容2.做 stand up,sit down游戏。C. New learning1. 观看课文动画回答问题Who are they?Who is late?2.学生自由读课文。3.教师教读课文。4.分角色朗读课文。C.巩固课文,讲解祈使句。1Open the door,please. Please open the door.2.学生上台表演课文D小结本课内容布置作业读课文3遍,完成课时训练。板书设计Unit 1 In ClassPlease open the Im sorry.Come in第三课时教学内容F

8、un time,Sound time,Rhyme time教学目标1.了解b在单词中的发音。2.正确朗读儿歌,Open the window。教学重点1.儿歌的正确朗读。2.字母b的发音教学方法讲解法教学准备PPT教学过程A1.Free talk 2.ReviewB学习Fun time教师提前制作机器人,给同学带上,做游戏。Mr Robot. Please open/close the多组训练。C学习Sound time复习字母,板书字母B,学生说一说有B的单词。例如,big,book,robot,ball,birthday,边读边注意B的发音。D学习Rhyme time1.听课文录音2.教读

9、儿歌3.学生自由读布置作业完成课时训练板书设计Unit 1 In Classball open the windowbirthdaybook 第四课时教学内容Cartoon time Checkout time Ticking time教学目标1. 能听,说,读单词 、rubber Dont listen parrot 2. 能正确使用句型 Whats this ? Dont.教学重难点 祈使句Dont.的使用教学准备PPT 实物文具教学方法情境教学教学过程A:Free talkT: Hello,.S: Hello.T: Good morning Look at my New penS: .T

10、: Hello . Whats this ?S: .B: Review1.集体朗读课文。(Read the text together)2.单词对对碰碰。(Read the new words)CNew learning1. Watch the cartoon time and answerWhat are they doing ?Who are they ?2.Learning the new words rubber parrot3. Teaching the texta. Look at 学生举例造句b. Whats this ? Its . .c. Dont listen to the parrot 扩展学习Dont open the doorDont open the windowd.学生表演课文(Act the text) 4小结课文内容D. learning checkout time1.Open the window Dont.2.Close the door Dont.3.Stand up Dont.4.Look at the blackboard Dont.5.Close the door Dont.E. Home work备 注1


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