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1、新概念小学六年级下册英语看图写单词课后专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 下列图片是李明和他的小伙伴们昨天做的事情,请根据图片,用过去式写出相应的短语。123452. 看图片,写出合理的建议。1She should.2They.3He.4He.5She.3. 根据图片顺序填出规范的单词,完成段落。Mike is a very cool boy. He likes Chinese food very much. He likes 1._but he cant use 2._. Mikes friend Wu Yifan likes 3._. He can use the 4._and 5._now.

2、 Their teachers Miss White is beautiful. She likes 6._and 7._. She can use the 8._now.4. 看图片写单词。123 45. 看图,回答问题。1Did the boy go swimming with his parents?2Did you go to the park by car?3What did he do yesterday?4What did she do yesterday?6. 看图片,填入合适的单词或短语,补全句子。1Myfatherisaworker.Heworksina_.2Turnlef

3、tatthe_.Youcanseethezoo.3Lilyfeelsvery_now.4Johnandhisbrotherusuallygotoschool_.5-WhatareyougoingtodothisSunday?-Imgoingto_a_.7. 根据图片,补充句子。1Where is the park? Its in front of the_.2The science museum is_the park and the hospital.3The_is behind the post office.4Near the zoo, there is a cinema, a post

4、 office and a_.5The hospital is_the cinema.8. 根据图片写出单词并分类。(请把序号填在横线上。)1. 2.3. 4.5. 6.7. 8.9. 10.11. 12.13. 14.交通工具:_工作职业:_公共设施:_9. 看图选单词完成句子。earth stars sad astronaut moon1Theis smaller than the sun.2I was anin the dream.3There were manyin space.4We are from the.5Peter was ill, so he was.10. 数一数,写出对

5、应的基数词与序数词。1 2 3 4 11. 根据句意及图片提示补全句子。1.Sometimes I go to Shanghai by t_.2.The light is red flow. Lets stop and w_.3.Sometimes I come to school by t_.4.I want to buy a comic book in the b_.5.First turn left, then go s_.12. 根据图片及首字母提示写单词。1The man is o_than the woman.2The ball is s_than the box.3The gir

6、l is t_than the boy.4Alan is t_than David.5The pencil is l_than the ruler.13. 根据图片和首字母提示写单词补全句子。1Ben is very clever. He is good at m_.2They r_glasses.3I had a p_for breakfast this morning.4London is the c_of the UK.5The workers cut trees into w_.14. 根据句义及首字母或图片提示,补全单词,完成句子。1Mikes grandpa listened to

7、 the radio and read_.2They went to the_last week.3It means you cant_.4We can move some_away from our city.5Were going to watch_dance in the afternoon.15. 将下列风车顺时针或逆时针转动一圈,写出对应的单词。12345616. 根据上下文及图示,补全对话,每空一词。A:Excuseme,canyoutellmethewaytothe_?B:Go_thisstreetandthenturn_atthe_crossing.Itsonyour_.A:_

8、isitfromhere?B:Abouttwokilometers_.A:Thanksa_.B:Youre_.17. 根据图片填空。1-Did you go anywhere in winter?-I_a famous_.2Look at the snowman. Its_(矮的)and_(胖的).3Wang Tao_his leg. Hes in hospital now.4I can_you_your English.5Xiao Xin have a_.6You must_.7-Whats the date today? -Its_.8I will_for her.9_interesting book!10I will_her a big_.18. 根据首字母提示,写出职业单词。(1)f_w_(2)p_(3)p_o_(4)b_19. 请根据照片和首字母提示写出单词。1a 2n3p 4m5s页码 / 总页数



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