The Reliance and Aspiration to Land Never Going With the Wind

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《The Reliance and Aspiration to Land Never Going With the Wind》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Reliance and Aspiration to Land Never Going With the Wind(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Reliance and Aspiration to Land Never Going With the WindAbstract : Gone With the Wind is one of the most popular American novel in China. From 1940 when its first edition of Chinese version was published to 1990 when the Chinese of its sequel Scarlett came out, it gained an enthusiastic recepti

2、on and enjoy a permanent reputation for decades. This thesis aims at analyzing the deep love and aspiration to land that Scarlett had owned and the psychological connection with American culture and land.Key words: reliance; aspirationt; land; Gone w,ith the Wind对土地的依恋与渴望永远不会随风而去摘 要:飘是在中国最受欢迎的美国小说之一

3、。自1940年中文版首次问世以来,一直受到广大中国读者的青昧,并享有很高的声望。小说对主人公进行的细腻刻画,从一个侧面反映了人类对其赖以生存的土地的依恋与渴望。GONE WITH THE WIND was written by American woman writer, Margaret Mitchell, whichhas been introduced into China for about fifty years. Its appearance in China experienced special traits. Al-though it was welcomed by most

4、 readers, this world - wide novel was neglected for long time, when com-lng across the traditional criticism based on political practice and moral judge. This thesis is aiming at transcending the limitation of traditional criticism, exploring the artistic charming of the heroin, Scarlett OHara, in t

5、he novel, so that we can have a compre-hensive understanding of this figure. After finishing the novel carefully, we can t help praising the deep love and aspiration to land that Scarlett had owned. 1. The glory and dream of owning the land In GONE WITH TI-E WIND, we can know dearly that, land, whic

6、h appeared frequently in this wonderful works was and instinctive and powerful signal, which combined closely with the whole course of Scarletts life, with the mind, mental and sub-consciousness, and with the artistic figure of her.OGerald, Scarlett s father, escaped to America in his 21 years old,

7、the Ireland scoundrel had been the slave of others, suffering a lot from the hardship of life, and knew clearly the preciousness of land.When he became the owner of Plantation with over 100 black slaves in ,south of America relying on so-called (;od - Blessed and meritorious destiny, he entrusted th

8、e plan of further expanding the plantation into his oldest daughter, Scarlett, who has the same character and contention. When OGerald decided to entrust the Tara to Scarlett, he told his own heiress in holy and excited feeling:Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything, for it is

9、the only thing in this world that lasts, it is the only thing worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for.Naturally, to an maid without worry and only 16years old, the intonation of his father s words were not understandable, land seemed worthless in her eyes.However, with the outbreak of

10、 the war, Scarlett suddenly turn from maid into wife, and then into widow. After experiencing the torture of Atlantas fire, Scarlett was awaken suddenly. When she es-caped from Atlanta to Tara, there was only terrible ruin in front of her. All that Tara left her was dis- trustful red land under her

11、feet. At that time, Scar-lett thought about what her father had said. Then she left her soul and spirit had found destine, therefore, we can say we would rather say she belonged to these red land than say the red land belonged to her. At the same time, the old stories about her ancestors and land th

12、at she has ever impatient to hear, sudden- ly appearing in her memory clearly. So for the first time, Scarlett felt the loveliness and beauty, and she show thrill love for the land that has bred her, and then she started the fight of never giving up the Tara.This battle was too cruel to a teenage ma

13、iden af- ter all. The madly hungry and extremely tiredness forced Scarlett to have strong repulsion of elopingwith Ashley land deserting the Tara. At the mo-ment, her hands touched the red land of Tara, which endowed her with magic power, her consciousness re-gained immediately, all the sadness, tir

14、edness and the feeling to object Ashley dispersed at no time, which alto amazed herself, and then she went to the bouse of Tara steadily. To recover and revived Tara, Scarlett had to went far away from Tara and went in-to the cities, striving for the competitive field of mon-ey. Therefore, Tara has

15、been appeared in the illusion and mind of Scarlet. Whenever she thought of Tara, thought of paving with deep pines on both sides, the fragrance of Jasmine, the green cotton field, the wall dotted with white flowers. There seem to be a cool big hand to touch her worry. All kinds of sadness will be di

16、spersed, and all the disturbed mind will be cleared. In the intervals, Scarlett has fallen in ill and became weak and gaunt. Rhett Butler who knew about Tara clearly sent Scarlett onto the train rushing to the direction of Tara. Consequently, after resting for several weeks in the red land of Tara, Scarlett be- came stronger than before, the robust youth and snobbish vulgar came her again. Consequently she won a grand battle


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