2024年春江苏开放大学大学英语A第三次形考作业答案 2

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2024年春江苏开放大学大学英语A第三次形考作业答案 2_第1页
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1、2024年春江苏开放大学大学英语A第三次形考作业答案注意:学习平台题目可能是随机,题目顺序和答案选项顺序与本答案未必一致,同学们在本页按“Ctrl+F”快捷搜索题目中“关键字”就可以快速定位题目,一定注意答案对应的选项,如果答案有疑问或遗漏,或者需要其它科目的答案,请在下载网站联系上传者进行联系或售后。一、2024年春江苏开放大学大学英语A第三次形考作业单选题答案1、C-1.It suddenly occurred to me that we could_the police for help.A、askB、lookC、tellD、meet学生答案:A2、C-2.Many panies pro

2、vide their employees_free lunch during the weekdays.A、byB、withC、toD、for学生答案:B3、C-3.Life is more enjoyable to people_are open to new ideas.A、whoseB、whomC、whoD、which学生答案:C4、C-4.I_my former manager when I was on a flight to Beijing.A、ran intoB、put onC、took awayD、shut down学生答案:A5、C-5.It has been quite a

3、 long time_the two panies established a business relationship.A、althoughB、becauseC、ifD、since学生答案:D6、C-6.The house was sold for$60000.which was far more than its real_.A、moneyB、paymentC、valueD、profit学生答案:C7、C-7.Customers consider location as the first factor when_a decision about buying a house.A、mak

4、eB、madeC、o makeD、making学生答案:D8、C-8.The work seemed easy at first but it_to be quite difficult.A、broke outB、turned outC、worked outD、set out学生答案:B9、C-9.The small pany is_to handle this large orderA、ableB、probableC、reasonableD、possible学生答案:A10、C-10.If I_that your business was growing so rapidly.I would

5、nt have been worried about it.A、knowB、knewC、had knownD、have known学生答案:C11、C-11.Today the native American Indians make up less than 1 percent of the_in US.A、popularityB、povertyC、propertyD、population学生答案:D12、C-12.I cant_why I havent heard anything from them yet.Theyve been there for two hours.A、figure

6、 outB、look atC、get outD、put up学生答案:A13、C-13.Thinking he had_in the East Indies,he called these people“Indians”.A、handeB、SaveC、ServeD、Lande学生答案:D14、C-14.When did these people move to America?This is a difficult_to answer.A、problemB、itemC、questionD、task学生答案:C15、C-15.He had a little_with math last year

7、,but its a lot easier for him now.A、difficultB、troubleC、issueD、har学生答案:B二、2024年春江苏开放大学大学英语A第三次形考作业阅读理解答案16、阅读Passage One,回答C-16到C-20五个问题。请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入题干空白处的最佳选项。Passage OneIt is often difficult for a man to be quite sure how much tax he ought to pay to the government because it depends on so

8、many different things:whether the man is married;how many children he has;whether he supports any relations,how much interest he receives,how much he has spent on his house during the year,and so on.All this makes it difficult to decide exactly how much the tax is.There was an artist who was always

9、very careful to pay the proper amount.One year,after posting his check as usual,he began to wonder if he had paid enough,and after a lot of work,with a pencil and paper,he found that he had not.He thought that he owed the government something.He was just writing another check to send it to the tax c

10、ollector when the postman dropped a letter into the box at the front door.Opening it,the artist was surprised to find inside it a check for five pounds from the tax collector.The official explained that too much had been paid,and that therefore the difference was now returned to the taxpayer.C-16.Ac

11、cording to the passage,to decide the exact amount of tax to be paid is_.A、simpleB、easyC、difficultD、interesting学生答案:C17、阅读C-16题干中Passage One材料,完成本题。C-17.It is mentioned in the passage that one has to pay tax according to_.A、how much education one has receiveB、whether one is single or marrieC、how old

12、ones children areD、where one lives学生答案:B18、阅读C-16题干中Passage One材料,完成本题。C-18.The word“proper”in the second paragraph means_.A、smallB、bigC、rightD、wrong学生答案:C19、阅读C-16题干中Passage One材料,完成本题。C-19.After a lot of work,the artist thought that he had paid the government_.A、less tax than he should haveB、more

13、tax than he should haveC、as much tax as usualD、just enough tax学生答案:A20、阅读C-16题干中Passage One材料,完成本题。C-20.Why did the tax collector send a letter to the artist?A、To send him a new tax form.B、To return the money overpaid.C、To remind him of paying the tax.D、To explain the rules of tax paying.学生答案:B21、阅读

14、Passage Two,回答C-21到C-25四个问题。请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入题干空白处的最佳选项。Passage TwoThe Museum of Contemporary(当代的)Art(MOCA)has started a new series of programs,known as“Art Makes Good Business.”It is designed to educate pany managers about why art makes good business and how to take full advantage of it.The even

15、t is open to new and current corporate(企业法人的)members of MOCA.An understanding and appreciation of art is being a must in todays business world.Art can be a valuable tool for seeking new ways to municate with customers and raising public awareness of your panys role in the munity.During the ing months the series will look into the relationship between art,business and munity.The series will cover how to understand modern art and how art



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