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1、#Less on 6 Stay Away from the Hospital【学习目标】1、学习的任务和目标1) Grasp the words: appe ndicitis, appe ndix, sleepy, men ti on2) Grasp the phrases: not anymore, take out, feel terrible and sleepy, plenty of,have a good rest,stay in bed, now that ,have a bad day, try hard to do sth , so that, stay away fromth

2、e hospital.3) Key structures: (1) One of her teeth was rotten,so she had to go to the dentist.(2) I m sorry to hear that. (3)1 think we should try hard to form good habitsso that we can stay healthy and stay away from the hospital!2、学习的重点1) Remember the key phrases and use them freely.3、学习的难点1) Gras

3、p the structures and especially pay attention to the grammar.【学习过程】 fStep 1:自主学习一明确目标自学文本I I I IZ青同学们课前上平台阅读思考本节导学案,明确本节课的学习任务和目标。2.对照课本后面第一单元的单词表TO根据录音及单词音标,1.请录曰至I mentionU)跟读单D1读单首先会读单词接着边读边写记单词,注意中英文的转换,最后默写单3. 独立认真地预习(第 12页)面的课文。要求:阅读课文,把不理解的短语,句子用 红笔做上记号。4. 在线上对照导学案本课时完成探究归纳部分的预习。Step 2:自学检测-在

4、线测学质疑思学通过自学完成下列任务:(一)单词(Word):1. 欢呼;喝彩2. 踢3. 同情;怜悯4. 阑尾;附录5. sleepy6. 集中;聚集7. 肢体有残疾的8. mentionStep3:自展提升-合作探究展示交流通过老师和同学的一起合作交流,解决学生自学中的疑问【知识探究】知识点一1.1 don t have it anymore ,but I don t have an appendix , either !翻译:本句是一个并列句。并列句是由并列连词 an d,but,so,or等把两个或两个以上的简单句连接在一起。本句连接词but表示转折,其前后为两个简单句。It is ho

5、t in summer here,it s not cold in win ter.( an d/but )I m different from my twin sister. I love dancing , in readi ng. A. so B. or C. butD. and知识点二she is in terested结构分析:take out2. The doctor took it out!of短语,表示从某处拿出来eg.Please take your book out of your bag.翻译:Take them out !(代词放在中间)Step 4:自评巩固-自主测评

6、当堂巩固1. 独立认真完成自评巩固训练。(纸质学案上完成)2. 线上提交当堂测评客观题答案。3. 对照上传的解析,弄清错题原因,掌握正确的解题思路及方法。4. 在线下在纸质学案上订正。5. 下课后将纸质学案交给老师进行批阅。【随堂检测】I .根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. The little boy was so sthat he fell asleep quickly.2. Th ey didn t m when they would start their trip in the meeting.3. Don t w him up so early. Let him sleep fo

7、r another hour.4. Mr. Zhang didn t go to work, because he was s. He needed to go to thedoctor.5. To s healthy, I run along the river every morning.二. 根据句意,用所给单词、短语的适当形式填空,每词或短语只限使用一次。form stay away fromso that now that take out6. The doctor told him tocigarettes.7. Jenny has the habit of stay ing up

8、 late.8. The doctormy bad tooth and told me not to eat too manycan dies (糖果).9. Let s wash the clothes on Saturday we can go to the movies on Sun day.10. you have finished all the homework, you can play gameswith your friends.三. 选择填空()11.“ There will be snow this win ter, ” says the weatherma n.A. m

9、anyB. a lotC. ple nty ofD. rich in()12. When you have a bad toothache, you shouldas soon as possible.A. brush your teethB. go to the den tistC. go for a walkD. go swimmi ng()13. Tom, do you know sound travels very fast? Yes. But light travelssound.A. as fast asB. fastestC. much faster tha nD. slower

10、 tha n()14.the meteor shower (流星雨),we didnt sleep last ni ght.A. SeeC. Seeing()15. Let me help youA. now thatC. as a result ofB. To seeD. Sawwe can fin ish the work on time.B. because ofD. so that四. 从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个多余选项。(Li Mei doesn t feel well these days, so she goes to see a doctor.)D Doct

11、or Lin L Li MeiD: What s the matter with you, dear?L:16 I can t eat or drink anything.D:17L: Si nee the weather got worse last week.D: Open your mouth and say “Ah . Nothing serious. Your problem is probably causedby the bad weather.L:18 Thehaze (雾霾)makes me feel uncomfortable.D: Yes, the air has bee

12、n heavily polluted for days.You know, when the air particlesreach the level of PM 2.5, it can lead to heart, brain andrespiratory (呼吸道的)diseases.L: It sou nds terrible. 19D: Well, you d better not go out uni ess you haveto. Take some medici ne, and drinka lot of water.L:20D: You re welcome.A. Do you

13、 have a fever?B. What should I do the n?C. How long have you bee n like this?O1.CHINAEDU.COME. I have a sore throat.F. I thi nk so.G. I will. Thank you very much for yoursuggestio ns.参考答案一、1. sleepy2. men ti on3. wake4. sick5. stay二、6. stay away from7. formed8. took out9. so that10. Now that三、11-15 CBCBD四、16-20 ECFBG


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