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1、名师精编:Unit3 必考知识点精讲1. prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物);宁愿【课文原文】Which kind of transport do you prefer_to use:bus or train?(P17)preferI prefer walking alone.我比较喜欢一个人溜达。I should prefer you to wait for me at the bus stop.我宁愿让你在那个汽车站等我。Would you prefer that I come on Monday instead of on Tuesday?你是喜欢让我星期一来而不

2、是星期二来吗?I prefer to go to the movie theatre rather than watch MTV.比起MTV,我较喜欢去电影院看电影。用括号内所给词的适当形式填空He prefers _(have)a car of his own.We prefer you _(finish)the work by yourself.Tom prefers to meet his friend at the station rather than _(wait)here.My husband prefers staying at home watching TV to _(go

3、)shopping with me.I prefer that you _(keep) the secret for me.【答案】to haveto finishwaitgoingkeep2. persuade vt.说服,劝说【课文原文】Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one.(P18)两年前她买了一辆很贵的山地车,然后她说服我也买了一辆。ersuadeIll persuade him to join our club.我将劝他加入我们的俱乐部。They

4、 couldnt persuade him of their sincerity.他们无法使他相信他们的诚意。【提示】persuade意为“说服,劝服”,advise“劝说,(不一定)说服”。【对接高考】(2012全国卷)If she doesnt want to go,nothing you can say will_her.Apersuade Bpromise Cinvite Dsupport【解析】句意:假如她不想去,你说什么也不能劝服她。persuade劝服;promise许诺;invite邀请;support支持,赡养。由句意可知选A。【答案】A完成句子不要被说服买你并不需要的东西。

5、Dont let yourself _buy things you dont really want.我们最终使本相信这个决定是明智的。We finally_Ben _the wisdom of this decision.【答案】be persuaded topersuaded of3. graduate vi.毕业n.大学毕业生After graduating from college,we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.(P18)大学毕业后,我们终于有了骑自行车旅行的机会。graduate from.毕业于(学校)graduate

6、in.毕业于(专业)graduation n毕业;毕业典礼What university did you graduate from?你从哪所大学毕业的?介词填空Only thirty students graduated _Chinese last year.He is a dance learner who will graduate _school in two years.【答案】infrom4. determined adj.坚决的;有决心的She gave me a determined lookthe kind that said she would not change_her

7、_mind.(P18)她给了我一个坚定的眼神这种眼神说明她是不会改变主意的。determinebe determined to do sth.决定做某事We determine to fulfill the task ahead of time.我们决定提前完成任务。The exam results could determine your career.考试成绩可能会决定你的前途。Tomorrow she shall determine whether to go abroad or not.明天她必须决定是否出国。The _look on his face showed that he h

8、ad enough confidence in himself.Asurprised Bpuzzled Cexcited Ddetermined【解析】句意:他脸上坚定的神态说明他对自己有充足的信心。surprised吃惊的;puzzled迷惑的;excited激动的;determined坚定的。结合句意应选D。【答案】D必考短语1. care about关心,忧虑,惦念,在乎Of course she hadnt;my sister doesnt care about details.(P18)当然,她并没有看过;我姐姐是不在意细节问题的。care for照管,关心,喜爱,想要care to

9、 do sth.愿意做某事,想要做某事take care注意,当心take care of照顾;负责with care当心;仔细地I wonder whether they will care for us.我想知道他们是否喜欢我们。He had other people to take care of besides me.除我之外,他还要照顾别人。The box of eggs was marked “With Care”这个鸡蛋盒标上了“小心”字样。介词填空Jim cares_nobody but himself.The old man doesnt care _the songs on

10、 the radio.The only thing that he cares _is money.Who will care _the old woman?The children are taken care _in the nursery.【答案】aboutforaboutforof2. give in投降;屈服;让步(与to连用);呈交,交上Finally,I had to give in.(P18)最后,我只好让步了。Bloggs was at last forced to give in.布罗格斯终于被迫投降。Please give in your examination pape

11、rs now.现在请交上试卷。give away赠送;泄露;出卖give off放出;散发出(液体、气体、气味、热量、能量、光、声音等)give out分发;用完,消耗尽,筋疲力尽give up放弃,戒掉;停止;认输;把送交给give way to给让路;对让步Dont give away my secret.不要泄露我的秘密。The apples give off a very sweet smell.这些苹果散发出非常香甜的味儿。Our food supply at last gave out.我们的食物终于用完了。At no time should you give up studyin

12、g.在任何时候你都不应该放弃读书。介、副词填空He gave _large amounts of money to the people in need.I have given _expecting him to change.After a month their food supplies gave _.He will soon give _because he cant win the game.【答案】awayupoutin3. change ones mind改变主意(决定、看法)I soon realized that I could not make him change hi

13、s mind.我很快意识到我无法使他改变想法。make up ones mind下决心,决定keep.in mind记住fix ones mind upon把注意力集中在I cant make up my mind whether to come or not.我拿不定主意是否要来。It is not easy to keep in mind what you have told me.记住你告诉我的话并不容易。完成句子毕业后他们决心到农村安家落户。After graduation,they_to go and settle in the countryside.你问我的时候,我正打算改变主意。Im just going to _when you ask.要记住,在你这个年纪喝酒是违法的。_drinking alcohol at your age is illegal.



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