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1、A 安全网 safety net 按可比口径 on comparable basis 按轻重缓急 to prioritize 暗补 implicit subsidy 暗亏 hidden loss B 颁发营业执照 to license;to grant a licence to 办理存款业务 to take deposits 保护农民的生产积极性 to protect farmersincentive to produce 备付金(超额准备金) excess reserves 本外币并账 consolidation of domestic and foreign currency accoun

2、ts 本外币对冲操作 sterilization operation 本位利益 localized interest;departmentalism 奔小康 to strive to prosper;to strive to become well-to-do 避税(请见“逃税”) tax avoidance 币种搭配不当 currency mismatch 币种构成 currency composition 变相社会集资 disguised irregular(or illegal) fund raising 表外科目(业务) off-balance-sheet items(operatio

3、n) 单薄环节 weaknesses;loopholes 不变成本 fixed cost 不变价 at constant price;in real terms 不动产 real estate 不良贷款(资产) problem loans;non-performing loans(assets)C 财务公司 finance companies 财政赤字 fiscal deficit 财政挤银行 fiscal pressure on the central bank(over monetary policy) 财政政策与货币政策的配合 coordination of fiscal and mon

4、etary policies 采用循序渐进的措施 in a phased and sequenced manner 操作弹性 operational flexibility 操纵汇率 to manipulate exchange rate 产品构成 product composition; product mix 产品积压 stock pile; excessive inventory 产销率 current period inventory;(即期库存,不含前期库存)sales/output ratio 产销衔接 marketability 产业政策 industrial policy 长期

5、国债 treasury bonds 敞口头寸 open position 炒股 to speculate in the stock market 承购包销 underwrite(securities) 成套机电产品 complete sets of equipment;complete plant(s) 都市信用社 urban credit cooperatives(UCCs) 都市合伙银行 urban cooperative banks;municipal united banks 都市商业银行 municipal commercial banks 城乡居民收入增长超过物价涨幅 real g

6、rowth in household income 持续升温 persistent overheating 反复布点 duplicate projects 重置成本 replacement cost 重组筹划 restructuring plan 筹资渠道 funding sources;financing channels 初见成效 initial success 出口统一管理、归口经营 canalization of exports 出口退税 export tax rebate 储蓄存款 household deposits(不完全等同于西方的savings deposits,前者涉及活期

7、存款,后者不涉及。) 储蓄分流 diversion of household deposits 储源萎缩 decline in the availability of household savings 传导机制 transmission mechanism 从价税 ad valorem tax 从紧控制 tight control 存贷款比例 loan/deposit ratio 存款保险体系 deposit insurance system 存款货币银行 deposit money banks 存款准备金 required reserves D 打白条 issue IOU 大额存单 cer

8、tificate of deposit(CD) 大额提现 withdraw deposits in large amounts 大面积滑坡 wide-spread decline 大一统的银行体制 (all-in-one)mono-bank system 呆账(请见“坏账”) bad loans 呆账准备金 loan loss reserves(provisions) 呆滞贷款 idle loans 贷款沉淀 non-performing loans 贷款分类 loan classification 贷款限额管理 credit control;to impose credit ceiling

9、贷款约束机制 credit disciplinary(constraint)mechanism 代理国库 to act as fiscal agent 代理金融机构贷款 make loans on behalf of other institutions 戴帽贷款 ear-marked loans 倒逼机制 reversed transmission of the pressure for easing monetary condition 道德风险 moral hazard 地区差别 regional disparity 第一产业 the primary industry 第二产业 the

10、secondary industry 第三产业 the service industry;the tertiary industry 递延资产 deferrable assets 订货局限性 insufficient orders 定期存款 time deposits 定向募集 raising funds from targeted sources 东道国(请见“母国”) host country 独立核算 independent accounting 短期国债 treasury bills 对冲操作 sterilization operation;hedging 对非金融部门债权 claim

11、s on non-financial sector 多种所有制形式 diversified ownership E 恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation 二级市场 secondary market F 发行货币 to issue currency 发行总股本 total stock issue 法定准备金 required reserves;reserve requirement 法人股 institutional shares 法人股东 institutional shareholders 法治 rule of law 房地产投资 real estate investment 放松银根

12、 to ease monetary policy 非现场稽核 off-site surveillance(or monitoring) 非银行金融机构 non-bank financial institutions 非获利性机构 non-profit organizations 分税制 assignment of central and local taxes;tax assignment system 分业经营 segregation of financial business(services);division of business scope based on the type of

13、 financial institutions 风险暴露(风险敞口) risk exposure 风险管理 risk management 风险意识 risk awareness 风险资本比例 risk-weighted capital ratios 风险资本原则 risk-based capital standard 服务事业收入 public service charges;users charges 扶贫 poverty alleviation 负增长 negative growth 复式预算制 double-entry budgeting;capital and current bud

14、getary account G 改革试点 reform experimentation 杠杆率 leverage ratio 杠杆收购 leveraged buyout 高息集资 to raise funds by offering high interest 个人股 non-institutional shares 主线扭转 fundamental turnaround(or reversal) 公开市场操作 open market operations 公款私存 deposit public funds in personal accounts 公用事业 public utilities

15、 公有经济 the state-owned sector;the public sector 公有制 public ownership 工业成本利润率 profit-to-cost ratio 工业增长值 industrial value added 供不小于求 supply exceeding demand;excessive supply 鼓励措施 incentives 股份合伙公司 joint-equity cooperative enterprises 股份制公司 joint-equity enterprises 股份制银行 joint-equity banks 固定资产贷款 fixed asset loans 关税减免 tariff reduction and exemption 关税减让 tariff concessions 关税优惠 tariff incentives;preferential tariff treatment 规范行为 to regularize(or standardize)behavior 规模效益 economies of scale 国计民生 na


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