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1、1. The aircraft base is protected with specially designed shelters which are built to ground and air attacks.A) launch B) withstand C) contest D) contend Note: To withstand a force, an action, or an attack is to survive it or do not give in to it.2. Im pleased to hear of your job offer - all that ha

2、rd work at school has obviously.A) paid off B) taken its toll C) madea difference D) shown up Note: If an effort or actionpays off it is successfulor profitable after a period of time.3. The talks might for weeks before any concrete result is announced.A) press on B) drag on C) get bogged down D) ho

3、ld out Note: You say that an event or process drags on when you disapprove of the fact that it lasts for longer than necessary.4. Weneed someonereally who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.A) crucial B) realistic C) essentialD) efficientNote: If someone is efficient , he is able to do

4、 tasks successfully, without wasting time or energy.5. Once Mrs. Kirkpatrick you in conversation, yourestuck with her for at least half an hour.A) submerges B) engages C) occupies D) launchesNote: If youengage someone in conversation , you have aconversation with him.6. Their refusal to compromise i

5、s a major that standsin the way of further peace talks.A) obstacle B) complication C) entity D) hazard Note: An obstacle is a problem or difficulty that makes a situation harder to deal with.7. However, the new law, once passed, will theBridlington agreement illegal by giving workers the right to jo

6、in unions of their choice.A) convert B) render C) cancel D) eliminateNote: Render can be used with an adjective that describes a particular state to say that someone or something is changed into that state. For example, if someone or something makes a thing harmless, you can say that they render it

7、harmless.8. I will hold you personally if anything goes wrongin this project.A) destructive B) lucrative C) diverseD) responsibleNote: If you hold someone responsible for something , you will blame them if anything goes wrong.9. Due to his recent failure to meet the deadline, Jasonis from the list f

8、or promotion.A) eliminated B) retreated C) pried D) wrenchedNote: Whena person or team is eliminated from a competition, they are defeated and so take no further part in the competition.10. The intelligence department was accused of failure to the troops to the possibility of an enemy attackduring t

9、he weekend.A) instruct B) warn C) dictateD) alertNote: If you alert someone to a situation, especially a dangerous or unpleasant situation, you tell them about it.11. Now that weve got a loan from the bank, our projectis financially.A) constructive B) feasible C) favorable D) stiffNote: If something

10、 is feasible , it can be done, made, or achieved.12. Under normal circumstances the body can thesenaturally occurring substances into vitamins.A) convert B) render C) derive D) originateNote: To convert one thing into another is to change it into a different form.13. This course focuses on the of ec

11、onomic analysisto the problems of inflation, unemployment, the balance of payments and enterprise behavior.A) conception B) combination C) application D) introductionNote: The application of a rule, a study, or a piece of knowledge is the use of it in a particular situation.14. You can the video cam

12、era on a tripod (三脚架),so that you dont have to worry about holding it steady while you ask questions.A) withstand B) mount C) implement D) dwellNote: If you mount an object on something, you fix it there firmly.15. The camps are not usually tent-type camps. They are mostly long-established,structure

13、s, often with strange Indian names.A) permanent B) historical C) monotonous D) raw Note: Something that is permanent lasts for ever.16. A firm might sometimes sell at a loss to drive a competitor out of business, and increase its marketpower.A) therefore B) thereby C) hence D) further Note: You use

14、thereby to introduce an important result or consequence of the event or action you have just mention.17.students should be motivated by a keen interest in theater and should have some familiarity with plays in production.A) Prospective B) Responsible C) Ethnic D) RealisticNote: You use prospective t

15、o describe someone who wants to be the thing mentioned or who is likely to be the thing mentioned.18. Our postgraduate students are fully integrated into the departmental research and, in addition, participate in the Postgraduate Education Programme.A) cooperation B) endeavor C) administration D) ne

16、twork Note: An endeavor is an attempt to do something, especially something new or original.19. As a reporter, I was paid to into other peopleslives.A) pry B) convert C) blurt D) carveNote: If someone pries , they try to find out about someone elses private affairs or look at their personal possessions.20. The ball was out of his grasp by a player on theo



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