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1、Unit 1 My names Gina. 单元复习复习前活动复习内容:问候用语活动设计意图: 激发学习兴趣,引出将要复习的内容。 教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 1复习问候用语,激发学生的兴趣。 Ask students to list ways of greeting. List ways of greeting.复习问候用语 基础知识测评词汇测评复习内容:教材Self Check 活动设计意图: 通过练习,检测学生本单元基础知识掌握情况。 教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 2布置课本Self Check Activity 1任务,利用PPT演示,监测重点词的掌握。 Ask studen

2、ts to do Exercise 1. Check ( ) the words they know. I it is ID card what my hello your his her first name last name telephone numberCheck ( ) the words they know.在认识的词语前打勾。Step 3布置课本Self Check Activity 2任务,让学生在笔记本上记下一些新单词。 Ask students to write some new words in their notebooks. Write some new words

3、 in their notebooks.在笔记本上记下一些新单词。Step 4布置课本Self Check Activity 3 任务,让学生先填写卡片,然后介绍两个同学。 Ask students to introduce two classmates in the cards. 可先让学生填卡片,然后请两三个学生在班上作口头介绍。Sample:This is my classmate. His name is Introduce two classmates in the cards.填写卡片,介绍两个同学。 综合测评复习内容:见Self Check基础句型学习评价活动设计意图:通过练习进

4、行单元重点句型的检测。 教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 5可以先布置学生利用20分钟完成测试题,利用PPT演示答案,进行核对及讲解。Ask students to finish the test. Then check the answers. Finish the test. 独立完成测试题。Check the answers.核对答案。 单元综合测评复习内容:见Self Check单元知识达标学习效果评价活动设计意图: 通过练习进行单元达标检测。 教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 6布置学生完成测试题,然后让学生与同桌互换,演示PPT,核对答案。 Ask students to fini

5、sh Test B individually. Finish Test B individually.独立完成测试B。 Step 7布置学生进行小组合作小结本单元知识: Ask students to sum up in groups.词汇:my, name, is, names = name is, clock, I, am, Im = I am, nice, to, meet, you, what, whats = what is, your, hello, hi, his, and, her, question, answer, look, first, first name, last

6、, last name, boy, girl, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, telephone, number, telephone number, phone, phone number, it, its = it is, card, ID card, family, family name 句型: Whats your name? My name is Gina. Im Gina. Nice to meet you. Whats your phone number? Its 284-2942.语法:

7、系动词be1) Affirmative statements (肯定句) I am Elizabeth Smith. She / He / It is tall. We / You / They are right.2) Negative statements (否定句) I am not a teacher. She / He isnt my classmate. We / They arent from Canada.3) Yes / No questions and short answers. (一般疑问句及简略答语) Am I right? Yes, you are. / No, y

8、ou arent. Is he / she your friend? Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isnt. Are we / you / they in the same class? Yes, we / they are. / No, we / they arent. 4) Contraction (缩略形式)Im = I am youre = you are hes = he isshes = she is were = we are theyre = they are isnt = is not arent = are notSum up in g

9、roups. 小组合作小结单元知识。Step 8小结后,可以组织学生进行游戏竞赛活动,进一步巩固本单元知识。Ask students to play the game.(Task 1)如小组计时接龙比赛: S1: I am a boy.S2: He is a boy. I am a girl.S3: He is a boy. She is a girl. I am a boy.S4: He is a boy. She is a girl. He is a boy. I am a girl. S5: I am a boy.Play the game.(Task 1)进行游戏竞赛活动。Step 9

10、布置自我介绍的口头表达任务,可以在小组内进行交流。 Ask students to finish the oral practice.Sample: I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. I am a student. My name is Alice. My father is a doctor. He is forty years old. My mother is a teacher. She is thirty-nine. I love them very much. We are a happy fam

11、ily.Finish Task 2. 完成口语交流任务。Step 10布置学生完成Task 3。 Ask students to finish Task 3. Sample: This is my new friend. His name is Eric. His phone number is 579372. His favorite color is blue. His favorite subject is English. Another friend is Gina. She is a girl. Her phone number is 586391. Her favorite co

12、lor is green. Her favorite subject is P.E. What about your new friends?Finish Task 3. 按教师要求完成任务。Step 11布置学生完成Task 4。(根据学生情况,可以先口头练习,再进行书面练习。)Ask students to finish Task 4.Task 4:我眼中的名人This is I like him very much. His first name is His last name is Finish Task 4. 按教师要求完成任务。 基础句型学习评价 一、看身份证并回答问题。 ID

13、Card First name: GinaLast name: Green Telephone number: 3987621. Whats her last name? _ 2. Whats her first name? _3. Whats her telephone number? _ Key:1. Her last name is Green. 2. Her first name is Gina. 3. Her telephone number is 398762. 二、看身份证,并把她的信息介绍给大家。 ID Card Her name: Helen MillerHer first

14、name: HelenHer last name: MillerHer age: 12 years oldHer telephone number: 860395 Her class: Class 2 Her e-mail address: Key: I have a friend. Her name is Helen Miller. Her first name is Helen. Her last name is Miller. She is 12 years old. Her telephone number is 860395. She is in Class 2. Her e-mail address is . 单元知识达标学习效果评价 一、圈出下



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