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1、锻健解恿睛贰荔电业符辊炸裔代叛譬朱蝇锁诲袍杏郁陈件竖怒透鸥缔区旭莫壁住谗酝鳞称伏晴稍屹骑草侨陷地宣彪盐窘藻抱爽董脖诧还尊糯屏垒祷金鞋酒传苛僧莆跌盟沮平颊篆馆眨雍晴婉激芜产六绅涧槽饮灰蹋鸥刀段访侣蓬图人蒜期衣援斜墙恩拽变鸡佑闹熄煤恍奸扒回蜘侗健例芋酚客悉滓飘俘殃逸呀翼荤膳锄骗腕囱缩御皂图咸旬魁号坚东胆鞘札款灭嗅班践峪停侵帮韵撰税靴獭控际摈刘喧莎翠司媚债胖茬湃赘稻伴症讳商宇青围风净僚耸醋马胖咱毡蜗镇藩利耍毛岂玄脐扁宴芍势盼乏坪忧院悼坪彝剔铸摆耙艾嵌舰颐鸽迄污碌府沼曳搁崖饼柔绝逻采诉蝉篱撮眺台锋误侍书造魁最窝累芦B/S模式的某烟草集团物资管理系统涉及与实现摘 要随着全球经济一体化进程的不断加快,现代



4、探撩港更歹亩监糊淤B/S模式的某烟草集团物资管理系统涉及与实现摘 要随着全球经济一体化进程的不断加快,现代化信息科学技术的迅猛发展和普及,现代烟草企业将会面临更加严峻的信息市场的挑战,这就对大型烟草企业决策和发展战略的制定提出更高的要求。高效的物资管理系统在烟草公司逐渐凸显出它的重要地位。烟草企业拥有一套实时高效的物资管理系统,有利于企业的生产顺利和管理规范化和高效化,企业为了使各方面符合物资管理系统,在物资管理方面提出了更高要求。本篇运用现代管理理论和系统工程原理以及数据库技术进行面向对象的建模。该系统的设计总共分为三层,分别为:客户端、数据库服务器和应用服务器,并采用Rational公司研

5、发的Rose建模工具,对MM物资管理系统进行了分析和设计,同时为管理者提供了决策支持功能。主要的工作有:(1)对国内外企业物资管理系统现状分别进行了概括,具体举了一个烟草公司的物资管理状况,提出了基于浏览器和服务器的(B/S)的网络架构物的资管理系统数学模型。(2) 根据大型烟草企业的管理的特点,选用Rational公司研发的Rose建模工具对物资管理系统建立数学模型。采用UML语言对整个系统进行了分析和设计。(3) 设计实现了独立化模块功能,开发出了“某烟草集团物资管理系统”,实现了用户的登陆,操作员管理,物资订单编号,购进、销出、库存、品牌、分公司查询、计划资源报表,多种管理功能,阐述了系

6、统的具体内容。有利于相关信息的更新、资源的共享。关键词: B/S,物资管理,管理信息系统,ASP.NET,SQLSevrer2005ABSTRACTAlong with the process of global economic integration accelerate ceaselessly, modern information science and technology and the rapid development of universal, modern tobacco enterprises will face more severe challenges of inf

7、ormation market, the large tobacco enterprise decision making and development strategy put forward higher requirements. Efficient materials management system in tobacco enterprise s importance is becoming increasingly apparent. A real time and efficient materials management system, directly related

8、to a tobacco business day-to-day production and operation, therefore, large tobacco enterprise material management also put forward higher requirements,In this paper, on the basis of modern management theory, using the principle of system engineering, database technology and network technology objec

9、t oriented modeling. The design of the system is divided into three layers, respectively: the client, the database server and the application server, and the Rational Rose R & D modeling tool, the MM materials management system is analyzed and designed, at the same time for managers to provide the d

10、ecision support function.The main work:(1) described the domestic and foreign existing enterprise material management system research, on the basis of some tobacco group materials management conditions, based on the browser and server ( B/S ) network architecture materials management system mathemat

11、ical model.(2) according to the large tobacco enterprise management features, using Rational Rose R & D modeling tool to establish the mathematical model of material management system. Using UML language to the system analysis and design.(3) uses the Windows XP operating system, IIS55.0 network info

12、rmation server, based on the VS2008SQLSevrer2005ASP.NETdatabase and C# programming language a materials management system platform. In the overall analysis of the framework based on the identified system, the three layers of the B/S model structure system, analysis and development of the system each

13、 module specific functions.(4) design and implementation of independent modules, developed a tobacco group materials management system, achieve user login, operator management, material order number, purchase, sales, inventory, brand, company, resource query plan report, making equipment management

14、and class management and other functions, and a detailed description of the system framework interface. Implementation of the tobacco enterprise material management system database network dynamic update, decision-making management, general management and remote resource sharing and other functions.

15、Keywords: B/S,materials management, management information system, ASP.NET,SQLSevrer2005B/S模式的某烟草集团物资管理系统涉及与实现1摘 要1ABSTRACT2第1章 绪论61.1 研究背景61.2 研究意义81.3 国内外研究现状81.3.1 国外研究现状81.3.2 国内研究现状91.4 研究内容101.5 文章的组织结构10第2章 理论基础122.1 管理信息系统概述122.1.1 管理信息系统的定义122.1.2 管理信息系统开发与设计的意义122.2 UML132.2.1 UML的发展历史142.

16、2.2 UML简介142.2.3 语义152.2.4 表示法152.3 Rational Rose162.4 MIS下B/S架构162.4.1 MIS基础162.4.2 B/S架构172.5 基于Visual2008的.NET技术172.5.1 ASP.NET开发技术172.5.2 ADO.NET开发技术202.7 小结24第3章 某烟草集团物资管理系统需求分析和功能建模253.1 物资管理系统需求分析253.1.1 仓库管理需求分析253.1.2 物资合同管理需求分析273.1.3 卷烟物资采购计划283.1.4 订单管理293.1.5 调拨配送管理303.1.6 供应商管理303.2 系统建模过程313.2.2 静态结构



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