高考英语一轮复习 Unit4 Earthquakes单项填空全方位训练1 新人教版必修1

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1、2014届高考英语一轮复习全方位配套训练人教版必修一Unit 4 Earthquakes单项填空1第组1.The audience waited until Shenzhou-X touched the ground and then applause.A.burst out B.burst onC.burst in D.burst into2.It will at least take five months to repair the ship that was seriously by the hurricane (飓风).A.hurt B.ruinedC.damaged D.broke

2、n3. from what he said,he knew nothing about the accident.A.To judge B.JudgedC.Judging D.Having judged4. is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth once every month.A.It B.AsC.That D.Which5.The more careful pedestrians are walking on the road, .A.there will be less accidents B.the less th

3、ere will be accidentsC.the less accidents will there be D.the less accidents there will be6.Many people are suffering from the earthquake.I see.Food and clothes should be sent to them .A.on purposeB.at presentC.right away D.ever since7.It was a night,the dam cracked and then burst under the weight o

4、f water.A.frighten B.frightenedC.frightening D.frightens8.Alice, on your wonderful performance!Ill treat you to cold drinks.A.congratulationB.good luckC.congratulationsD.good lucks9.Mum,Ive at last passed the final exam. A.Congratulations! B.Thats all right.C.Good luck. D.Really good.10. large numbe

5、r of books have been stolen from the library,havent they?Yes. number of them is 26,000.A.The;The B.A;TheC.A;A D.The;/11.It everyone to hear all of the villagers behind the mountain were killed in the earthquake.A.suffered B.shockedC.persuaded D.destroyed12.Why did you throw your radio away?Water had

6、 got into it,and it was completely .A.ugly B.smellyC.useless D.fluent13.Soon after the quake,one thousand soldiers were sent out to the miners from the local coal mine.A.shelter B.rescueC.bury D.injure14.Two days later,the fighting between the two countries left the area .A.in fear B.in silenceC.in

7、ruins D.in peace15.Whats the matter? It seems youve caught a cold.Oh,Im just too tired.A.as if B.ever sinceC.because D.when答案:1.D burst out意为“迸发,突然(哭/笑)”,后接doing,不能直接跟名词;burst on意为“突然来到”;burst in意为“闯入”;burst into意为“突然进入某种状态”,后接名词;burst into applause的含义是“突然爆发出掌声”。2.C hurt表示“伤害”;ruin表示“毁掉”;damage表示“损坏

8、”,但可以修复;break表示“打碎,打破”。根据句子中的repair the ship可知应选择damaged。3.C judging from是固定短语,意思是“从来判断”。4.B as引导非限制性定语从句,可置于句首,而which引导非限制性定语从句不能置于句首。5.D “the形容词的比较级主语谓语,the形容词的比较级主语谓语”为固定句型。句意:行人在路上走时越小心,交通事故就越少。6.C 句意:“地震灾区的很多人们正在受苦受难。”“我知道,食物和衣服应该立即(right away)送给他们。”on purpose故意地;at present目前;ever since从那以后。7.C

9、 句意:那是一个可怕的夜晚,大坝断裂,然后在水的压力下突然决堤了。frightening “可怕的,令人恐惧的”,形容事物,符合题意。frighten“吓唬;使惊吓”;frightened“受惊的,受恐吓的”,形容人。8.C congratulation表口头祝贺一般用复数,故排除A项;而luck为不可数名词,故排除D项;从语境可以看出是在演出之后,故排除B项选择C项。9.A 本题考查交际用语。孩子通过了期末考试,所以母亲应该表示祝贺。B项可用于回答表示歉意的话;C项应在考试之前说;D项有汉语的特征。10.B 此题考查短语辨析。a number of 许多,大量;the number of.的

10、数量。根据两句的句意可知B项正确。11.B 此题考查动词词义辨析。句意:听到山后的所有村民都在地震中遇难的消息,每个人都感到震惊(shocked)。suffer遭受,忍受;persuade说服,劝说;destroy破坏,消灭,均不符合句意。12.C 此题考查形容词词义辨析。根据答语“收音机进水了”可推测它完全没有用了。故选C。ugly丑陋的;smelly有臭味的;fluent流畅的,均不符合句意。13.B 此题考查动词词义辨析。句意:地震后不久,一千名士兵被派去营救当地煤矿里的矿工。故选B,rescue“营救”。shelter掩蔽;bury埋葬,隐藏;injure损害,伤害,均不符合句意。14.C 此题考查短语辨析。句意:经过这两个国家两天的战争,这个地区变成了废墟。in ruins严重受损,破败不堪,符合句意。in fear害怕地;in silence沉默地;in peace和平地。15.A 问句句意:怎么了?你好像感冒了。as if好像,符合句意。ever since从那以后;because因为;when当时,均不符合句意。3



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